Saturday, November 23, 2019

{30 Days of Thankfulness} Day 23

I am thankful for my "servants." 

I just heard the buzzer ring in the basement, letting me know that the laundry is dry. That reminded me of how thankful I am for such "servants" . . .

          my clothes dryer

          my washing machine

          my dishwasher

          my hot water heater

          my oven

          my boiler

          my coffee pot.

These tools work for me, helping me with my daily tasks of keeping a home. 


  1. Me too, Cheryl, especially the coffee pot!

    1. What would we do without our coffee pots?! :)

  2. Aww, how sweet to visit and scroll through your thankfulness posts on this early, rainy morning. I may not have been shopping with you and your family or sipping coffee and perusing books but I feel like I had a warm conversation :)

    Have a lovely Thanksgiving week!

    1. Always nice to have a visit and "conversation" with you, Lorraine! Thanksgiving blessings to you and yours too!

  3. Oh I am grateful for anything that keeps me away from a washboard or for the furnace that keeps me from hauling wood...been there; done that. So much to be grateful for in the 21st Century. (And I am certain that our forebears had much to be grateful for as well.)

    1. Absolutely! And you know how thankful you are when one of those "servants" breaks down!

  4. Lovely list of special 'servants' who make our lives so much nicer.

  5. Oh yes, I so agree with your list of servants that help us keep our homes. The women of yesterday certainly would be amazed at our servants. I like how you refer to them as our servants as they certainly are! ♥

    1. We wouldn't want to be without those servants! As I said to Vee, when one breaks down, I realize just how grateful I am!

  6. Yes! So many great conveniences to be thankful for.
