Tuesday, October 14, 2014

gather. {to celebrate}

If you've read here very long, you know that we love to celebrate...and we never miss a birthday!

On Sunday, we gathered to celebrate my dad's birthday.  

The candles were "sparkling" candles. 
I hadn't really thought about what that meant. 
I simply liked that they were colorful and skinny and taller than the average birthday candle.

But when Gampy tried to blow them out, those crazy candles surprised us all and kept coming back!!
Birthday surprises can be fun! :)

Did you notice in the photos how his great-grandchildren are gathered around my dad, fully participating in the candle-blowing and the birthday-singing and the gift-opening and the card-sharing?

It brought to my mind this verse from Scripture...

"Children's children are the crown of old men."
Proverbs 17:6

We are never sorry that we took the time to gather in celebration!

(If you'd like to read more about celebrations and how we do them, 
you might want to read my 2013 series CeLeBRaTe!!)

This is day 14 in the series gather.  Click ~here~ to see more.


  1. That is wonderful! We are big on celebrations at my house too!

  2. What sweet family times. And we have had many birthdays celebrated with those "trick" candles (as we call them). Always a lot of laughter involved!

  3. LOVE this and LOVE that verse! Enjoy your day...

  4. Yes, I DID notice :)
    One picture is worth 1,000 words & your post was a full-length novel! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to ALL generations.

  5. Yours is one of the most celebratin' families I've ever seen! (That's a good thing, btw) I love that the festivities are generational!

  6. You caught some great grins! And I see that the children have been designing birthday cards...always my favorite to receive! Your dad's, too, I think.

  7. Your dad looks so pleased to be surrounded by those happy children. What a grand celebration.

  8. How wonderful to see the children of his grandchildren gathered around to celebrate their great-granddad!

    He looked like he had a pretty good time, too!


  9. Happy birthday wishes to your sweet dad!

  10. That's a great reflection on that verse Cheryl. Precious...

  11. Those candles are fun, even more so as no one was expecting it! Happy Birthday to your Dad.

  12. Your dad looks like he's having fun on his birthday! It's fun to celebrate, especially with loved ones. Happy Birthday to your dad!
