Saturday, May 16, 2015

Saturday Graces

Graces...things that I do not deserve, but that He has seen fit to give to me. These are all joys here on a May Saturday.

~ Going to brunch with some long time friends. Our paths don't cross nearly as often as they did once upon a time. This morning we have set aside some time to connect. We'll probably talk through lunchtime and maybe longer. We may be home for dinner. 

~ Pots of color.  We pushed to get things potted in time for our Mother's Day gathering. A few things were finished up this week, but now we can enjoy them throughout the summer. 

A grandson who asked if he could make dessert for Sunday.   
Eight-year-old Owen loves to bake and looks for opportunities to share his creations, so when he ran over to our van as we were leaving an event this week and asked if he could bring dessert, of course I said yes! (Don't tell him I said this, but he is the cutest baker!)
This is a photo of Owen when Aunt Kati cleaned out her cookbook stash and asked him if he was interested in any. (He was.)

~ Springtime.  And views like this...

~ A kitty on the porch.

~ A clean(ish) house.  We had a busy week with lots of extras. Bonus: We had to get the house presentable for guests which means no cleaning on Saturday! I guess I can talk with my friends through lunchtime...or later.

What are the graces in your world today? 


  1. Look at that spiderwort go! Have a delightful time reconnecting with dear friends. You might need to plan a weekend retreat!

    Looking forward to what the grandboy makes for dessert!

  2. How wonderful to have a young baker in the family. Love that pic of him with his new cookbooks! Your words and spring views are just a blessing today. Have a wonderful time renewing friendship this morning.

  3. You've got some lovely blooms and what a handsome young baker. I think that is really neat. I love the picture of him with his load of cookbooks.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. Very nice. How fun that you have a little baker! Spring looks nice in and outside of your house!

  5. Lovely springtime blooms and sunshine. Our ladies Sunday School class went to the regional farmer's market and ate at the restaurant there...the Moose Cafe...absolutely wonderful restaurant! Fresh biscuits the size of your fist and yummy homemade chunky apple butter to go with! It was fun day! So...what is he making for dessert??

  6. My spiderwort is not blooming yet. I guess you are south of us enough to be ahead of us in the blooming department!

    I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends. Love that your grand loves to bake!


  7. Enjoyed both seeing all of your lovely flowers and hearing about all your graceful blessings. Always a treat. Looking forward to seeing what that cute little baker comes up with. Enjoy your day!

  8. That is a cute baker you have there! Love the plants also!

  9. Your flowers are so pretty and I always enjoy visiting your blog! There are many things on my list. Life is good (if a tad too busy) and I am blessed. Happy Sunday to you!

  10. You do have an adorable baker! It's always good to take note of all the graces we are blessed with each day. Don't you just love spring? I love all your plants.
