Friday, November 1, 2019

{30 Days of Thankfulness} Day 1

I always think October, with her cooling temperatures and stunning color, is my favorite month . . . that is, until November arrives. Then I'm not so sure.

I love November! It begins (almost) with my girl's birthday and it (nearly) ends with my favorite holiday. November is color (as the month begins) and comfort food. It is candlelight and cozy. It is counting our blessings.

And that's what I'm going to do here on the blog this month: I am going to pop in daily, probably in the evening, and gather a blessing or two. No rules here. I may chatter on about it, or I may just name a blessing and move on, depending on the day. And I would love if you would share a blessing in the comments now and then! 

Day 1:

I am thankful for a cozy evening with my sweetheart.

Bekah was babysitting tonight and Ron and I had planned to go out for dinner. But Ron came down with the cold I had earlier in the week, so instead we shared a meatball sub at our own table. After we ate, we made some coffee, poured it into our favorite fall mugs, and I lit a maple pumpkin candle.

Not much excitement around this old house tonight. But it was enough and I am grateful.


  1. Well, it is the 2nd here, so I'll do two blessings. Yesterday we both went to our dentist who was pleased not to have any work to do. Then we went out for a light lunch nearby, such a treat for us both. And today...well it is pouring with rain and I'm thankful for my little car to go to the local shop.
    I like your idea for November.

    1. Thanks for sharing your blessings, Barbara! Indeed, no dental work needed is quite a blessing. So many reasons to be thankful!

  2. What a lovely plan... It makes me smile to think of you and Ron enjoying a cozy evening home together. Sometimes it takes many years of raising a family to get back to that concept.

    1. You are so sweet! You make a good point. When we're young, we don't always appreciate the luxury of a quiet, cozy evening at home. Nowadays, it is good! Different seasons of life . . .

  3. My blessing for the first was dinner out with the family to celebrate the October birthdays! Today the blessing is sunshine, and a day to putter at home!

    1. Thank you for sharing your blessings! Not sure which sounds better . . . a family birthday celebration or a day to putter!

  4. Thankful for a good meal for supper, kitchen cleaned up, and a quiet cozy home with my husband, each of us with our favorite reading material, him in his recliner and me in my "nest" on the sofa. Thankful for God's blessings. Sharon D.

    1. Sharon, that sounds perfectly dreamy! Simple blessings are often the best ones!

  5. I'll join in. I am thankful for a warm home and for friends who help us out. Since Joe injured his hand, he has not been able to take the air conditioner out from our front window. Cold air has been pouring into the house each evening. Knowing the temperature was going down to freezing last night, a friend of ours stopped by after work and took it out for us. It was so much warmer in the house last night. God is so good to provide for us -- even to the point of sending us people to help us out.

    1. Oh Kathy . . . thank you so much for sharing this story! I am grateful with you for God's provision of a warmer house and dear friends to help! He is so good!

  6. I know I will enjoy your 30 days of thankfulness, Cheryl! I so love hearing that you and Ron enjoyed a special evening together, even though one of you is not feeling up to par. I do hope Ron will be feeling better soon. It's the simple times together with my sweetheart that I enjoy the most. We just returned from our daily walk. I'm so thankful we can do this together. So many discussions are packed into these special times together.

    1. I am happy you'll be following along, Martha Ellen! I think you've hit the nail on the head. It is the simple things that are often the greatest blessings! You and Grayden share something very special and time together, however simple, are to be treasured.

  7. I'll try to follow suit with a month of thankfulness. Today I am thankful for my sister who is visiting and our baking day with our daughter in law, sweet Addy and a cousin once removed. Hope your dear hubby recovers soon. Happy November to you!

    1. Thank you for joining me, Ellen! I love hearing about God's good gifts! Sweet family times certainly are among those gifts!

  8. I'm thankful for this quiet season (for our family). God is good!

    1. Thank you for joining in, Christine! "Quiet" is a good thing, I think . . . and yes, He is so good!

  9. Now that's my ideal evening! As we grow older, I'm more and more thankful for each quiet evening we enjoy together! I'm so glad you're doing this series again!

    1. We think it's a good evening if we're in with our comfies on by dark. 😉 Doing a series is definitely a discipline, but this seems like a good one to do.

  10. Like you, I have considered October to be my favorite month except here in the south, it still feels like summer. November has pretty much taken over, like you said, and Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday too. I am thankful that our little RV seems to be feeling more like home everyday...even has a fireplace!

    1. Indeed, we have to take our fall when we can get it, don't we?

      Your RV has a fireplace?! Well that sounds like a great home to me! Happy November to you!

  11. Time together is so very precious!!! Gratitude of the simple things that mean the world <3 ~

    1. Yes, it is precious! And I like how you say that the "simple things mean the world." So true! Somehow it's so easy to complain about the "big" things, when we really have all that we truly need.

  12. I've missed several days here, so I'm going to catch up at leisure. And leave notes too. What a lovely idea to do this all through the month.

    Brenda xox

    1. PS. I think that meatball sub at your own table sounds perfect, especially when you topped it off with fresh coffee in your favourite fall mugs. And that maple candle must have created a lovely ambience as well.

      Hope your hubby feels better right quick!

      Brenda xox

    2. Thank you for coming along, Brenda! I have so enjoyed reading your comments and chatting with you this evening!

      Ron is beginning to feel better, thank you. We have all taken turns with this cold and it was a humdinger.
