Monday, October 27, 2014

gather {weekend snapshots}

On Saturday, we rose early and took a little road trip. It was a Special Day for our two grandboys, Owen (8) and Ben (6)! 

photo by Kati

On Sunday afternoon, we welcomed friends for dinner: Bekah's piano teacher and her husband. Bekah has taken piano lessons from Jackie for 3 1/2 years, but we discovered many things that we did not know about one another, and were surprised to learn of several mutual friends, past and present. It's a small world. There is just something about gathering around a table that enables you to connect on a different level. 

Bonus: We were treated to a lovely piano duet!

Weekend gatherings. Investment in relationships. Good times. 

This is day 27 in the series gather.  Click ~here~ to see more.


  1. Gatherings around the table are the BEST! Looks like you had some wonderful experiences over the weekend.

  2. My sister took lessons with Jackie and loved her! I'm hoping to start lessons with her for my older kids in the next year or two.

  3. What a great family outing! So many fun things to do in the fall, don't you think?

  4. You really made the most of your weekend!

  5. What a great way to spend the weekend!

    I like they way you phrased it - investing in relationships.

    Those boys had a special day, indeed!


  6. Yes I like the investing in relationship phrase too. It's so worth it! It looks like you had a wonderful Fall weekend!

  7. This is a beautiful post. It's so much fun to play a piano duet with someone! And so sweet to gather around the table with friends!
