Friday, December 14, 2018

He Came!

On Sunday morning, we woke to a chilly house because we had run out of heating oil. Ron had forgotten to check the gauge last week and thus had neglected to place an order. I was irritated. It was a cold weekend. Not a good time to be without heat. I told him that a few times.

Kati woke with a terrible sinus headache. Her head hurt. Her face hurt. She was nauseous. She was going to have to miss church.

Bekah overslept. She got out of bed way too late, immediately rushing to be ready for church on time. When we announced that we were leaving "now," she grabbed a granola bar and rushed to the door, make-up in hand, no earrings in her ears, the back of her hair still wet. "How does my hair look?" she asked me. "Wet," I grumped. She ran to the living room to get an assessment from sick Kati, then ran out of the back door and got in the van.

On our short drive to church I said, "This car is full of human beings."

We are, aren't we? Human, that is.

Humans who are sinners and who live in a sin-cursed world.

We make mistakes.

We get sick.

We have character flaws.

We have wrong attitudes.

We don't control our tongues.

And that is why He came! 

He came because we can never be good enough.

In fact, our very best falls short of the mark.

He came into this dark and fallen world that is full of sin and misery and woe.

He came for those who are imperfect and sinful and fallen.

He came for those who suffer from the curse of sin.

He came for the sick and the hurting and the broken.

And he took all of the punishment for my sin and the sin of the world. 

And he offers something better . . . eternal life.

We're still human. We are still imperfect. We still get sick. We still suffer from the curse.

But if we accept His amazing gift of forgiveness and redemption, then we have something amazing to celebrate during this season. We are not simply worshiping the Baby in the manger. We are worshiping our Savior!

Have you accepted His amazing gift of forgiveness and redemption? 


  1. Hi Cheryl.
    Like this post! Yes, I accepted Jesus.
    Merry Christmas and a very happy new year,

    1. Merry Christmas to you too, fellow Jesus-follower!

  2. Thank you for an honest blog post - brought tears to my eyes. Yes, yes, yes, we needed and do need a Savior!

  3. Replies
    1. We're praising the Lord together, Martha Ellen!

  4. Yes, whatever our need, He came for THAT. Oh dear, I have run out of oil before, too. Good thing my oil man is my daughter-in-law’s father. Hope that there is now plenty of oil, warmth, comfort, and that cheer has been restored to the camp.

    1. Yes, we now have a tankful of oil! We also had a few gallons of substitute oil (who knew?) by the time we left for church, so the day was saved. Kati was feeling better by evening. Bekah and I . . . well, our problems are more chronic.

      I am glad that He met us in our need. Often, our ills are not fixed in a day or two. There are members of our extended family who are going through quite difficult times and my heart aches for them.

      What would we do without Him?!

  5. I didn’t answer the question...yes, yes, yes, I know Him and have asked for His presence in my life. Specifically, I walked the “sawdust trail” as a ten-year-old and have never regretted it. He is good all the time.

    1. So glad you answered the question . . . and His call! Indeed, He is good all the time!

  6. Yes, oh yes, Jesus is my Savior, my Comforter, my Provider, my Protector. He is awesome, mighty, His love forever.

    Thanks for this wonderful post.


  7. Wise mama with your thoughts from a rugged Sunday morning. Christmas always amazes me as so much of the world celebrates, sings the carols, gives gifts ---without knowing fully what the celebration is all about. But for those of us who have a personal relationship with the Savior, it is actually overwhelming and humbling--what the babe in the manger came to do for us.

    1. Such a wonderful description of the believer's perspective: overwhelming and humbling! It is so good to ponder these things . . .

  8. Yes, I have and am eternally grateful He called me out of my dump and continues to lift me up and set me on a right pass when I go astray. :) Amen and amen to your post.

  9. I too have accepted the free gift of salvation from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I try to live for Him each day although there are times I have a day like you had. If I were perfect, I wouldn't need Him, would I? Glad all got resolved for you.

    1. Thank the Lord that He covers our imperfections, Kathy!

  10. Doesn't satan just love to find ways to ruffle our feathers...especially on Sunday mornings before church?? Been there and done that many times. PRAISE GOD HE CAME! Cheryl, this is a wonderful post and thank you for it!

    1. Yes, Praise God He came! Thanks for sharing, Debby!

  11. Yes, His precious free gift is mine also! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  12. I am so humbled by His great and precious gift! Sometimes it feels so undeserved. Those grumpy and dreary days come far too often. Thank you for reminding me of why He came! Stay warm and may you feel the Joy of this season to the fullest!

    1. It is always undeserved! That's what makes it such an incredible gift!
      {{Hugs}} from one undeserving pilgrim to another . . .
