Saturday, August 3, 2019

Saturday Graces

Graces . . . things that I do not deserve, but that He has seen fit to give to me. These are joys here on a hot and steamy August Saturday.

~ This sweet boy spent the night here last night. His first ever sleepover! 

We had so much fun . . . pizza, taffy, An American Tail, staying up way past his bedtime, looking at his baby pictures, sleeping in the guest room, donuts for breakfast, puzzles, Tarzan, reading a big stack of books with Gran. 

~ The new guest room. 

Since we have a special room now, we are inviting each one of the grandchildren for their own sleepover. The four grands who are my son's children have had their turns; now we'll start with my daughter's children. It warms my heart to overhear the children planning their special night . . . what carryout meal they will choose, what game they will play or movie they will watch, what candy they will request. Part of the fun is the anticipation, don't you think?

We love having a room for guests! (And we love our guests!) 

~ Cupcakes in the kitchen, 

in preparation for the Big Birthday Bash that we're having tomorrow. We're celebrating TWELVE birthdays tomorrow, people . . . all summer birthdays! So. Many. Birthdays.

We ride the Birthday Train all summer long, but tomorrow we will celebrate all together. I can't wait! 

~ This limelight hydrangea, 

planted on a corner so that we can see it from the kitchen window, 

from the sun room, 

and from the living room.

 So many luscious blooms! 

~ Special days spent with my girl this week. 

During the first part of the summer, we were planning her graduation ceremony (more on that soon), and then recovering and regrouping after all of the BIG changes. In the middle of the summer, we both helped with our church's VBS. 

After that, we panicked! Summer is half over and we haven't done anything on our just-for-fun list!

So we've been having fun. Trying to do All. The. Things. Antique shopping, snow cones, water park, rolled ice cream, a summer movie, crabby fries, lunch with friends. (Not all of it this week, of course, but we did pack a lot into this week!)

~ Grace for the day. 

There have been deep and thoughtful conversations here this week. Thinking ahead, planning for the future. And yet there is so much about the future that we simply do not know. I am so grateful that He does know and that He has promised to be with us. We rely on His grace . . . that amazing grace . . . one day at a time. 

~ This quote.
When I came across this quote, it went right straight to my heart. What truth!

"But God is the God of the waves and the billows, and they are still His when they come over us; and again and again we have proved that the overwhelming thing does not overwhelm. Once more by His interposition deliverance came. We were cast down, but not destroyed." ~ Amy Carmichael

Ponder that . . . 

What are some graces in your world today? 


  1. Reconnecting with old friends, a wonderful visit with my brother’s family, anticipating Rachel’s graduation in two weeks, my darling grands.

    Would love to meet up with you soon. Maybe we can meet half way?

    1. Loved hearing your graces! So good . . .


  2. Glad that you are planning fun. Intention is so important and one of the ways to beat back sorrows and alarms is to be intentional.

    I like the Amy Carmichael quote. It reminds me of one I heard this week that I can’t give proper credit for...the very same wind that blows the storm in is the wind that takes it away.

    1. You're right! Without intention, time just ekes away and opportunities are lost. And I like your quote too. I am sure that you are learning so much through hard things . . .

  3. I turned my son's bedroom into my Study. Just saying... I hope the kids don't take it the wrong way. ;) Actually, they know their dad is bipolar and that I needed a special place to get away from it all.

    1. I think that a study/oasis was the perfect thing to do with your empty room!

  4. That is a special bedroom for those special grandchildren, this post brings back so many wonderful memories of time with our grandchildren especially in summer, and they spent most of the summer here because of living in other states, sometime we had four or five, Whew! tiring but oh did we have fun, and what is so wonderful, Cheryl, now that they are grown they still come back for overnight visits, and reminisce with us. Thanks for sharing.
    Your time with Bekka is so awesome, she certainly has grown up so fast, and is so beautiful.
    Enjoy celebrating those birthdays tomorrow!

    1. Time spent with grandchildren is so rewarding . . . both now and in the future, I think! Making memories . . . sowing seeds of love and truth. I love that your adult grandchildren return and reminisce.

      Time is so fleeting, isn't it? Children, grandchildren . . . they all grow up so quickly!

  5. 12 birthdays! It will be a wonderful celebration for sure. It's nice that you can all get together. Whew! So happy you and Bekka remembered your just for fun list. Well done! I love that tradition you are having with each grandchild for a sleepover. Lord willing that will be a future fun night here at Baba's and Gramps'. A good quote to ponder. God is God...

    1. We had a great celebration yesterday. . . even though some of our birthday people were home sick (sadness)! Grand sleepovers are such fun! I can imagine some of those in your future!

  6. I love your guestroom and the anticipation of hosting each grandchild for a special sleepover. What fun for them and for you!

    I so enjoyed reading your gifts of graces today. Added a sparkle to my own day.
    One of God's graces to me is you, Cheryl, and your lovely blog.

    Other graces this week include: enjoying the roses that keep opening on the Peace Rose (they are a thing of beauty and a joy forever); visiting a nearby natural area for a walkabout in a meadow filled with sweet-scented clover; looking forward to a fresh tomato, mayo and basil sandwich for lunch in a little while; to name a few graces.

    Thank you also for that lovely quotation by Amy Carmichael. Strengthening, consoling words.

    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.
    Brenda xox


    1. You are so kind, Brenda! Thank you for sharing some of your graces . . .

      That is exactly how I felt about the Amy Carmichael quote: strengthened and consoled. We often think about how He is in control of the waves and the storms (because, of course, He is!), but we think of the way He calms them. But He is still in control of them, even when He chooses not to calm them, but carries us through them. I found this different perspective heartening!

  7. Wow...that is a LOT of birthdays to celebrate! I love how you are planning those fun sleepovers with the grands...such a great way to give each one individualized attention and making sure they have these memories to cherish. I love the quote you shared. Have a great week ahead, Cheryl!

    1. It is a LOT of birthdays, Debby! Our family's birthday distribution definitely leans heavy on the summer season! Glad you loved the quote! Blessings on your new week!

    2. Flowers, sleepovers, cupcakes and finishing Summer with fun things with someone you love. Now that's the way to live! Full of LOVE!

    3. Thanks for visiting, Christine! We are so blessed to be surrounded by those we love!

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE, the grand-babies sleepin over and that time you plan and enjoy them, your fun times with your girlie, and that quote <3!!! HE is present, HE is at work, HIS sustaining grace never leaves us. A miracle!!! And to think the God of the Universe calls us HIS children <3!!!!

    1. Yes, Tammy . . . it is amazing! I'm glad that quote spoke to you too!

      I am thankful for the times we have with those grands . . . and with my all-grown-up girl!
