Saturday, November 2, 2019

{30 Days of Thankfulness} Day 2

Today (and every day), I am thankful for my birthday girl.

When we celebrated Kati's 25th birthday last year . . . on her special day, and then with her big sUrpRiSe party . . . I wondered if it would be the last one we'd celebrate with her in our home. 

And it was.

I have missed her today. Missed saying "Happy Birthday, Kates!" first thing in the morning. Missed seeing her open her presents. Missed our celebration dinner at her favorite Mexican restaurant. Missed sharing a pumpkin roll and taking a few too many pictures. It was the first birthday she's ever had that I did not even see her!

But when we all talked on the phone this evening and I heard about her wonderful day and how Andrew treated her and celebrated her . . . and when I heard the joy in both of their voices, my mama-heart was completely happy.

Happiest of birthdays to our dear Kati! We are happy that you are happy! And we thank our God for His plan! 

So many reasons to be thankful . . . 


  1. I'm thankful for Kati too. I found her blog first and through her, found you! Happy birthday, Kati!

  2. Happy birthday Kati!
    I'm thankful for Carers who come every morning whatever the weather.....and it is very wet today.

    1. I am thankful with you for the faithful Carers. They must make such a difference in your lives!

      Thanks for the birthday greetings for Kati!

  3. Bittersweet... the marriage of a daughter. I can also say, from the other side of the equation, that it is also bittersweet when a daughter decides to remain single. 😌

    So glad that you enjoyed a phone conversation on Kati’s special day!

    1. There is all kinds of bittersweet in this life and I am sure that you're quite right. So glad that we can put it all in God's hands!

      Yes, it did my heart good to hear her voice!

  4. So sweet to have a mama full of praise for her (grown) daughter!
    Happy Birthday and Happy Birth-day!

    1. Thank you, Christine, for your kinds words and for both of those greetings!

  5. This is a beautiful post from a Mother's heart.Bless you as you continue to release your beautiful daughter.Bittersweet,yet sweet.BUT GOD...Blessings,Dawn E.Brown

    1. Thank you, Dawn! Absolutely "bittersweet, yet sweet." Blessings to you too!

  6. Cheryl, I so understand, dear one. Happy birthday to your sweet Kati! I'm so happy you could talk to her and feel the joy she's experiencing. Our daughter lives a great distance, but we talk every Sunday afternoon. It means so much to me.

    1. You do understand, Martha Ellen! It is hard to have family live far away. Thankfully, we live in the days of modern communication where we can stay connected in many ways. (Aren't you glad we didn't live in the "Little House on the Prairie" days when you left your loved ones behind and only had a letter from time to time?!) Thank you for your birthday greeting to Kati! I'll be sure to tell her to come here and read them . . .

  7. Ahh, happy birthday to your sweet girl miles away. It's so good to have a way to communicate across the miles.

    1. Indeed it is! As I just commented to Martha Ellen, I am so glad I didn't live in the days before modern communication! Thanks for your birthday greetings to our girl!

  8. I know how hard these things are, I have a married daughter living away. I was also thrilled to hear how special her birthday was, and how much they are delighting in their marriage. JOY!

    1. Yes, you do know! And, also yet, rejoicing in their happiness and God's plan!

  9. How blessed you are to have had 24 birthdays with Katie! I sense you joy overflowing at what God has done in her life the past two years ... or is it only one since she met Andrew? I hope you will celebrate again in person -- but meanwhile it sounds like her husband did a good job!

    1. Actually, we had 25 birthdays with our Kati (she just turned 26) and I feel so blessed to have had that many with her (more than any of my children so far). God has answered many prayers for her this year! And, yes, it has only been a little over a year since she met Andrew! Amazing how much has changed in so short a time!

  10. Yep...that getting married thing kinda changes everything, doesn't it? Everything except that ONE much we love them and miss them even when the usual celebrations are changed up a bit. Happy Birthday to Katie...and that was SOME steak! :D

    1. It does change everything, Debby! (Except that one thing, of course!) Did that steak make you hungry? It did me . . .

  11. A sweet and happy face if there ever was one! So happy you got to visit on the phone even if it wasn't face to face at home.

    1. How could a mama be sad when her baby is so happy?!
