Sunday, October 19, 2014

gather. {His lambs}

I love this picture of a gentle Shepherd, feeding His flock, gathering and carrying the lambs, gently guiding the sheep. 

Oh, how very, very thankful I am to be His lamb, to have been gathered by his arm! 

This is day 19 in the series gather.  Click ~here~ to see more.


  1. Oh yes, this is one of my favourite verses. When I first read it a long time ago, I felt such comfort in His tenderness.

    Thank you for sharing that with us today. So beautiful.


  2. When our children were elementary students in a Lutheran school, I fell in love with this hymn that they learned:
    "I Am Jesus; Little Lamb"
    by Henrietta L. von Hayn, 1724-1782

    1. I am Jesus' little lamb,
    Ever glad at heart I am;
    For my Shepherd gently guides me,
    Knows my need, and well provides me,
    Loves me every day the same,
    Even calls me by my name.

    2. Day by day, at home, away,
    Jesus is my Staff and Stay.
    When I hunger, Jesus feeds me,
    Into pleasant pastures leads me;
    When I thirst, He bids me go
    Where the quiet waters flow.

    3. Who so happy as I am,
    Even now the Shepherd's lamb?
    And when my short life is ended,
    By His angel host attended,
    He shall fold me to His breast,
    There within His arms to rest.

  3. Beautiful verse! So comforting to know He carries us so affectionately.

  4. A great Gather for you and beautifully written out. I'll carry this with me this week.
