Sunday, November 3, 2019

(30 Days of Thankfulness) Day 3

I am thankful for the Word of God. 

The lamp for my feet, the light on my path. 

The revelation of who God is.

Absolute truth.

The plumb line. 

The Words of life.

I am thankful for 

its instruction, 

its message, 

its comfort, 

its power, 

its conviction, 

its balm to the soul. 

How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Psalm 119:103


  1. Amen! The plumb that! I also love all the times I read something in Scripture that feels brand new. Hebrews 4 was that for me just recently. His mercies are new every morning and sometimes His Word is, too.

    (May I just say that it is wonderful to find you here on a daily basis. ☺️)

    1. I love that too! His word is living! I am part of a Bible reading plan this year and guess what this week's reading is? Hebrews 4! When I saw that in your post yesterday, it caught my attention. So many rich treasures in His word!

      (Thank you for your encouraging words. It is a discipline, for sure!)

  2. Lovely words.
    I'm thankful today for a wonderful domiciliary Physiotherapist who comes each Monday to work with my husband.

  3. A good thank for the Lord's Day. His Word is so powerful and a delight to study in His house, and every day. So thankful.

    1. Yes! His Word is edifying to us corporately and individually!

  4. Love your days of thankfulness posts! Todays' on the Word of God. I'm sure you have heard of Michael W. Smith's song: "Ancient Words ever true, changing me, changing you."

    1. Melissa, I am so grateful that you shared this song with me! Actually (I talked about this in yesterday's blog post), it was only vaguely familiar to me, but I searched and listened and loved it!

  5. Yes, a balm to my soul! I love that, Cheryl. Through His word I feel the spirit of the living God. May it always "fall fresh on me."

  6. What a sweet post. I am so grateful for so many things. My heart overflows with gratitude at times. You are one of the things I am grateful for. Your wisdom, kindness, values all things that I admire and want in my life. Thank you for being just you.

    1. I am so very humbled by your kind words. Thank you for them. Anything good is all by His grace!

      I feel your heart . . . overflowing with gratitude!

  7. The plumb line, indeed!

    I was so excited when I saw your post earlier that you are doing this 30 days of thankfulness series. My heart leapt! I am so happy and grateful to be one of those blessed women who 'met' you all those years ago here in blogland. I loved those series you did back then, and I eagerly look forward to sharing the journey with you over the next few weeks.

    Brenda xox

    1. Thanks so much, Brenda, for your sweet encouragement. The writing of a series is a discipline, but it is certainly not difficult to think of a blessing or two for thirty days! Thank you for joining me for these days of thankfulness! Hugs back!

  8. So thankful for God's Word that is living and active! Good to read your thoughts nodding my head as I read.
