Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sixty Things About Me

Now I am sixty. 

The ladies in our family gathered this week to celebrate Kristin's 40th and my 60th birthdays. It was such a special day! We all went out to lunch, then came back to our house to continue the celebration with a game, gifts, and birthday cake. Good times . . . lots of laughs . . . lots of love! 

I have not dreaded this milestone birthday in the least, and I have no qualms about anyone knowing my age. I feel that every year, every day, is a gift from the Lord. So, even though there are definitely more limitations as the years fly by, there are also different opportunities and I hope to serve Him with all of my allotted days. 

For my sixty years, I thought it would be fun to tell you sixty things about me. Some are inconsequential. Some extremely important. Some you probably already know if you're a Thinking About Home reader. Some are little known facts. 😊

Here goes . . . 
  1. I have had a baby in four different decades of my life. (I had my first baby when I was 19, eleven days before my twentieth birthday, another in my twenties, another in my thirties, and my fourth when I was 40!)
  2. I would rather clean bathrooms than go grocery shopping.
  3. I love seafood (but not oysters).
  4. I have lived in seven houses.
  5. I am 5 feet, 8 inches tall.
  6. I homeschooled my four children over a period of 28 years.
  7. One of my favorite activities is antiquing.
  8. Another is having a long chat with a good friend.
  9. I am often almost always late.
  10. I hated field day in elementary school. I would much rather have been in the classroom. (Weird, I know.)
  11. My favorite color is red.
  12. I married at age 17. (I turned 18 a few days later, but Ron's good friend/best man would have been back in college by that time.)
  13. I have recently found that Walmart grocery pickup is my jam.
  14. I wear makeup every day. (Unless I am dreadfully ill.) 
  15. I fight with my hair. It is thick and has just enough curl to be annoying, but not enough to let it do its thing.
  16. I always wanted to be a mom.
  17. I never wanted to be a nurse.
  18. For years, I asked for a pig for my birthday. 
  19. I don't know one car from another. I call an SUV a "van thing" and I have no idea what anyone drives. So if you don't have a bumper sticker or a noticeable dent, I probably won't know who you are when you pull into my driveway. 
  20. I enjoy cooking more than baking.
  21. I am a procrastinator.
  22. My first airplane flight was at age 47. 
  23. I am not a good traveler. 
  24. I taught myself to sew at age 8 and proceeded to outfit my Barbies. 
  25. I make a cheesecake every Christmas. 
  26. My first grade teacher called me The Poky Puppy.
  27. I loved school. 
  28. I cried the first day I could not go to school because I was sick.
  29. I cried the first day my teacher was absent from school.
  30. I cried the day that there was tomato soup for school lunch. (Weird little kid, huh?)
  31. I am a cat person.
  32. I am a house person.
  33. I have had a lifelong struggle with time management.
  34. I can't kill a cricket (can't stand the crunch ~shudder~ ) but I can sweep them outside. 
  35. I don't like milk.
  36. I love to sing my praise to the Lord! Hymns are my favorite. (And I have several "favorite" hymns. How can you choose just one?) 
  37. One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Psalm 90. (Again, I have several "favorites." How can you choose just one?)
  38. I miss homeschooling. 
  39. I will do almost anything to get out of making a phone call. And I say ridiculous things on answering machines . . . not on purpose. 
  40. Autumn is the season that makes my heart sing. (But you knew that, didn't you?)
  41. Does anyone love the Rodgers and Hammerstein Cinderella as much as I do? ~swoon~
  42. I am the kiss of death to plants.
  43. I was once eyeball-to-eyeball with a snake who got in my house. (Would you like to hear my snake story sometime? I can talk about it now.)
  44. I have lived in Maryland all of my life.
  45. I love lists.
  46. I admire a pretty yard. I desire a pretty yard. But I hate yard work.
  47. I love candles . . . food scents like cinnamon or orange or carrot cake, but not florals. 
  48. I have a ginormous collection of paper napkins, and a decent collection of cloth napkins. I can't help myself. 
  49. I don't remember the first time I met Ron.
  50. I have a fear of heights. 
  51. Math was one of my favorite subjects, but it was one of my least favorite subjects to teach.
  52. I didn't go on to take French IV in high school because I didn't know who I would sit with at lunch. 
  53. I'd rather have lemon pie than a birthday cake. 
  54. My favorite childhood book is Heidi.
  55. I ♡ Thanksgiving. 
  56. My "uniform" is jeans, a pretty top (love black, but also bright colors), and silver hoop earrings.
  57. My earliest memory was seeing my new baby sister in her bassinet when I was two years and four months old. Not long after, I picked her up and "burped" her while Mom was hanging something out on the clothesline! 😲 I don't remember that, but I've heard the story so many times that almost feel like I do. (My poor mother!) 
  58. We have spent most of our 42 years of marriage remodeling a house. 
  59. My dream is to write a children's picture book. 
  60. My life was changed by the Gospel when I was 12 years old. I realized that I could not be good on my own, no matter how hard I tried. I accepted Jesus's payment for my sin and He forgave me and made me a new creature in Christ

I'd love to learn some new thing about you! If you have the time and inclination, tell me something in the comments! 


  1. First off HaPPy Birthday!!! Turning 60 is a great milestone. I enjoyed reading 60 things about you. I can identify with much of what you shared. I am a homebody that loves home and family. Blessings to you,

  2. Cheryl, Happy Birthday! I remember my 60th, having a lovely lunchparty in the garden of our French home. Now, some years (!) later, birthdays are quiet and uneventful.

    1. Thank you, Barbara! Your 60th birthday party sounds like a lovely event . . . and I enjoyed our special party this week. But a quiet celebration with a grateful heart is a good thing too!

  3. Happy 60th Birthday!
    You are very blessed.

    1. Thank you, Christine! Indeed, I am very blessed!

  4. Happy birthday! Loved your list and thanks for sharing with us. Have a blessed year!,,

    1. Thank you, GrammaGrits! I wondered if I would be able to think of 60 things, but I got on a roll! :)

  5. 60 is a great decade. I'll only share it with you for 6 months! I enjoyed reading your 60 things. I couldn't identify more with #39. I might have cried too if we ever had tomato soup at school. I did like it at camp with a grilled cheese sandwich! Yikes burping you baby sister when you were just a baby, too. :) Is there anything about me that might be new since I blog so much...Babysitting in my teen years was not my thing. Even though I was conned into doing it, I did not like it at all. Hope you have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement about the 60's! Haha . . . you hate phone calls too, huh? It's the "unknown" factor I think. No way to prepare. Maybe it was the same with babysitting? Totally different with your own children (and then grandchildren). A happy weekend to you too!

  6. Welcome to the 60s you, young'un you! What a beautiful birthday. All of them should he filled with wonderful people, fun, food, and laughter. God is so good!

    1. Thanks for the welcome . . . and it's not every day that I am called a young'un! It has been a wonderful birth-day, week, and month. Yes, God is so good!

  7. Cheryl, I so enjoyed hearing some unknown truths about you- Though not surprising at all. It's so refreshing to hear you are not bemoaning your age. Blessings to you as you enter another decade. You look marvelous! It's so nice you were able to celebrate in such a lovely way.

    1. Thank you for all your kind words, Martha Ellen! No need to bemoan. As you and I have discussed before, it is a gift to grow older. God alone knows the number of our days . . .

      It was lovely to celebrate with our dear ones!

  8. Oh what a beautiful celebration! I could identify with so many of your things and giggled at #19! So great to embrace your age and intentionally enjoy it no matter what the number. I have 8 1/2 years on you and have to admit that the 60's have been pretty kind to me. I am a late bloomer in many ways so it's all good! Happy Birthday and keep celebrating all year!

    1. It was a delightful celebration, Rosella! Thanks for indulging my sharing so much, and for giggling too! (My kids also get a big kick out of #19!) Nice to hear that the 60's have been kind to you!

  9. Happy, happy Birthday, Cheryl! I loved turning 60 - it's been a lovely decade thus far. I so enjoyed reading your list of 60. I think we were about the same age when we learned to sew clothes for our dolls - what fun!

    1. I love all of the encouraging comments about the 60's! Thank you for the happy birthday wishes, friend!

  10. I can 100% relate to #19! I have had to tell my neighbor to please not be offended if she is waving to me as she passes and I look as if I do not know her! �� I'm also poky and have had to learn how to manage my time as an adult (providing plenty of opportunity for sanctification for my husband ��). Another "thing" is that my mother and myself soon turn the same ages as you and your daughter �� On that note, I hope you had a wonderful birthday, and I pray for the Lord to continue to richly bless your years.

    1. Melissa, your comments make me smile. It is funny that you don't know cars either! My husband laughs because I don't even wave at him when we pass on the road! 😂 Ron could identify with your husband about that sanctification thing. And wow . . . you and your mom will soon be those same ages? Amazing!

      Thanks for the sweet birthday blessing!

  11. Happy Birthday, Cheryl! I loved, loved, reading these things about you. We have a lot in common. Especially our faith, but many other things. I don't know cars, don't like phone calls, don't like shopping, have the same taste in candles, love cats. You have been such a blessing through the years.

    1. Carol, thank you so much for your birthday greeting and for your kind and grace-filled words!

      Oh my goodness. We must be kindred spirits with all these things in common!

  12. Well, Happy belated Birthday! What a neat way to share about yourself. Now we know! And I'm sure you missed your lovely Kati also.

    1. Oh, I sure did miss my Kati! It is hard being so far away from her. I'm incredibly thankful for modern technology that keeps us connected, but it doesn't replace a hug or a lingering chat.

      Thanks so much for the birthday greetings! Glad you enjoyed my sixty things. (It actually felt a little self-indulgent, but I know that I love to learn little things about my friends, so I just went with it!)

  13. Just love this!!! <3 A very happy Birthday to you!!! ~tammy

  14. A belated happy birthday to you, youngster! 😀 It was a delight to read through your list, Cheryl. God bless you!

    1. Thank you, Judy, for the birthday greetings and blessing! (It's not every day that I'm called a youngster! 😂)

  15. A belated Happy Birthday from me, Cheryl. I loved reading your list and enjoyed getting to know you better. I turned 61 this year and I want to tell you that I found turning 60 kind of exciting. It seemed weird to admit it, but I was like a kid actually eagerly anticipating it. I didn't feel that way about turning 61, but it wasn't bad either. That is a beautiful picture of you gals. You are a blessed lady.

    1. Thanks so much, Becki! Indeed, I am very blessed! And I have loved reading all the encouragement from my fellow sixty-somethings!
