Friday, September 20, 2019

New Stepback Cupboard

As I told you last week, our three year search for a stepback cupboard for our dining room has come to an end! Yes, three years of looking in antique stores, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace for something with the right color, the right size, the right "presence," the right patina, the right price . . . and it had to be swoon-worthy. (Do you swoon over furniture?) 

Ron and his brother took a road trip last weekend to pick up the cupboard. (Thanks, Ron and Max!)

And Bekah and I spent the better part of the day on Monday reorganizing all of the contents of multiple pieces of furniture!

The old cabinet (here ↓↓↓) . . . 

. . . went to the sun porch, which meant that candles and table linens could not stay inside it. (Summer heat and humidity = melting and mildew.) 

So . . . candles went to the corner cupboard. Corner cupboard contents to the cabinet on the sun porch. Linens to the stepback cupboard. Paper products (napkins, plates, place cards, straws) also in the stepback cupboard. Party supplies (banners, birthday candles, crepe paper) to a drawer in the guest room. It felt kind of like a long game of musical chairs! 

This day, the table was set for our homeschool girls' book club.

It was worth the wait! 

Have you ever waited to find a specific piece of furniture? How long? 


  1. No, I can’t say that I have. I have waited, but not with anything specific in mind and “the answer” usually came in the form of a hand-me-down. I like your way better. That piece is perfectly suited for that spot.

    1. Hand-me-downs are definitely the more economical choice, and we have had quite a few of those. Ron has made a lot of our wooden furniture too, also economical. But I had my heart set on a certain thing for this spot! :)

  2. I love it!!! So perfect for you. and I love your sun porch!
    No, I have never waited for a piece of furniture. I try not to set my heart on something specific.

    1. Thanks so much, Linda!

      Probably wise, on your part. :)

  3. It looks perfect. I have never heard the term 'stepback' applied to furniture before and wonder if there is a particular meaning?

    1. Thank you, Barbara! "Stepback" simply refers to a piece of furniture whose upper part is further back than the lower part.

  4. This is the perfect piece for your home. I have never had my heart set on a piece of furniture and waited for it. I just go looking if I need something.

    1. Thank you, Kathy ! Your way is faster! (Maybe I'm just too picky! 😜)

  5. I love, love your new cupboard. It is even better than the picture in the shop. I have wanted a Roll-top desk for years and yesterday found a great one at a thrift shop..just the right size, good condition and great price. It came home with us although not without some stress of getting it home before tha rains came and then my husband and me getting it unloaded and into the house..heavy ��. . But we made it glad to finally find one that works for me. Isn't it fun then getting things placed in a new piece like you want it and it all comes together. Happy for you. Sharon D.

    1. I love the rich honey colored cabinet, Cheryl! It's perfect in your dining room. And the way you dressed it for autumn is lovely. Playing musical cabinet tetris is great fun for me. A great way to clean out and organize.
      I have waited and am still waiting for the right cabinet to replace a cheap one that resides in our kitchen. I recently saw one in an antique store, but the timing was not right to buy it. Boo Hoo

    2. Sharon, thanks so much! I love your story of finding the right roll-top desk . . . even the part about the challenges getting it home, I suppose because it sounds like a familiar tale! My sister had us in stitches last week telling the story of getting a piece of furniture to her daughter's house. It wouldn't fit in either of their vehicles so they resorted to strapping it to a hand cart and walking it across town, laughing as they went! 🤣)

    3. Martha Ellen, thank you! You know, it very satisfying to clean out and organize spaces and make better sense of things.

      Oh yes, I get that whole timing thing! I think it's worth the wait though!

  6. Great choice and worth the wait for sure. It really fills the space nice. I like the white pumpkins and platter you added, too. The old cupboard looks great in the sunporch, too. Right now we are on the lookout for a piece to add to our master bedroom. Waiting for something in the right dimensions, etc. We also have a large space above the toilet in our master bath that needs something to fill the space.

    1. Thanks, Ellen! It will be fun to play around with styling it during the different seasons. I really like the old cupboard in the sun porch too. It was pretty much the only place it would go without replacing something else, but I think it makes the porch look more like a room!

      Hope you're able to find the pieces you're envisioning! Isn't it funny how every house has new needs? It's not just a simple thing of moving everything from one house to another.

  7. What a lovely addition to your dining room! How fun to style all of the cupboards again too! And it looks like some great tea was available for the Homeschoolers.

    1. Thank you, Melissa! Yes, it is fun to reorganize and clean things out.

      Do you like Republic of Tea? My current favorite is Vanilla Almond.

  8. It's beautiful and now I understand the term which was new to me. So most hutches would be "step back?" We too have kept things we are looking for in mind, on the "back burner" and hubby says "I'll know when I see it" and we often do! Always worth the wait.

    1. I suppose most hutches would be "stepbacks" by that definition, although I generally think of "old" or primitive when I think of a stepback cupboard. I found some information about stepback cupboards here:

      I've used that "I'll know it when I see it" line many times. It is part of the treasure hunting!

    2. Thanks for link. It makes sense that it would refer to old cupboards, for the work itself sounds like it comes from another time!

  9. Furniture you really like is worth waiting for. I'm blessed in that Tim has made a number of pieces of furniture to my specifications. Your new cupboard is such a pretty colour. Doesn't it feel good to organize and sort things out?

    1. Ron has made many of our wooden pieces too, and yes, that is a huge blessing (and money-saver). In this same room, he has made the table, corner cupboard, and sideboard! He is currently low on reclaimed lumber, and I wanted the patina of old wood.

      I love to reorganize and sort! Do you go back and open the doors and drawers to admire your work? (I do.��)

  10. I'm so glad you shared photos. That is a beautiful addition to your lovely home.

  11. Your middle name must be Patience!

    1. In this case, Christine . . . but not always! 😉

  12. I love your stepback cupboard, Cheryl, so worth waiting for, it fits perfectly in your home.
    You have such a lovely home, so welcoming, and warm.
