Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Weekend Snapshots: Strawberry Gatherings

We've been gathering strawberries...and then using them in all of our gatherings. And it was a busy weekend of gatherings!

We made a strawberry spinach salad for a potluck supper/baby shower with our Bible study group. 

Strawberries began and ended a dinner party on Friday evening. Fire and Ice Salsa was an appetizer...

...and strawberry pie (and/or chocolate pie) was dessert, served up on the patio.

On Saturday night, there was no gathering, but I made strawberry shortcake just for us.

On Sunday we were back out on the patio on a weather-perfect day, churning up a big freezer of homemade strawberry ice cream. Our neighbors/family (same thing) arrived on golf carts and our brother and sister-in-law brought another freezer full of strawberry ice cream. (No one minded!) 

This morning, Ron picked six more quarts of strawberries! What's next? Freeze them? Make jam? Hmmm...

What's your favorite way to eat strawberries?


  1. The fresh strawberry season is barely beginning here. I love them dipped in chocolate. All your choices look and sound wonderful. This is what eating seasonally is all about - enjoying what's available now to the full!

  2. You're getting a bumper crop! We love strawberries and ours are beginning to ripen! Yum!

    I love the golf carts - I'm totally jealous!


  3. I love strawberries fresh off the farm picked at perfection. Next would probably be strawberry pie, then shortcake, then there's trifle. Oh my, so many great ways to enjoy strawberries. What fun to have company arrive on golf carts! Looks like you really filled your strawberry time with good things and good fellowship!

  4. The season is so short! Scarf them up! Any way you can think of to enjoy them sounds right to me. Homemade strawberry shakes sounds good, too. Every time I see the ice cream maker come out, I know that summertime is nigh at hand. Many blessings...

  5. Plain! Plain dipped in powdered sugar. Fondued w. chocolate sauce...
    Spinach salad looks deLECtable :)

  6. Oh, yes. I forgot. We like to freeze them on a cookie sheet then in freezer bags. Pop a bunch in a blender, add milk and a little sugar if not sweet enough. Blend for a great shake!

  7. Ah strawberries! What an amazing fruit infused with great flavor and so pretty to look at. Your strawberries look fantastic against the spinach (?) in the salad. I do all kinds of things with strawberries and once a season we have our traditional strawberry pie that has a story attached. I was thinking how beautiful your photography is! Our weather all weekend was perfect too. A true gift.

  8. Yum! Strawberry pie, strawberry shortcake....I love anything with strawberries! I just looked at ours today in the garden. Looks like we might have a few to eat very soon. Can't wait!

  9. So far, we have only blossoms. Another month, I think. Can you deliver the strawberry pie? Today? Like now?? :-)

  10. Good morning! Is there a way NOT to enjoy strawberries!? i LOVE them every which way I can think o!! you've got me hankering for some home made strawberry ice cream now....yum! or maybe some pie.....and your short cake looks delicious. What time should i swing by? haha ENJOY the rest of your week!

  11. You guys really know what to do with strawberries! My favorite is to cut them up, all just a smidge of sugar to increase the juice, and layer them on warm sponge cake slices with whipped cream. Yeah, not a low cal dessert, but desserts are not supposed to be low cal. :p

  12. I love strawberries!!!! Seeing those pictures of the ice cream makers reminds me of being a little girl and we would have get togethers at the church, ice cream socials, where the men would sit and crank the handles until the ice cream was 'just right', and oh so wonderful.

    Now you've got me wanting to buy some strawberries.

    Have a lovely day ~ FlowerLady

  13. Oh my goodenss...I want a bite of ALL of this! Love strawberries and these recipes all look AMAZING!
