Thursday, August 20, 2020

Twenty Years Later

Yes, now it is twenty years later, but I don't ever want to forget how gracious the Lord was to me and to our family, and I want to thank Him for it and give Him praise!

Would God still be good if life had turned out differently? Absolutely! He is always and only good. But I praise Him for His plan for my life, and for His deeds among the peoples!

Permit me to repost my story . . . 

Ten Years Later (originally posted August 20, 2010)

This morning I am quiet, sober, reflective...and my heart is full of praise.

Ten years ago today
, I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance after suffering a grand mal seizure, following several weeks of mysterious neurological symptoms.

Most of the time, I don't even like to think about those weeks, as they were so troubling. It was like my brain was short-circuited. I'd try to say something, and before I could finish my sentence, I would not know how to complete the thought. I couldn't remember words. I couldn't look up my friend's phone number because I couldn't find the H's. My daughter had taken me to the ER during this time, and I couldn't even answer the simple admittance questions, like my birth date or my home address. My right hand had a tremor.

Then I had the seizure, and woke up two days later in ICU, not knowing where I was and how I had come there.

I don't intend to tell the whole story, as it is also painful to remember. It is enough to say that the ensuing days were filled with tortured thoughts and hallucinations, mostly brought on by the medication with which I was being treated.

But the end of the story is cause for rejoicing. Lots of good came out of that painful time.

  • I eventually returned to normal health. Before I regained consciousness, my family had been told that there was a possibility of permanent neurological damage, but I experienced literally no long term effects. In many of the dark moments during my hospital stay, I asked the Lord to restore me to health so that I could raise my young daughter. My illness was never definitively diagnosed, but as I was weaned from my medications over a period of about a year, the symptoms did not return...and ten years later, I remain symptom free.
  • I was bathed in the love of my family. From the night that Ron rose from sleep to come to the hospital and calm the nights that my mom slept in a hospital chair to offer a calming the countless things that my daughter did to make her little sister's life as undisturbed as possible.
  • I experienced the love and care of friends in amazing ways. "Acquaintances" would not have done for me and my family what my brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ did...prayers, meals, words of encouragement, babysitting for my six-year-old, yard care, generous financial gifts, chauffeuring services during those many months when I was not able to drive.
  • Shortly after my illness, I became pregnant with our youngest child. We named her Rebekah Hope, for I felt that she was a symbol of the hope that was given back to me.

As I reflect today, I am grateful for His mercy.

This life is a vapor. It is tenuous. There are no promises of tomorrow.

But I am thankful for His plan, for His mercy, for His grace.

O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139: 1, 14-16)


  1. Your 10th anniversary story is new to me, Cheryl -- I must not have 'met' you at the time of that post. Oh my! I am so grateful for His gracious gift of life and restored health to you. And, I'm so glad for your beautiful presence here and for the gift of life and love and home that you offer us on your hope-filled blog.

    Continued blessings for good health and strength in the days and years ahead. Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

    Heart hugs,
    Brenda xo

    1. Brenda, your words go right straight to my heart and I am humbled! He is faithful, and I hope to always be able to point towards hope in Christ!

      It's been a busy weekend so far, but beautiful indeed! Hope that yours is as well!

  2. What a nerve wracking time you must have been through Cheryl. I'm so happy that here you are, 20 years later, and filling everyone's lives with charm and love.

    1. Barbara, you are so very kind and your words are so moving! I am beyond grateful for God's mercy in my life!

  3. Yes, to the comment from above stating "we are happy you are here sharing charm and love".
    God bless you. And also, yes, to having the closeness of a loving, body building church family to help others through the good and bad times.

    1. I am so moved by everyone's kind words! Thank you, Melissa!

  4. Praise God for His mercy and grace during this time of illness, my friend. How scary this must have been for your family. It is good to remember these times when we are held in our Father's arms.

    1. Thank you for rejoicing with us, Martha Ellen! It was a very scary time, but yes, it is good to remember His gifts and be thankful!

  5. It is so good to have dates like this "on the calendar" at least in our minds, so we can remember what the Lord has done during such times! What an experience you went through, and your loved ones along with you. Thank you for sharing again so we can acknowledge with you His power and faithfulness!

    1. I agree, Dotsie . . . it is good to remember! There are times that are significant markers in our journey, and life is different afterward. It is faith-building to look back and see His goodness, even when it did not feel "good" at the time. Thank you for praising Him with me!

  6. Oh God has blessed all along the way... Bekah is a wonderful reminder.

    1. Indeed He has, Vee! How kind of Him to give us a reminder of His goodness during hard times!

  7. Wonderful to celebrate with praise 20 years later. How very sweet to be able to have Bekah Hope as a visual reminder of God's goodness to you and your family. God is good.

    1. Yes, He is so good! I love that He gave us Bekah as a reminder of His goodness!

  8. Absolutely beautiful.Thank you for to you,Dawn E.Brown

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Dawn! Love back to you . . .

  9. What a beautiful testimony. Thankful that you are here twenty years later able to point to God’s plan for your life.

    1. Thanks so much, Deanna! I am thankful for His plan!

  10. What a beautiful account of God's love and faithfulness in the midst of a most difficult time. He is always with us. I'm thankful that you are able to give such eloquent witness to God's healing power in your life. And how sweet that Rebekah is a gift after such a harrowing time.

    1. Thank you for your kind and faith-filled words, Lorrie! He is so good and I cannot help but give Him praise!

  11. Wow - what a witness to answered prayer, praise and promise! So thankful you came through this experience with thanksgiving and perfect healing.

    1. Rosella, thanks for rejoicing with me! God has been so good to our family!
