Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Some Other Good

"It seems to me that we often, almost sulkily, reject the good that God offers us because, at that moment, we expected some other good." 
~ C. S. Lewis

The "good" that God provided for us last week (after ~this post~ in which I told you how busy we were and what we had coming up on the weekend) was some kind of yucky respiratory virus. And instead of plodding ahead with school and wedding invitations and the parties we had planned and all of the things on my to-do list . . . I stayed in bed and cancelled plans and prayed and slept. A lot.

It was not the kind of "good" that I had planned. It was not the kind of "good" that I would have asked for. Maybe not even the kind of "good" that I thought was best.

But it was good.


  1. So sensible. Sometimes we just have to stop and give in, and heal. Hope you are feeling better now.

    1. When you're a mother of young children, you don't always have the luxury of complete rest when you're sick! But at this point in my life, I felt like I could give in to sickness and rest.

      Yes, I am feeling totally back to normal, thank you.

  2. You probably needed the rest. Sometimes I feel like God just stops us in our tracks when we need it. Hope you are feeling better soon with renewed energy for the coming days!

    1. I am feeling much better, thank you!

      I agree. We sometimes need some "encouragement" to get rest!

  3. Be well dear Cheryl. It is all part of God's plan for your life.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you, Lorraine! I loved reading Edith Schaeffer's thoughts on sickness:
      "When illness hits we should remember that this period of time is part of the whole of life. This is not just a non-time to be shoved aside, but a portion of time that counts. It is part of the well person's life, as well as part of the sick person's life."

  4. Feel better, Sweet Friend. I can definitely empathize. You are doing well to receive it as “good.”

    1. Thank you, Vee! I am sorry that you can empathize! I don't think that I am doing so well . . . just that I have learned (gradually, very gradually) to trust His loving hand in my life! Not perfectly, by any means. But I have found Him to be true!

  5. I agree with Dotsie, you needed the rest. Praying your health is restored quickly. Be easy on yourself, dear Cheryl. ♥

    1. You are always so kind, Martha Ellen! I agree, too, that rest was a wonderful benefit of being sick. Physical rest, as well as mental rest. I am feeling wonderful now!

  6. God knew how to get you to rest! Trust your feeling better!

    1. Yes, I am feeling so much better! "Forced" rest is still rest, isn't it?

  7. Oh wow - hope you are feeling much better. I admire your attitude dear Cheryl!

    1. I am feeling much better, thank you! But don't admire me, Rosella . . . it's just that I am learning to trust His best for me!

  8. So good that you gave in and took the rest you were given. My Pop used to use a phrase in his prayers that made me chuckle but now I appreciate the truth of it. He would say "thank you God for what you do to us".

    1. I love that quote from your Pop, Ellen! It is a gem! And, yes, there is definitely truth in that!

  9. I agree with Elizabeth. And when you're in God's hands and have faith in his Love and Providence, it's all good, isn't it. Hope you feel better soon. xo

  10. Thank you for this timely post. I too just had to drop a "good". A direction I was going with the prayer that God would show me whether to continue or not. I was enjoying the path, but just like you, I needed to stop and heal. Reading your post this morning was most encouraging as I found it hard to give up, but God does have a better plan! sally

    1. Sally, I cannot think of anything I would rather hear about a blog post than that it was an encouragement!! Thank you for sharing that!

      Oh, it can be SO hard to let go of a "good." I am saying a prayer for you as you walk into a new "good."

  11. Oh, I do like this quote so very much. You did exactly what you should have done. I need to remember this. You have shared a ton of wisdom in a very short post...and I thank you. :)

    1. It is easier to say than to do, Debby. Praying for you, friend!
