Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wedding Bliss {Part 4: The Celebration}

We've had some busy days (including some grand sleepovers, some gatherings with friends, a great-nephew's wedding, and a crazy-howeek of VBS), and now I am back with a final wedding post. 

But before I tell you all about the wedding reception, I want to share this photograph of the photographer! Here she is with the bride and groom! As I have told you before, she has taken many photos for our family through the years. About the wedding photos, Frances made this remark, " . . . when you are photographing people you love, it is very easy to see the moments through the lens of your heart." We are so very grateful that she loves us and gave us this gift of beautiful recorded memories!

Andrew and Kati's wedding reception , like the ceremony, had their own personal stamp: a combination of tradition and unique touches that reflected their loves. 

Tables were decorated with vases of hydrangeas, old books, votive candles, succulents, and paper hearts cut from book pages. Each guest received a "library card" bookmark with thanks for being a part of their story. 

There were two guest books. At the church, there was a section in the back of a Bible for guests to sign their names. That same Bible was brought to the reception for guests to highlight verses of Scripture and/or leave a note about those verses to the bride and groom. 

And then there was this guest book ↓, a virtual one in which guests could put on the headset and leave a virtual message. This group looks calm, but there was some rollicking fun as other guests tried to leave their messages!

We had no DJ or live music, simply some beautiful instrumental arrangements of hymns.

Funny story: Kati and Andrew almost missed their own reception! 

Andrew's Uncle Rick was serving as the announcer. He welcomed everyone, introduced the parents and the wedding party, gave a few instructions, and then asked Ron to pray a blessing on the food. Ron questioned, "The bride and groom?" Rick answered, "Yes, the bride and groom," thinking that Ron wanted to pray a blessing on them too. Then . . . "Oh! The bride and groom!"

We all laughed as Kati and Andrew were invited to join the rest of us! 

(This group had a clear view of Kati and Andrew as they waited for their entrance. 😄)

There were only three dances:

the bride and groom's first dance ("Heaven Knows" by the Hunts),

the father-daughter dance ("The Sunrise of Your Smile" by Michael Card),

and the mother-son dance ("Find Your Wings" by Mark Harris).

Such sweet moments.

Kati and Andrew chose to have not one cake, not two cakes, but TEN cakes for their wedding! The idea sprang from their desire to use lots of cake toppers to represent parts of their courtship. So they asked special people in their lives to bake cakes! The bakers could choose their own flavor, as long as the frosting was white. 

They made a sign with all of the cake toppers and their significance. Guests were asked to vote for their favorite topper. 

The best man, Andrew's brother David, made a toast that was both hilarious (reading an essay he had written about Andrew when he was in grade school, and telling us how little had changed since then!) and tender as he honored his brother and welcomed Kati to the family. 

Matron of Honor Kristin told the story of the bride and groom's courtship from her own viewpoint. (Remember, Kristin is the friend of Andrew's cousin Melinda who introduced them in the first place, so she was there from the beginning. Or before the beginning!) And like a good big sister, she gave the couple some wise advice, reminding them of the Gospel story . . . that we all are sinners who need a Savior, and that we need God's great grace to walk through the difficulties of life. 

As a surprise, our family sang a special song for Andrew. 

I am so thankful that our sweet friend Deanna recorded it! 

After the song, a big group hug happened. 💗

Instead of the bouquet toss, Kati asked all of the single ladies to come to the center as she shared words of encouragement and then prayed for them, that each one would wait for God's perfect timing in their lives. 

Andrew did the same for the single men.

Then we all sang "Great Is Thy Faithfulness." 

This hymn was sung at Kati's bridal shower. It was also the hymn that played as Andrew entered the church for the wedding ceremony, and that played as Kati walked down the aisle towards her groom. It is a powerful song with a testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of our great God, and it was beautiful and appropriate to sing it together at the wedding reception. 

Ron's brother Michael led our singing.

When the votes were tallied, the octopus cake topper had won! (Are you surprised? Probably not.)

Andrew, as (strongly) requested, carefully directed that bite of wedding cake straight into Kati's mouth. No smeared make-up or sticky hair for his bride! 

~ three generations ~

All too quickly, the evening came to an end. 

Frances relayed this moment to me:
Sarah comes up to hug Kati and then in sudden surprise, she says ... "Is this goodbye?" And Kati says, "This is goodbye." 
(And my own heart catches in my throat as I type the words . . . )

Where typically a bride and groom dash to their car to make their getaway, Kati and Andrew meandered slowly through the crowd and the wedding bubbles, taking time to hug and say their goodbyes. 

Here is the story of Kati and Andrew's wedding . . . 

Wedding Bliss {Part 4: The Celebration}


  1. What a lovely reception with an emphasis on family, love and Jesus. I must tell you that I love how the beautiful lacy wedding gown is modest! Ten cakes was a cute idea.

    1. Thank you, Terra! I liked that about Kati's gown too. The ten cakes was a lot of fun. At least one table devised a plan to try them all! (They got different ones and shared bites.) :)

  2. So much to enjoy in this post from the tender moments to the smiles not often seen to the most wonderful photo of Andrew I have yet seen and to the calm and unhurried nature of the parting. Perfect! There are so many ways that Kati and Andrew showed how it is done.

    1. I am glad that you enjoyed it all, Vee! It was a beautiful day from start to finish with so much meaning.

      Now I'm curious. Which photograph of Andrew did you consider the best?

    2. Photo #6 is a very nice photo of Andrew. What do you think? Wonder what his mom would say...

    3. I agree! (I was wondering if that was the one you were thinking about.) :)

  3. If I had to describe in one word Kati and Andrew's wedding, it would be 'Perfecton".
    I love that they were so calm and took the time to enjoy the ceremony, reception and the goodbyes! I also love how they spoke words of wisdom and encouragement to the young folks. I'd say they are off to a great start, and with so much love from both families, I wish them so much continued happiness.
    Blessings, Sue

    1. Sue, thank you for your kind words! There were so many things to love and some of the ones you've named touched my heart too!

  4. happy tears for the happy couple
    and happy extended family. ♥♥
    such a beautiful **set apart**
    wedding. my goodness... ♥

    1. "Set apart." I can hardly think of a better thing to be said. Thank you for sharing our joy (and our happy tears)!

  5. Wow, what a beautiful and touching reception, a wonderful start to their beginning as husband and wife. Your family is beautiful in their love for each other and their love for Jesus.

    Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you, Lorraine, for your kind comment! We are so very blessed!

  6. It has been lovely to share this wonderful day with you.

    1. I am so glad, Barbara! Thanks for hanging in there with me! :)

  7. Love every moment that was captured. How special that your family sang a song of welcome to Andrew. Loved it. That wedding topper idea was very cool. Haha...the Octopus won! Love the photo of Kati with Bekah in the background while Kati encourages the single gals. Beautiful of both of them. So many beautiful photos. Blessings on all...

    1. I can't say enough how grateful I am to have these beautiful photos of such beautiful moments! Between you and me (and, I suppose, anyone else who reads this comment), I almost chickened out on the song because I was afraid we were not ready. I'm so glad my family insisted that we do it! Yes, the octopus was the winner! How could it not be, huh? :)

      Thanks for all of your kind words!

  8. Thank you Cheryl, for sharing such reverent moments at the beautiful reception for Kati and Andrew's wedding. I was truly touched by all of the lovely details. Your friend has captured beautiful memories that you will look upon with great joy.

    1. Thank you for joining us vicariously, Martha Ellen! Indeed, Frances has given us quite a gift!

  9. Oh my, tears in my eyes as I read all of your captions for these lovely photos! Thank you for sharing them with us. But which cake will they freeze and save for the one year Anniversary?!! Beautiful wedding with their own special meaning behind everything. And is it Virginia that she has moved to?

    1. Awwwww . . . Melissa, I thank you for enjoying them with us!

      Cake story: Kati's friend made the Smith Island cake (a Maryland thing) that they cut and she also made a small one for them to freeze. We brought it home from the reception and put it in our freezer. But with the distance that they live from us, it would have been complicated to get that cake to them for their first anniversary. Instead, when they came to visit for Bekah's graduation and to move all of Kati's things, they shared it with the extended family on moving day! It was delicious!

    2. Melissa, if you send me an e-mail at thinkingabouthome@gmail.com, I'll tell you where Kati and Andrew live. :) (I don't share any identifying information publicly. At least I try not to.)

  10. Each segment you shared was beautiful? I have never seen so many unique ideas for a wedding. Maybe Katie should be a wedding planner. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle! I totally think that Kati could be a wedding planner. She did an amazing job with only four months to do it all! Of course, Andrew is also full of good ideas and they worked very hard together. (I called myself "the consultant.") :)

  11. What a beautiful and blessed event and celebration, all of which glorifies God! Loved every post.

    1. Thank you, Carol! Yes, to God be the glory!

  12. I don't check blogs so often any more and each time I do I hope there's another wedding installment. This one did not disappoint! What a wonderful wedding celebration. I love the singing of Great is Thy Faithfulness--I could sing that many times in a row! It was a both of my parents' funerals too. Loved all their special and unique touches.

    1. Then I'm so glad you popped in today! Sorry I made you wait so long. I don't think I am busier than I used to be, but somehow I find it more difficult to keep up with posting.

      I am glad that you enjoyed the wedding with us through the blog. "Great is Thy Faithfulness" has long been one of my favorite hymns and now it is even more special. I am sure that is is for you too!

  13. Such a sweet blessing to get to *be apart* thru your pictures and precious words!!!! Such a beautiful and wonderful celebration!!! LORD bless them in their new life <3!!!~tammy

    1. Thank you so much, Tammy!! I'm thrilled that you were able to join us through the wonders of technology!

  14. I'm not a crier, but this whole thing just touched my heart. What a blessing it is to see two children of God who so obviously love Jesus and their families. What a delightful wedding reception from the clever library card bookmarks to the cake toppers to Great is The Faithfulness. To God Be The Glory forever and ever Amen. 💗🙏✝️

    1. Yes. To God be the glory!! And thank you for your kind words, Judy!

  15. So much love here...a beautifully touching reception. Love the gorgeous table decorations, all of the unique touches (loved those library card keepsakes), the great cakes, and so glad Deanna got the video of that beautiful song...y'all sounded just beautiful! Thank you for "inviting" us all to this glorious celebration!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Debby! I am thrilled that you accepted our "invitation" and joined our celebrating!

  16. I just found your blog thru If you do stuff, stuff gets done. What a thought-full wedding. It's so lovely. Is your son and daughter in law part of a "plain" community? I just loved how everyone participated. Enjoy your summer?

    1. Thank you for visiting, Bun, and leaving your kind words! It was a meaningful wedding for all of us!

      My son and his wife wish to be known simply as Jesus-followers, but they have chosen to be a part of a local Mennonite fellowship.

      Hope you're enjoying your summer too!

  17. What a lovely, thoughtful, and mature wedding! Their love for each other, family and most importantly God shines through in every lovely detail. How touching to present them with your song. They are off to a great start on a strong marriage!

    1. Rosella, it was such a blessing to be a part of their story! To God be the glory! I agree . . . they have a great start!

  18. Thank you SO much sharing the wedding with us here. What a lovely collection of memories! It has been so nice to peek in at this wonderful day.

    1. Thank you for coming along with us, Brenda! I have such wonderful blog friends who rejoice in our family's blessings!

  19. Best wedding I've been to in a long time and I didn't even attend!
    What a sweet ceremony. So well thought out, with touches of their personalities (at least I think so because I don't know them, but do now!

    Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful!!!

    1. Christine, I am so glad you came along!! Thanks for your kind words!

      (Just found your comment in my "awaiting moderation" file . . . oops!)
