Wednesday, February 20, 2019


This post began last week as a  Five on Friday and then it changed to A Saturday Chat and then that fell apart too! So why don't I just try to catch up a little bit, drop in a few photos . . . and choose a title at the end?

Need I say that this is a busy time at our house?!

Boy-oh-boy, this year is turning out to be even busier than I imagined. Bekah is finishing her senior year of homeschool and Kati is getting married in May, both major life events, both worthy of rejoicing and celebration!

We are in the midst of lots of planning, ordering, executing, school work (two of us), working (two of us), visiting (Kati and Andrew are frequent flyers these days), and trying to squeeze in all of the things that we want to do before Kati gets married and moves away.

It is a joyful season here at Pineapple House! But we don't have time to let any grass grow under our feet.

When Andrew was in Maryland last, our dear friends (the same friends who took our last photos at The Farmhouse) took engagement photos of the happy couple. Kati shared many of the photos on her blog, along with their story thus far. I will sprinkle a few in this post.

Some moments from last week: 

Re-order wedding invitations that came with a typo. Spend time on the phone to get that corrected.

Borrow cash from Bekah. Purchase an antique bed.

Take my measurements to be fitted for my wedding outfit that I ordered online. Bekah helped me measure. Oy! (She could hold that information over my head and basically she would get whatever she wants.)

Ron and Bekah drive five hours per week so that she can log enough hours to get her driver's license. They pick up the bed that I purchased. They also buy two antique coverlets.

Go to the bank to withdraw money to repay Bekah.

Order Bekah's maid of honor gown. Bekah pays me for the dress with the money that I just returned to her. (Ah, the world of high finance.)

Order vases.

Try to keep up with school assignments and Morning Time. Take Bekah to voice lessons and choir.

Host our new home keeping group.

Run a Valentine errand. Have my debit card declined. Postpone the rest of my errands so that I can come home and call the bank about why my debit card was declined. (Answer: Vase order was "flagged" as suspicious activity.) Finish my errands.

Plan several activities that we want to do before Kati gets married three months from now. Forget to send out e-vites.

Clean. Nope.

Keep up with laundry. Nope.

Cook delicious and nutritious meals. Nope.

(Priorities, right?)

A follow up to the exchange-of-money story: Bekah also purchased a copy of Gone With the Wind off of eBay. By the time she paid me for that online order, she only netted fourteen dollars from the money that she loaned me at the beginning of the week! 🤣

New (old) coverlets atop the media cabinet

Pinky is oblivious to the hubbub of activity. "Just give me a sun patch or a lap."

Non-homemade Valentine treats

Some plans for this week . . . 

Write out wedding invitations. Yes, the corrected edition came at the end of last week so we're good to go! Whew! Cue the calligraphy pen and hours at the dining room table . . .

Traditional Christmas luncheon at Gammy's. There was sickness around on the originally scheduled date in December, so rather than miss it entirely, the girls went to Gammy's today. It ended up being more of a post-Valentine luncheon and that was totally fine!

Two game nights! This falls under the category of "things we want to do before Kati moves away."

The first one is a Grand Game Night. One night last summer, we invited the grands to play Phase 10 and we had such a good time that we're going to do it again with a different game.

The second game night is a class reunion of sorts. The mothers and daughters from the homeschool co-op we were a part of when Kati was a high schooler are coming for games and refreshments. We anticipate lots of conversation and laughter.

Christmas Winter Luncheon with Gammy

Winter decor this year included a new plaid wool pillow and lots of candles. I also scattered pine cones here, there, and everywhere. Inside the lantern on the mantle. On the coffee counter. In the dough bowl on the dining room table. A ginormous one on the drop leaf table in the living room.

But suddenly, I am tired of pine cones. I am not totally tired of winter even. Just those pine cones. So off they will go, along with the pine wreath that is still on my front door.

Buh-bye, pine cones!

I think I'll get a pot of tulips to put on the dining room table for game night(s) . . . 

I have not forgotten that I promised (way back ~here~) to share our house project goals for 2019. I am still planning to do that, although a couple of those goals have changed since the beginning of the year. Life changes mean house changes! Stay tuned. 

Do you have whiplash from reading this post . . . as my conversation turned one way and then another and as my photos did the same thing? 

Such is life here at Pineapple House right now!

I'll probably continue to be in and out of Blogland this spring. Blog updates, visits, and comments will likely be sporadic. I wish that I was the kind of person who could zip in and out and write a post in a few minutes and make quick comments. But I am not that kind of person. At all.

I'll leave you with one more engagement photo.


  1. Trying again! 🙃

    No whiplash, but I began to feel a titch much going on! so much to do! so little time! Together, your family will prepare beautifully for two wonderful events:
    a graduation 👩🏻‍🎓 and a wedding. 👰🏻.

    Don’t fret over social media—there are far more important things.

    1. You are so gracious! Thank you so much for your vote of confidence, as well as your encouragement to take care of the important things. ♥

  2. The engagement photos are absolutely beautiful, they both look so happy and content!
    No whiplash, just a fun read for me, I always enjoy reading your post, I have always heard, "a busy person is a happy person," you must be one of he happiest, Cheryl~wink~ I too love busyness!

    I noticed the flowers in the urn, what a great idea, I will be rearranging my Valentine's bouquets and I think I can find an urn around here.
    Have a blessed week,

    1. Sue, I am busy in spurts. You are always busy! Your energy amazes me!

      I love the engagement photos too! Their happiness shines through!

      Thanks for your visit today . . .

  3. Oh Cheryl, such wonderful happenings at the Pineapple House! Lovely happy engagement photos! Your life is full now of all the beautiful busy things that make our hearts smile. Take time to breathe and enjoy it all! ♥

    1. Indeed, my heart is smiling, Martha Ellen! Thank you for your reminder to enjoy it all. There will be time to reflect and prop my feet up this summer. (I hope!) ♥

  4. What a 'happy post' filled with joy and excitement.

    Enjoy the rest of your week ~ FlowerLady

  5. Lovely to read all you are doing....and that's quite a lot!
    Engagement photos are so happy.

  6. Loved the engagement photos! Congrats to all! Girl you are a ball of fire and I thought I was busy watching a 2 1/2 yr old! Catch your breath and enjoy these precious moments!

    1. Your comment made me smile because my husband uses that expression "ball of fire" a lot! But I have to confess . . . he is never saying that about ME because I am not. I am as slow as poke . . . just busy!! :D

      These moments ARE precious. All too soon they will be past . . .

  7. Such excitement going on over at your house! Thanks for taking the time to share. Blessings as you prepare your two daughters for the next phase of their lives.

  8. I just love their engagement photos. I'm thrilled for them both. I know everything will come together beautifully for the wedding, and for Bekah's graduation.

    Deep breaths and savor each moment!

    1. Thank you, Deanna! I love the photos too! It is wonderful to have this special time of life recorded . . .

  9. I love the photos of Kati and Andrew! I think my favorite is the two of them walking down the street. Great shot! They make such a cute couple. And of course I love your charming home. What a busy time this is for you! Nothing here but watching more snowflakes fall. Enjoy this special time. And yes, I'm all for the tulips!

    1. Thank you, Judy! That is one of my favorite shots too! Maybe I am overthinking it, but I also see it as symbolic of beginning a journey together, hand in hand.

      Do you know that I have never gotten my tulips yet? Today is the day!

  10. Oh boy oh boy, I do understand that whiplash effect. I saw those wonderful photos on Kati's blog post. I really like them and how real they are. What a joyful full full time ahead for you all. And then there's life that keeps going despite the things happening in the future. So much to take in. So much to do. Praying right now that God gives you and strength and the wisdom to know what can slide. :)

    1. Thank you for understanding and for the prayers "that God gives you and strength and the wisdom to know what can slide"! That is exactly what I need!

  11. Precious photos and precious story!!! We had 2 of our children get married 5 weeks apart last fall. It was wonderful and exhausting!!! So very special to celebrate 2 huge occasions you have this spring!! God's grace is sufficient!! <3 Lord bless you all in it!!~tammy

    1. Oh my goodness . . . TWO weddings in FIVE WEEKS?! I love that you remember it as "wonderful and exhausting" because that shows GRACE!

  12. You lost me on that money swapping story...LOL! Seriously, I can only imagine what your life is like these days as you get this wedding together along with your already busy family life. I went over to Katie's blog to get the full perfectly adorable the two of them are! I'm sure the wedding will be beautiful. And for what it's worth, I really still like your pine cones...just sayin' :)

    1. Hahaha! We are always doing that kind of money swapping around here! We girls joke that we pass the same twenty dollars around all the time! I agree that Kati and Andrew are an adorable couple! (Sorry. The pine cones disappeared this weekend.) :)

  13. Katie looks so happy! Beautiful photos! And wonderful excitement in your house.

    1. Kati is quite happy! Excitement is mounting . . . except for those moments when those niggling thoughts of her moving far away sneak in. But I really am so happy for her!
