Thursday, August 13, 2020

Watermelon Birthday Bash

Sunday was the day of our annual SUMMER BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION, the we celebrate 10 birthdays!  

For years and years, my mom has bought me a Wattamelon Roll (watermelon sherbet with chocolate chip "seeds" and a lemon sherbet "rind" . . . yum!) for my birthday. This year, she bought two so that we could have them at the summer birthday party and I had them tucked into my freezer. 

As party day drew nearer, I had not had opportunity to shop for party goods. But as Bekah and I ambled over to look at paper plates and napkins in Target, it dawned on me: We were going to have the watermelon sherbet, and I had a bunch of watermelon plates and napkins in my stash! So a theme was born right there in the Target aisle and I didn't spend a thing!  

At the hors d'oeuvre station . . . 
Watermelon plates (from who-knows-where because I've had them so long)
Fire and Ice Salsa (made with watermelon, recipe~here~)

I got no photos of our birthday lunch of ham and cheese sliders, chips, and a melon fruit salad.

Zinnias and a watermelon made a simple and summery centerpiece.

Mom brought goody bags for all of the birthday people.
Can you believe she had watermelon print tissue tucked into the gift bags, 
tissue that my sister had purchased for her weeks before the watermelon theme was chosen? 

Four-year-old Macie was the cutest little Birthday Fairy passing out the gifts!

My daughter Kristin had made a chocolate-oatmeal cake, 
and my granddaughter Eve had made a lemon layer cake, 

but we decided to put the birthday candles on a Wattamelon Roll!

We sang Happy Birthday three times!

First up were the July birthday girls, grandaughters Eve (13) and Maddie (16).

Next were the August birthday peeps . . . first being a little silly . . . 

. . . and then ready for the cacophony that is our August birthday song!
Left to right: our son Ryan, Ron, me, Mom (Gammy), our grandson Owen (14), our daughter Kristin, and our grandson Judah (2).

🎡 "Happy birthday, 
dear Ryan-Daddy-Ronnie-Dad-Cheryl-Mom-Gammy-Mom-Owen-Kristin-Mom-Judah . . ." πŸŽ΅
(And not in any designated order . . .  🀣)

Last (but not least!) was our granddaughter Alaine (10) who missed an August birthday by a single day! 
September 1st is still summer though, so she's part of the Summer Birthday Celebration.

Maybe I should not have done the math, but we celebrated 10 birthdays and 338 years! 

And every one of those years is a gift from God.


  1. What a fun time for your family! We'll have to try that "Wattamelon".

  2. Happy 338! πŸ‰πŸŽ‚πŸ‰ What a fun time your family has together!

    1. Thanks, Vee! Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it?!

  3. Wow! Now that was quite the list for that birthday song. Kind of nice to tackle them all on one grand day and celebration. Love the watermelon cake! Happiest of birthdays to all 10 of you!!

    1. It always makes us laugh to hear all of those names sung together . . . nobody is even sure how to fit them all in! Thank you for the birthday greetings, Ellen!

  4. Happy birthday to all the summer babies! The Wattamelon Roll sure looks beautiful and I'm sure delicious. I love your theme for this special celebration, Cheryl. My goodness your grands have grown by leaps and bounds.

    1. We sure do have lots of summer babies in our family! That watermelon sherbet is delicious, especially with the chocolate "seeds." It's a crowd-pleaser!

      Martha Ellen, they are growing up before my eyes! Our oldest grandson is off to college in a few weeks and I can hardly believe it! But you know yourself how quickly they grow up and it is bittersweet!

  5. Wattamelon Party!!! I love the theme so much. Did your mom make that roll? Birthday blessings to all and especially to you Cheryl! You have a beautiful growing family!

    1. Thanks, Rosella! My mom did not make the watermelon sherbet roll; it is made by Friendly's Restaurants. Friendly's has a line of ice cream products that they sell in grocery stores. These Wattamelon Rolls get harder and harder to find, but Mom has an "in" with a local grocery store manager and he makes sure to order a couple for her each summer.

      Thanks for your sweet birthday blessings, as well as your kind words about one of my greatest blessings, my family!

  6. Also wanted to say that the Fire and Ice Salsa looks delicious! Gotta try that.

    1. It's good . . . but I'm going to increase the "fire" part again next time!

  7. Oooh, I love the Wattamelon roll! And that's really great that your mother had that watermelon seed tissue paper without knowing about your theme. What a sweet and fun celebration that looks like. We've got to get our grown kids together. We haven't seen them all together since... I think February. You got that whole bunch together - we could surely get three young men and us together at the same time. Seeing two of them tomorrow, though, so that will be good. :) Happy birthday all you summer kids!

    1. You have eaten the Wattamelon Roll before? Thank you for the birthday greetings, Becki! Hope you are able to get your gang together sometime soon!

    2. No, I haven't eaten one, I meant I loved everything about it as you wrote about it. Even that it's called Wattamelon! lol It looks delicious.

    3. Oh, I get it! 😊

      It really is delicious and refreshing ... the perfect thing for a summer party!

  8. gracious sakes what beautiful celebrations..
    such a treasure for the heart, cheryl.

    1. Thanks so much, Sherry! We do treasure these moments . . .

  9. Love this, and the watermelon roll cake. Looks like some candles got added to it as you went through the three Happy Birthday songs. What a fun celebration.

    1. Thank you, GGG . . . and that is exactly what happened! 😊 It was such fun!

  10. What a treasure to have gathered generations and celebrating the gifts that they are!!! Wonderful good!!! <3 ~tammy

    1. Tammy, we feel very blessed to be able to celebrate together! We don't take these moments for granted these days . . .

  11. It seems like it would almost be like a summer Christmas! Loved all the happy pictures and the family tradition! Yay for watermelon!

    1. Thank you, Dotsie! It IS kind of like a summer Christmas . . . but with much less preparation! 😊

  12. You have the BEST birthday parties! I love when a theme comes together! Happy Birthday to you all!

    1. Awwww . . . thank you, my fellow party-loving friend!
