Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mother's Day Follow-Up

Here at the blog, on Facebook, and in private emails, there was discussion about my Mother's Day musings and the blog post that I linked. I want to reiterate that I am all for honoring motherhood and mothers! I have always wanted to be a mother. I love being a mother. In fact, I consider motherhood my life's work. I am so very thankful that I was given that grace. 

If you know me, you will know that political correctness is not what I am about. (You might even be surprised to know that I am not about political anything, but that's another topic.) What I am about is being gracious to those who have a different calling or a different set of circumstances and trying to see things from their perspective.  

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Now to answer a couple of your questions about our Mother's Day menu...

Have you ever watched the movie version of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility? Such a great movie! One of my favorite lines comes after Maryanne is spurned by Willoughby, she is sobbing uncontrollably, and Mrs. Jennings is trying to find something to comfort her.

"Does she care for olives?" she asks. 

At this point, we all laugh hysterically at the absurdity of olives as the answer to the depths of despair!

But my mom does indeed "care for olives" so I decided to make Olive Cheese Bread as an appetizer on Mother's Day. If you care for olives, you will want to look for an opportunity to make this bread! Yum!! 

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I may have made the Olive Cheese Bread for my mom, but the dessert (shameless admission here) I made for me! (The other chocoholics loved it too.)

Pots de Creme is a beautiful, elegant dessert that is surprisingly easy to make! Bekah and I made these on Saturday night (the cream was freshly whipped and added on Sunday afternoon) and decided to put them in the Grandmother teacups as a nod to another mother in our ancestry.

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I hope that you always feel free to contribute to honest, gracious discussion here at Thinking About Home. I know that I welcome your thoughts.

I also welcome your questions and curiosities and will do my best to respond to each one. 

Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, 
that you may know how you ought to answer each one. 
Colossians 4:6


  1. Thanks for getting back to us on the menu and recipes. I also love, love, love chocolate and this really is an easy recipe. Sharon D.

  2. I had to pin the recipe first and then come back here. 'Care for olives' is a huge understatement in this home! I DO love the Sense and Sensibility, especially the one with Hattie Morahan. I wanted to get to the coast of England and find that house that's in the movie. Not this time. Anyway, I agree with your about motherhood. Not everyone wants to be a mother, but everyone respectful deserves respect.

  3. I wondered if that was the PW olive bread. It looks so good and I had just been staring at it on her website. Thanks for the link.

    I am so going to do the pots de creme in tea cups!

  4. Oh, I hope you didn't think that I was thinking YOU were becoming politically correct about this subject. I do want to be sensitive to others, but I really want to honor mothers, asI know you do. I also am happy to honor women who mentor and who disciple others, I want to honor aunties who are involved in their nieces and nephews lives, and women who make a difference in others lives as well. I just also want to be able to say "Happy Mother's Day" without people being offended. Does that make sense? I am in agreement with your post! And those Pots de Creme! Lovely! And in Grandmother's china? Delightful!

    Love you

  5. I was thinking it looked like olives on the bread. It is very similar to something my SIL would fix on holidays except it had only green olive and cream cheese as the base....looks sooo good! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  6. Love the presentation of the pots de creme in those beautiful tea cups. That was a sweet gesture to make your mom something with olives!

  7. I think using those precious tea cups was an inspiring idea!!

  8. I noticed the presentation in the beautiful teacups. I think this is the very dessert I raved about when we were hosted in a home of strangers on our recent trip to FL. I did not get a chance to ask for the recipe but it was delightful. I believe she served it with a small dollop of ice cream, but it seemed more like whip cream to me, though firmer. Whatever it was so good! And now I think I have the recipe. Thanks for the link. Whatever you share is interesting and worth a good discussion!

  9. Hi Cheryl, I read your blog post last night and tried to comment, but my laptop has been acting up and just as I hit publish everything went poof! It was an interesting link you provided. My thoughts are this...motherhood is definitely to be honored. I also am sensitive to those who don't have children for whatever reason. My own daughter can't have children but has been involved in some aspect of child care for 20+ years since getting a degree in Early Childhood Development. I feel her pain in not being able to have her own, but she would be the first to celebrate mothers everywhere on their special day.

    I loved the idea of serving dessert in special teacups! And you were very sweet to make the olive bread for your mother. Everything looked wonderful!

  10. I must go read what I missed...but in the meantime I love the idea of making your dessert in teacups! So cute and I must do that! And you know how I've loved your little lamb and found one a while back, but then this Eastertime I found one at Target so now I have TWO! I might not be able to resist a third one if I find it. :) Blessings to you, Cheryl.

  11. Enjoyed your Mother's Day post, such beautiful family photos! People have many thoughts about Mother's Day, I like that we take the time to honor our Mother's but understand how hard it is for others, especially for those who longer have their mother with them, and for those who cannot physically have children!
    I love the idea of dessert in tea cups, must try this! your pattern looks like one that I have by Noritake, Homage.
    As always it is a joy to visit!

  12. Oh my, everything looks SO delicious. I am pinning that olive bread recipe to make soon! It sounds like you had a lovely Mother's Day, I'm so glad!
