Monday, August 3, 2020

Guest Room Updates

Shout out to Bekah who spotted this little table buried in a corner of a favorite antique shop! 

Bekah has a great eye and she knew it would be perfect as a night table in our guest room. (It was also a bargain! Can you believe $40, and then 10% off that?)

A few weeks ago, I uncovered this little rattan stool while antiquing with my friend Barbara. When the room was Kati's, she had an ottoman in this tiny space between the closet and the doorway, a perfect little landing area for purse or packages. But this little stool better fits the aesthetic of the new room. 

Oops. Didn't intend to photograph the cat toy. 😉

The guest room is coming together! 

Still to do: 

  • Ron will be making paneled shutters for the windows, and I will be making fishtail swags.
  • We're still hunting for a small-ish wingback chair. (I purchased a chair on Facebook Marketplace, but I didn't like it in the room and moved it to the library. We play a lot of "Musical Furniture" around here.)  

Perhaps it would be nice to decorate in one fell swoop, but it really is fun to slowly curate a room a little at a time. What do you think? 


  1. I would rather take time over a room and gradually find the right pieces. Your side table is lovely, such perfect condition. A bargain!

    1. Thank you, Barbara! It is sort of a game, collecting bits at a time . . . especially when you come across a bargain!

  2. We've never done a whole room at a time and we've never had a solid style either. I enjoy the way all of your pieces go so well together. I like the idea of finding things little by little adding to the completeness of a room. That was a great find at a very good price! Really looks nice in that room, too. Happy August to you.

    1. Thank you, Ellen! Adding little by little is gentler on the pocketbook too, isn't it?

      Happy August to you too!

  3. Yes, a lovely addition to the room! And your coverlet/blanket on the bed is just beautiful. Won't Katie enjoy coming back to visit and stay in her "old" room. Although traveling with a baby right now will certainly be difficult, maybe by Christmas it will slow down?

    1. Thank you, Melissa! I feel like we struck it rich with that coverlet, as that style is so hard to come by these days. When I went back to the store (in Lancaster) to get one for another room, there were none.

      I can't wait for Kati and family to come for a visit! I hope for Christmas, but I try not to count on anything right now.

  4. That is one beautiful side table, I love that style of furniture. Your room is lovely as is all of your house. Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thanks so much, Lorraine! Wasn't that an unbelievable bargain? A wonderful week to you too!

  5. I love decorating this way. Your spaces become layered and while the furniture all has a similar 'feel' to it, it is not a matched set. So much more interesting that way! You guys are masters at this approach!

    1. While our styles are different, I think we have the same approach to decorating, Deanna! It really is fun this way!

  6. what a welcoming, lovely room. you have quite the gift of refined decorating, in my humble opinion. :) ..... i've added some newer touches to our bedroom and thinking twice as the newer additions bother (me) more than not. so. out they'll go and i'll be left with a much more simplistic room. same with the living room - - i go through phases of adding decor then get frustrated by the *stuff* and take it all out then move a few things around all over again. would love to move the couch but the hubs isn't in agreement and my back would rebel. so. couch stays but other junque moves. wink.

    1. Thanks so much, Sherry! Do you ever look back at your 80's rooms with all. the. stuff? Oh my. Just a glimpse makes me want to pare down to simple, lovely things! Bekah (born in 2001) cringes when she looks at those old photos, which makes me laugh. I'm afraid I am nearing the end of my furniture shifting days . . . better get stuff settled while Bek still lives at home. Ron takes a similar view to your husband at moving around large pieces. 😉🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. The new lamp is perfect in your guest room, Cheryl. I especially like the rattan stool you placed inside the door. Finding just the right piece takes time, but is so worth the wait when a room comes together. I always enjoy seeing your lovely home.

    1. Martha Ellen, you're so kind! It is definitely worth waiting to find the right piece . . . such a thrill when you find it!

  8. It looks charming there. ☺️

    1. Thank you, Vee! (Wish you were coming for a stay!)

  9. What a perfect side table for that room and bed. Even though I can't see the whole room, I'm thinking it's a totally sweet space.

    1. Thanks so much, Becki! You can have a peek at the other side of the room if you go to this post ( and scroll down to Goal #4. It looks the same today except for the burgundy wingback chair that we scooted down to the library.

  10. Oh, what a charming guest room! I love its simplicity. I'm with you, it's more fun to take time to find the right piece for the right spot. That table fits perfectly and so does the rattan stool with accompanying kitty toy - hehe. Any guest will certainly feel welcome and at peace here.

    1. Thanks so much, Brenda! "Welcome" and "peace" are two things that I hope for all of my guests. ♥ (And, yes, our kitty seems to feel welcome in the guest room too! 😊)

  11. I love your style and that guest room looks beautiful! I too think it's fun to "build" a room piece by piece and that little table is perfect.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Rosella! It looks like there are many of us who like "slow" decorating!
