Wednesday, November 6, 2019

{30 Days of Thankfulness} Day 6

I am thankful for my kitchen!

About a month ago, I have you a progress update. Ron was off that week and we (mostly he) were working hard on the kitchen checklist. Our goal was completion by Thanksgiving. But guess what?

We finished last week! 

I plan to do a separate blog post sometime soon (need to get some good photos). But in the meantime, here's a sneak peek. 

Yes, I am thankful for my kitchen . . . and for my handyman!


  1. Always nice to get a project done and to have it done ahead of schedule is an extra blessing. Looks very nice. Now I’m wondering about the paint because it definitely is not reading pink. Ron did a fabulous job.

    1. Thank you, Vee! It is so nice to have it done and Ron outdid himself on this project. You'd never know that there was a washing machine there and that the new cabinets had not always been there!

      Photo editing? Same paint though.

  2. Oh, that's a lovely corner in your kitchen. And how lovely that you (and handyman hubby) got the project done well ahead of the stated goal.

    1. Our projects have not always been so timely! There was a time that we were doing a major remodel of our Farmhouse dining room (new windows, refinishing floors, paint, new drywall . . . major) so that we could use the room for a big 50th birthday party for my dad. We were painting the trim the night before the party!. Too close for comfort! Not sure whether our skills have improved or our expectations became more realistic.

      Regardless, I am grateful to be finished ahead of schedule!

    2. Cheryl,

      When I was a girl my dad built new kitchen cupboards in our little farmhouse where he grew up/where I grew up. The final touches of that project was being done one Christmas Eve -- as happy as my mom was for the new cupboards, she was getting antsy that the kitchen was still such a mess and we were about to head into Christmas with her house still upside down. I think that was a project 'too close for comfort' too! :)

      My dad used to tease my mom sometimes. (I don't know if it was deliberate.) He'd be working away on something and suddenly say, Oh no! My mom would rush to ask him what's wrong ... and then he'd reply, Oh, it's okay, I'll be able to fix that. It used to make her crazy. Funny, the little old things we remember from back then.

  3. A beautiful kitchen to be thankful for, my friend. Looking forward to more pictures. Your Ron is an amazing craftsman.

    1. Thank you, Martha Ellen! I need for there to be time at home + good lighting conditions so that I can get some decent photos. The kitchen is difficult to photograph. But I'll be working on it!

      Ron is an amazing DIY-er!

  4. Yes! I'd be thankful too! Can't wait to see more.

    1. Thank you, Christine! I hope to get some good photos before too long!

  5. Oh, very nice. I like the peek and look forward to the full report. :)

    1. Thanks, Ellen! I am eager to share! (I just wish Kati had not taken our --ahem-- her good camera with her when she got married.) 😉

  6. It looks wonderful! Good job, Ron! Looking forward to seeing the whole thing :)

    1. Thank you, Debby! I wish I had you here to photograph the kitchen for me!

  7. That looks cozy and beautiful!!! And praise God for our homes like you said before. You are making it more lovely!!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy!! We are enjoying the changes. It feels so much more spacious and usable. Amazing how much difference a little switcheroo can make! We do not take this home for granted and I am sure that you don't either!
