Friday, November 22, 2019

{30 Days of Thankfulness} Day 22

I am thankful for God's assurance that He will direct our paths. 

When we're faced with the unexpected and with decision and dilemmas and forks in the road, it is so easy to be overwhelmed. But then I remember:

~ He has promised never to leave me or forsake me. (Hebrews 13:3)
~ He is with me always. (Matthew 28:20)
~ He will direct my paths, if I have submitted those paths to Him. (Proverbs 3:5.6) 


  1. Indeed and amen! It is often asked: How do people live without Him? And the good news is that no one has to. He is eager to be invited in to every life.

    (Hope that you are speaking generally here and not specifically. As is my usual habit when visiting, saying a prayer for you and yours.)

    1. Love that good news!

      Thank you so much for your prayer! Aren't there always those things in the pathway towards home?

  2. You post some of my own favourite reminders that offer comfort and joy.

  3. Wonderful statements full of truth we need to remember over and over! I've enjoyed catching up on your posts and was excited to hear of your ESL work! And your special visitor! Have a wonderful time together and blessed Thanksgiving! (enjoyed seeing your past table settings, of course!)

    1. I often need reminders!

      Thanks for catching up with me! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Dotsie!

  4. I agree with Ellen and also Dotsie. Yes, dear Lord, you remind me often and I am slow to learn. Thank goodness for His abundant grace. ♥

    1. Yes, so thankful for all of His promises! And even when we're slow to learn (as most of us are!), He still keeps teaching us and guiding us!

  5. Precious reminder <3 Thank you!!!
