Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A Mother's Musings: Changes and New Mercies

It has been an exciting and bittersweet year. 

There have been so many beginnings and endings in our world these past months, making a mother's heart flutter. 

This past spring, we watched a nest of baby robins in a rhododendron in our backyard. As we came and went, we'd walk over and peek in to check on their growth: first eggs, then hatchlings, then little bodies covered with soft down. It was exciting to see the changes day by day. Soon, they had fledged and were off on their own.

At the same time, one of our "babies" was preparing to leave the nest. 

And there was grief.

Oh, lots of joy too, for these were good changes, answered prayers . . . but still. There was a grieving of sorts. A child getting married means the end of that relationship of primary confidant. I am no longer the most important person. The spouse is. And that is certainly how it should be! That is healthy and good and right and I would not want it any other way. But it is still a grieving of what has been and now has changed.

Some of the things I miss:

 ~ I miss car trips and drive-bys and running through the drive-through at our favorite coffee place.

 ~ I miss "Morning Meeting" and mochas on Saturday mornings.

 ~ I miss Kati coming in to talk to me while I cook.

 ~ I miss her great organizing skills. 

 ~ I miss her asking me for advice.

 ~ I miss seeing her pull up her hair in a ponytail in the evening.

 ~ I miss sharing giggles at midnight.

That is a little of the "bitter," but there is most definitely the "sweet." 

We are delighted when one of our children finds a soul mate, a helpmeet, when God knits two hearts together and they begin their walk through this life. Our family grows and our hearts grow to include the new spouse. Three times now, children have fledged, and oh the blessings that each change has brought!

Then there is the bittersweet of a September with no back-to-school. 

No first-day-of-school breakfast at Chick-fil-A. No first-day-of-school pictures. No new notebook with dividers. No new books to open. No lists of hymns, poets, composers, artists to learn about during Morning Time.

Yes, this is the "bitter" because I miss homeschooling! I miss the excitement of learning, the feast of ideas, the (semi) regular schedule, the togetherness, the purpose, the discipleship.

But, there is also the "sweet" as I reflect on the joys and the fruit of the season past. I realize that this season has ended naturally, and that there is a new one ahead with new work and new rewards. We are all making steps towards the future, learning to hear His voice of direction. He is faithful!

As I reflect on these days of change and the seasons of a mother's heart, I have to thank our loving Father for His mercies that are new every morning . . .

There was one morning at the beginning of the month that our son was in a serious car accident. It was a three-car chain reaction in which he was struck, and his vehicle left the road and rolled over into a field. He was injured (three broken ribs and a partially collapsed lung) and was kept in the hospital overnight. It has been a painful recovery, although he has improved and has returned to work.

That is the "bitter."

But we can certainly see the sweet, sweet mercies of God! Ryan is tall (6' 3") and his head is only inches from the top of his vehicle. But even with the rollover and the severe damage of other parts of the vehicle, the roof was intact. How very different the outcome could have been! It makes my heart flutter every time I think about it . . . and it also causes me to praise the Lord!

So as this mother muses today, I cannot help but thank Him for the beginnings and the endings, for the bitter and the sweet. It is all grace! 

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever;
With my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations. 
Psalm 89:1


  1. Life changes, progresses; children grow, leave the nest, begin to make their own way in the world. It's as it should be....but there's no doubt it is hard sometimes. Independance in a child is what we as parents try to foster and encourage. You will have so many memories and so much advice to give over the next years.
    How wonderful that your son was not more damaged, praise the Lord.

    1. I know that you are right, Barbara! "It's as it should be."

      God was merciful to Ryan!

  2. Your words went straight to my heart ♥

  3. So thankful for all the answered prayer in this post! Loving spouses, young adults walking forward in life, healing and protection for another!

    Praising God with you!

    1. Indeed, He has answered so many prayers! Thank you for rejoicing with me!

  4. Change is hard -- even good change. But God moves us on into new areas we may have never dreamed of. So thankful your son wasn't hurt worse than he was. And so happy for Kati and Bekah as they move forward in their lives.

    1. Your words are encouraging, Kathy! All is well . . . and at least one of my children has been low drama this year. (Thanks, Kristin!)

  5. Cheryl, you have experienced so many changes in a short period of time. It's no wonder you feel the grief that accompanies change. A mother's heart is so tied to her babies, no matter the age. With my own grown children, though off on their own, still tug at my heartstrings with every change that happens to them. I'm so glad to hear your son is okay! How fragile our lives are.

    1. Well expressed, Martha Ellen! Indeed those heartstrings are pulled, no matter the age of our "babies." Thanks for your kind words.

  6. Praise God that Ryan was protected through that accident. I am sorry for his injuries and thankful for his recovery. When my daughter-in-law and grandson were in an accident two summers ago, it sure made me realize how quickly everything can change. My daughter-in-law's life has changed forever. I imagine that Sam's has, too, and Ryan's. Prayerfully, the memories will be positive ones knowing what The Lord brought them through.

    Yes, I also understand the grief that attends a child's leaving, even though we would not have it any other way. That said, I hope that Kati gets home regularly so you can enjoy many more times of sweet fellowship.

    Is Bekah attending school or working or what is that child up to these days?

    1. Thank you for rejoicing with us! An accident can certainly be life-changing. (I was in an accident 11 years ago and it affects me to this day.)

      Kati and Andrew will be here for Thanksgiving! We can't wait!

      Bekah . . . is still transitioning. I hope to have news to report soon. :)

    2. Cheryl, I am right there with you in ending a homeschool journey. Getting ready to take our youngest off to Bible school in a week and a half. Also, accidents for several family members and now care-taking my father-in-law. But God has been gracious in all of these circumstances(some could of been much worse). Thankful to Him for allowing our emotions and giving us the grace to make it through so that we can be more like Him and know that He is in control and knows are needs and what is best. Thank you for this post. It is encouraging to see someone in the same place and trusting our Heavenly Father.

    3. Thank you, friend, for taking the time to comment. Your words are encouraging to me! Indeed, God is gracious in all of our circumstances! Grace be to you as you walk through the changes in your life.

  7. Changing seasons of life come to us all. Transitioning from a full and busy household to a nest with just the two of us was difficult, but there is good, too. We want our children to find soul mates and have children just as we did, and to send them off with our blessing. God's grace is new every morning no matter the season. So glad Ryan is recovering.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story, Lorrie! I think the only way to deal with change is to move forward in His grace!

  8. This is a wonderful praise report of all that God has done and is doing in your lives. He's not done yet! So glad your son was not hurt any worse and that he is progressing forward. God's continued blessings on all of you.

    Happy Fall dear Cheryl ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you, Lorraine! He is a good God, isn't He?!

      Happy fall to you, too! Hurricane season is nearly over. I know that is happy news for you!

  9. I can so understand your feelings. Things change and all of a sudden you are not needed as much. You have a wonderful and blessed family. Now you get to cherish more free time, and don't worry you will find ways to fill it with good works.

    1. Thanks for understanding, Kim! Yes, we are very blessed! And, oh my, I have not found much empty time yet! Funny how that works, isn't it?

  10. Bittersweet is the best word you could have used to describe our life changes. My baby will be 40 next year - wow, that means I'm really old! Watching the grands grow and learn and drive (praying lots) and mature increases my prayer life for them which is a good thing. It is so amazing how quickly the seasons pass for us. Blessings.

    1. Indeed, it is amazing how quickly! Such a difference in perspective . . .

      I agree that there is more to pray about and also that it is a good thing! Thanks for sharing your wisdom, GrammaGrits! It's always good to hear from you!

  11. Oh my, so sorry to hear about Ryan's car accident. PTL that he was protected from more serious injuries. I can understand the flutters. Oh and the bittersweet of all the changes. I can understand that part that is sad and that part that can praise the Lord for what He is doing. I miss being able to see my "coast kids" on a whim. I miss meeting up with pals for a quick meal and deep talk. I'm thankful that we can be with our eastern kids and being able to help out where needed. I love seeing our grandchildren regularly. I'm glad you could put this perspective in writing. Lots of good things happening but I'm still finding myself saying more frequently...Come quickly, Lord. Happy Fall to you!

    1. I am sure that you can relate to many changes in a short time. I know that you miss your "coast kids" even though you are nearer to your other kids and those sweet grandbabies! Yes, bittersweet. And I love your perspective, Ellen . . . "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!"

  12. You have so many changes this year. But it sounds like you are embracing them all with great grace. Maybe you will have some time to "Smell the roses" and in quiet, reflect and ponder what is next for you. I'm sure there is plenty to do with the grandchildren as well, and how blessed that they are nearby. I feel like I'm still in transition after retiring--it takes time!

    1. So many changes! Even though I have not yet this great availability of "free" time, I have not settled into any sort of regular schedule or routine. And perhaps that is what is right and good during this season: being more available for those around me, being flexible and generous with my time. I am still sorting it all out and it encourages me to know that you feel like you're still in transition! (Like maybe it's okay that I haven't figured it all out yet! 😊)

  13. This post brought tears to my eyes, and memories of my bittersweet life experiences with our children,Cheryl. I know exactly what you are feeling, God's faithfulness opened another new and exciting chapter for me. just as he is doing for you. The is one of the reasons I love taking photos as they tell the story of our life and I am able to go back and recall the memories. You have shared many wonderful memories here on your blog and have allowed me to be a part of it. What a joy it has been for me to see you lovely family grow and fulfill the plan God has for their life, with yours and Ron's guidance. Your thankfulness of God's faithfulness is so inspiring.
    Oh how God's faithfulness was in keeping/saving Ryan, I will be praying for a complete and swift recovery for him.

    1. Thank you, Sue, for your encouraging words . . . and for rejoicing with us! I have gained so many dear friends through blogging and you are certainly one of them! I am blessed!

  14. Bitter sweet. I sure get that. So many difficult things, mingled with good. God is faithful in it all. So thankful you son is healing <3 !!!

    1. Sooooo thankful for His faithfulness, Tammy! Thanks for rejoicing with us . . . our son is feeling better still (although not totally recovered yet).
