Friday, November 29, 2019

{30 Days of Thankfulness} Day 29

I am thankful for answered prayers. 

I am amazed that the God of the universe hears my simple pleas to Him. 

(Of course, He doesn't always say "yes." Sometimes He says "no," but that is no less an answer. I must trust that He is all-wise, all-knowing, and always, always good.) 

This year, He has answered Kati's prayer (and ours) for a Christian husband . . . and also her prayers to be a mom.

He has answered our pleas for help in planning a wedding, finishing homeschooling, and planning a graduation

He has answered our prayers for restored health for a loved one

He has answered our prayers for grandchildren to walk with the Lord. 

Those are big prayers and big answers.

But there are also prayers like daily bread and daily grace and forgiveness and direction and wisdom and guidance. Those are certainly no smaller, but the answers may be slow and subtle and only noticed by one who is paying attention.

And sometimes there are prayers that are not known to anyone but the pray-er. And the answer may seem small to an onlooker, but is no less than miraculous to the one who has prayed. Let me tell you about one such answer.

Since a car accident eleven years ago, I have suffered from travel anxiety. I am not a good passenger, and I am only comfortable driving in my "safe" zones. When Deanna and I started talking about meeting somewhere for a visit, I was secretly hoping it would be a little closer to me. Not because of the time or the distance, but because of the drive. But, as it worked out, the place we found to meet would take me out of my "safe" driving zone, through more traffic and major highways than I had personally driven in those eleven years!

The day came (eek! no one had cancelled!) and off I drove to meet my friend. I prayed before I left . . . and basically all the way! 

And the day was glorious! It was a beautiful autumn day (my favorite kind of day). There was beauty all around. I enjoyed the time to talk with the Lord. Not just about travel, but about lots of things. I usually listen to music in the car, but I was enjoying this uninterrupted time with God. I felt His presence.

As I drove to the tea room, I experienced unexplained peace. On the way home, there was more traffic, and yet, I remained calm.

If you're a person who doesn't mind driving (I was once that person, so I understand!), you may think that this was no big deal. But it definitely was a big deal and it was an answer to prayer! 

Again, I am amazed that the God of the universe hears my simple pleas to Him . . . but I am so grateful that He does!


  1. So many wonderful answers to prayer. A review always reveals what God has been doing in our lives. What a wonderful God we serve. He is ever working on our behalf.

    1. "He is ever working on our behalf." What a heartening truth!

  2. I too am a nervous driver with a comfort zone. I understand exactly what you are saying. So gracious of our loving Heavenly Father to see you through.

    1. Kathy, I am sorry that you do understand, because in this case, misery does not like company! But the good thing is what you said . . . how gracious our Heavenly Father is to all of us in our weaknesses!

  3. I know just how you felt. For years I drove from one end of France to the other with no qualms. Now back in England, and older, I limit myself to places that I am familiar with, and pray too!

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience, Barbara. It makes me feel a little more normal . . . like maybe it was not only the car accident that changed my driving confidence? Whatever the reason, I am thankful that He knows our weaknesses and "remembers that we are dust." (From Psalm 103 . . . that same Psalm that reminds us to "forget not all His benefits . . )

  4. What a busy year and lots of answered prayers. Understand fully about your driving prayer - have prayed many times in similar situations. Blessings!

    1. Thank you for sharing that, GrammaGrits! Blessings to you too!

  5. I'm so glad to hear that your prayers of safety and comfort were answered, Cheryl. It is good to remember answered prayer and unanswered prayer. God knows what is best.

    1. Thank you, Martha Ellen! What a comfort that He knows!

  6. Great post, and your drive to meet your friend--in my eyes--was a very big deal.

    1. Your kind words of understanding touch my heart! Thank you!

  7. I'm praising God for the peace and comfort He gave you on that drive there and back again. God is good.

  8. Praise God for all those precious sweet answers to prayer!!!!!! Travel anxiety, same. So hard. Of course other anxieties too, but travel. I pray ,push through and God meets me there. So thankful you felt Him and His peace <3!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you for sharing that with me, Tammy. It is hard. I love your approach: pray, push through, and God meets you there!
