Thursday, December 20, 2018

Pineapple House | Christmas Tour 2018

It's that time again . .  the day that I invite you all into Pineapple House to share in our Christmas festivities! Wouldn't it be wonderful if you really could come and share a cup of coffee and a slice of sweet potato pound cake (or would you rather have a cookie?) and a hot cup of coffee or tea?

Or if you could smell the blend of dried oranges and chocolate chip cookies and spruce candle? Or if we could sing some carols together while Bekah accompanies us on the piano?

I would love that! 

I suppose we'll have to settle for a little virtual tour. (But we can dream, can't we?)

We'll start here in the living room. As always, I created a Della Robbia display on the mantle, combining natural and faux elements. This year, I dried some fresh oranges and made a garland to hang. (I wish I had added some cranberries too. Maybe next year.) Those dried orange slices found their way to a lot of nooks and crannies. I think repeating a decorating element (like the dried orange slices) brings cohesiveness.

I'll stop talking and let you have a peek.

Okay, I'm talking again. I am so glad that I painted the fireplace surround this past summer! When I look at last year's Christmas photos, that brass surround sticks out like a sore thumb.

For this year's packages, I used some tartan plaid and some red ticking gift wrap, in addition to my usual brown Kraft paper. Of course, I made a fresh batch of pineapple gift tags

Let's step into the dining room now, where there's more greenery, more fruit, more candlelight.

Since we did another stage of remodeling in the kitchen this year, I was eager to add some Christmas touches in here!

Here's a look at our past Christmas tours. Take a peek if you wish, and then scroll down for a few bonus nooks and crannies.  

2009  A Farmhouse Christmas

2010  The Simple Farmhouse Christmas 

2011  Old-Fashioned Farmhouse Christmas

2012  A Colonial Farmhouse Christmas

2013  Farmhouse Christmas Tour ~ 2013

2014  Farmhouse Christmas Tour ~ 2014

2015  This tour was done in three parts. These are my favorite, and it was our last year in The Farmhouse!
           Farmhouse Christmas Tour 2015 ~ Part 1 {Christmas in Our Living Room}

           Farmhouse Christmas Tour 2015 ~ Part 2 {Christmas in Our Kitchen}
           Farmhouse Christmas Tour 2015 ~ Part 3 {Christmas in Our Dining Room}

2016  Pineapple House at Christmas

2017  Christmas Tour | Pineapple House 2017

A glimpse of Bekah's room . . .

, , ,  and one of Kati's (she shared more pics on her blog) . . . 

. . .  and one of the sun porch.

And to all a good night! 

A blessed Christmas to all of you, my readers and friends! 
May your celebrations be joy-filled as we rejoice in 
Who He is and 
what He did!

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;
Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, 
upon them a light has shined.
Isaiah 9:2


  1. I love every space you create. It is just right for your home, and your style. Love you much, friend!

    1. Thank you, Deanna! Go with what you love, right? Much love back to you . . .

  2. I was reading one of the quotes that John wrote in a joirnal just now. It seems apt here, though I do not know who said it: The light that shines farthest, shines brightest at home. Your home is beautiful, your decor inspiring, and your Sparkle is glowing. How we need Him! We need His Light and His very Life. Merriest of Christmases to you and all the family!

    1. Those are words to ponder. I'll bet that John's journals are treasures of wisdom.

      Thank you for your kind words. Indeed, we do need Him! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  3.! That is a tortured spelling. 🥴

    1. I texted Kati this week when Bekah and I were shopping. I was referring to a "bargain" but auto correct made it "Bahrain"! We have laughed and laughed about that!

      Joirnal . . . journal . . . we'll just blame it on auto correct!

  4. Beautiful, I love it all. So serene, vintage and simple.

    May you and your family have a very lovely Christmas.


    1. Thank you, Lorraine! A blessed Christmas to you!

  5. hello friend ...
    your home is so lovely. the touches of Christmas
    perfectly placed and easy on the eye - - no fuss! ♥

    1. You are so kind, Sherry! A blessed Christmas to you and your hubby!

  6. Where do I begin, Cheryl? Your home is beautifully decorated. There are lovely simple touches everywhere. Your use of natural elements is soothing to the eye and senses. I feel as if I've been on a tour in Colonial Williamsburg. Have a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior. ♥

    1. Your words are so kind, Martha Ellen! Since Colonial Williamsburg is one of my favorite places and I love that style, I will accept that as high praise!

      It's so funny because Bekah had just said to me when I was adding some of the dried orange slices to the Christmas tree: "To bridge the gap between the Hallmark tree and the Colonial Williamsburg mantel?" Yes, Bekah, something like that! :)

      A blessed Christmas to you and yours!

  7. I LOVE your home. I would love to visit, especially at Christmas time. Even if I never travel,anywhere. ;)

    1. Thanks so much, Brenda! I'd love to have you visit! (But I rarely travel myself, so I get that!)

  8. You have dreated a charming Christmas home....and yes, I wish I could visit1

    1. Thanks so much, Elizabethd! We'd have a lovely chat, wouldn't we?

  9. Loved, loved your tour. So many lovely nooks and crannies filled with vignettes that speak joy and peace and contentment.

    Wishing a happy, happy Christmas to you and all your family!

    I'm going to be back to catch all the tours from other years.

    Brenda xox

    YES, I wish we could visit!

    1. Thank you, Brenda! These blogging friendships are the real deal, aren't they? So if you ever find yourself traveling to our neck of the woods . . .

      A blessed Christmas to you and yours!

  10. Beautiful! Ideas for me next year here, too. Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. Thank you, GrammaGrits! The blogging world is full of inspiration, isn't it!

      Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  11. Love, love that verse from Isaiah. You are right about the fireplace surround. It really looks great! I love your pineapple house. The new kitchen and Christmas touches are lovely. I know your home will be filled with loved ones and love this Christmas. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. That verse speaks to me too! We all walk in the shadow of death . . . praise God for that light!

      Thanks for your kind words. May His name be glorified as we celebrate! Merry Christmas to all of you!

  12. Everything looks wonderful!!! The dried orange slices look so amazing as do all your fruit touches. Your Pineapple House sparkles and looks so welcoming and warm. Love your style Cheryl. Thankful beyond words for the light of Christ's birth (on this longest night of the year). Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. Peace and love ...

    1. Rosella, thank you so much for your kind words! Oh yes, we are thankful for the Light of the World! A blessed Christmas to you and yours!

  13. Cheryl, your beautiful home always looks so warm and welcoming in any season, on any occasion or just every day. And I'll take a cup of black tea with that scrumptious sweet potato pound cake.

    1. Thank you so much, Jean! I will put on the tea pot!

  14. Your home is full of warmth and charm, and is beautifully adorned for the season of remembering the birth of our Lord Christ. I'd love to visit and enjoy a cup of tea with you.

    1. Lorrie, thank you for those kind words! I think we'd have a lovely time sipping and chatting!

  15. Oh Cheryl, how I would have loved to come your lovely home and enjoyed your wonderful hospitality! I absolutely love all of the natural elements in your simple, yet elegant decor. I swear I could almost smell the oranges! Every room looks so cozy and warm that I just didn't want to leave! May you receive an abundance of the Lord's blessings in 2019!

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments, Debby! You know if you're ever in the area, you can make that visit a reality!

      A blessed new year to you and yours!

  16. Lovely home that you all have helped to create. You for the ideas and vision and your husband helping to actually making them! So thoughtful that your daughters already have a lovely set of bedroom furniture. Enjoy the quiet days of the New Year before all the "lasts" start to happen!

    1. Thank you for your very kind words, Melissa! Ahhh . . . those "lasts" are going to pull at my heartstrings!

      A blessed new year to you and yours!

  17. I could spend a great deal of time meandering through your lovely home. You certainly have a talent for creating a most inviting space. Magazine worthy. Your fireplace and the natural elements are perfect. Love the dried oranges! One of our daughters hung dried oranges from the tree branches and they looked beautiful. Happy New Year to you and your sweet family!

    1. Lorraine, you are so kind! I would love to have you come and meander, and then we'd sit and chat for a long time. I think we'd have lots to talk about!

      New Year blessings to you and yours too!
