Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sunday Snapshots: Mother's Day {and Musings}

It seems I am always "a day late and a dollar short" these days (that expression is a nod to my mom who used to say it a lot...maybe because she lived with me?), so here I am sharing our Mother's Day celebration when everyone else has moved on ahead with their May. 

Our Saturday was crazy. Nothing horrible, just a gazillion little glitches and mishaps and delays, and when you're using your day to get everything ready for a gathering... Well, I'll just say what I said on my Facebook page around 1 am: "I ran out of Saturday." Can you relate? 

Between the glitches, I was mulling over the thoughts expressed in ~this~ article. It hurts my heart to think that another woman would be hurt over my insensitivity to her pain. Those who have lost their mothers, those whose relationships with their mothers is strained, women who do not have children. Although I was a mother with three beautiful children, Mother's Day was painful for me the year that I had suffered a pregnancy loss and had delivered a tiny stillborn baby the month before. No, Mother's Day is not always cotton candy sweet. 

And yet...mothering is hard and important work and is worthy of honor. God Himself has commanded us to honor our father and our mother, so that is pretty clear! 

Motherhood is not something that is automatic. It is not a given, nor is it our right.

Motherhood is a gift of grace and what we do with this gift is of eternal importance.   

* * *

On Sunday, we honored the mothers in our lives. After the hubbub that was Saturday, it was such a relaxing afternoon. We hadn't had time to make a playlist of mothers' requests and I forgot the activity that I had planned. I also forgot to organize a "mothers and their children" photo shoot, so all of our pictures are candids and there aren't many of them. None of my mother-in-law, none of my sister, none of me. It was not a day of good recordkeeping, but it was a day of memory-making. A day of talking and laughing and gifts and homemade cards and loving and sharing time together. 


  1. The second last photo makes me melt...:)
    Love your realness...

  2. LOVED all your photos (as always!). Looks like a wonderful relaxing day for the moms and everyone else too. I too try so hard to be sensitive to all the different situations there can be for moms....infertility, death, strained relationships, and on and on it goes. But at the same time bringing the celebration and honor that it deserves to those who wear the hat. Soo many nurturing, caring women who play such significant roles and yet aren't technically "moms" need to be celebrated too. This was a great article. Hope you enjoy your week!

  3. You did the most important part - making memories together!

    I know that Mother's Day has all kinds of mixed feelings for women. It's hard because we should be able to honor Mothers without feeling guilty that someone maybe hurt because of loss or the fact that they aren't mothers. YET, our hearts are tender toward their pain. I guess I worry that it will become politically incorrect to say, "Happy Mother's Day" or to honor Moms.


  4. Cheryl, you might have had a crazy day Saturday but it sure doesn't show in these pictures. The meal looks wonderful! Is that pudding in the tea cups? What a neat idea. :)

  5. I started reading this post right before lunch and I literally had to stop. Those photos of your great looking food just made me way hungrier...I am serious! I appreciate the article you shared...I have actually read it or one like it before...and I think there needs to be considerations made for those who have or had unhappy circumstances regarding motherhood. I also agree with Mrs. Rabe 100%...she has said exactly what I have been stumbling around with since I started this comment :) Anyway, by the looks of these photos, your day was certainly filled with abundant blessings! By the way, what is on that yummy bread???

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. (Decided that I was running a bit too warm. No need of sharing from frustration.)

      Love those tea cups used for serving a dessert. Very lovely and perfect portion control, too.

  7. Thanks for sharing the article. I was surprised when our pastor had moms stand this year, he hadn't in years that I remember. I was surprised to see how many women did not stand--ones that I know only casually but had just assumed they had children. But I agree we should be able to celebrate this tradition … this is a complicated world we live in. But you had a wonderful day! Your photos, no matter how casual do capture the joy of your day!

  8. Great thoughts and I do enjoy the photos that you did manage to snap. The food looks very tasty! Looks like a great get together that honored many!

  9. A thought provoking post - thanks for sharing this article. I hope that I can always be sensitive to those who "grieve" the loss of not being a mother!
    Your Mother's Day looks wonderful and worth all the stress of the day prior. The tea cup desserts look so lovely and perfect for the Mother's Day table.

  10. I am wondering along with Debby about the bread. Hope you will be posting recipe. Looks delicious. And your serving table is so pretty with the roses, napkins, rose plate, white pitchers, and all--you always do things with style. Happy belated Mother's Day. Blessings, Sharon D.

  11. Precious memories!!! YUM food!!! Treasured gifts!!! Treasured people!! Happy Belated Mother's Day~tammy
