Friday, October 3, 2014

gather. {pumpkin}

I have never met a pumpkin I did not like love. 

I love pumpkin spice iced coffee from Dunkin Donut. I love pumpkin muffins. I love Kati's pumpkin cake. (And I'm glad she makes one for her birthday every year). (Yes, the girl makes her own birthday cake.) (Because my layer cakes are...well...not always successful?) I love the pumpkin roll that my sister makes. I love pumpkin waffles. And did I mention pumpkin bread

photo by Bekah

Pumpkin candles are the bomb. I buy them on clearance in December so I have a stash when autumn rolls around again.

Do you gather pumpkin flavors and scents too? Or are you like my friend Becky who feels like this...
~ source ~

This is day 3 in the series gather.  Click ~here~ to see more.


  1. I do enjoy pumpkin treats...

  2. I agree! Love all of it - EXCEPT pumpkin pie! Pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin yogurt, all the things you mentioned - yum. Oh, and the candles are divine. I am going to keep my eye out for some on sale after Thanksgiving so I can stock up. I did that after Christmas last year and have several Bath & Body Balsam candles ready for Christmastime. Do you all have Dairy Queens? They have a seasonal Pumpkin Pie Blizzard that I look forward to all year. Try it if you can.

  3. I love all things pumpkin, TOO!!!!
    Have not had the Starbucks Pumpkin Latte yet this year. Something for me to look forward to!

  4. I do like good pumpkin pie and muffins but I haven't wrapped my head around pumpkin coffee for some reason :-)

  5. I like much that is pumpkin and my favorite is pumpkin black bean soup. I also love to stir pumpkin into meals I'm making or add to soup.

  6. Oh yes, I love pumpkin too! And that reminds me, I haven't had a pumpkin donut for a long time.

  7. I love pumpkin everything! Yum! We've already had pumpkin coffee, muffins, bread, doughnuts scones and cake. :-)

    Wish we could have pumpkin scented candles, but hubby has bad asthma and he can't be around artificial scents. :-(

    Still on the list to make is pumpkin pie, waffles and pancakes.

  8. I have to admit - no, I don't. I like the taste of various pumpkin dishes, but artificial pumpkin scents usually seem off to me somehow. And I have been known to spit out pumpkin flavor coffee. Ugh... LOL!
