Saturday, October 26, 2019

This Week . . .

This week I had to buy a new laptop. 

And being without a laptop all week confirmed the fact that I really do need to upgrade my (very) old phone. 

And having to read anything online on the tiny screen of my (very) old phone confirmed the fact that I also need to break down and get new glasses.

So . . . our cash flow may be taking a hit, but at least I'll be connected and current and I'll be able to see! 💻 📱 👓


  1. Yes, I can totally relate. Makes me think of all the things I take for granted (seeing, breathing, my computer, just waking up to a new day), and don't notice what blessings they are until something happens that makes me.

    1. Isn't that so true?! I am so forgetful of His blessings . . .

  2. Absolutely! Some things are vitally important after all. Have fun learning the new technology. I trust that it’ll be a breeze.

    1. The laptop is a breeze. The phone . . . not so much. I am having the greatest difficulty even knowing what I want to purchase, let alone learning to use it. Eek!

  3. Aw - have fun with your new things. I'm still trying to get used to my new laptop but love it so far!

    1. It is the "smart" phone that has me worried. Am I smart enough to learn it?!

  4. One thing leads to another! It's like a kitchen remodel.
    Glad you have a new computer.

    1. That is the truth! And we're finishing a kitchen remodel so we know that too!

  5. Cheryl, our daughter is visiting and has been installing updates on my computer that never seemed to update previously. I told her I wish technology didn't need updating so frequently. Glad you are keeping up with it all!

    1. Martha Ellen, I have done a little (okay, more than a little) ranting over the frequent need to upgrade to stay current. It is so much easier for young people, but for us not-so-young folks, it is quite a challenge! Sigh . . .

      It is great that your daughter is helping you. I may have to call in the troops to help me select a phone to meet my needs.

  6. Just like dominoes - one thing leads to another!

  7. The three c's with one being see. Glad you'll be connected soon. :)

  8. Your phone can't possibly be as old as my hubby'! He only has talk & text on his...and he doesn't even text, LOL! Glad you are getting all upgraded! what in the world did we do without these devices anyway??

    1. Debby, mine is a 4S, a hand-me-down from my daughter. I accidentally left it at a friend's house a few weeks ago and her teenage son was amazed that I had a phone that old! He had to google it to see what it was! 🤣

      I am not sure what we did without our devices, but the world has changed and I don't want to be left in the dust!
