Sunday, December 6, 2020

From the Antique Store | Six Finds and a Bonus!

A few weeks ago (eek . . . it was actually in September!), I showed you some things we purchased on an antiquing outing, along with how I chose each item, what it cost, and how I planned to use it. Some of you enjoyed this little "behind the scenes" kind of post and asked for more, so today I'll share the treasures I brought home on Friday when my friend Barbara and I visited two antique stores. 

{one} green-glazed yellow ware bowl

This was my favorite find of the day. I have a pair of reproduction green bowls that I use all the time, but this one is authentic . . . and big! I considered it a good price at $22.00. I can easily picture this bowl heaped high with the Thanksgiving mashed potatoes next year, but for now it is on my kitchen counter filled with apples. 

{two} a pair of star candle holders

These little candle holders were only $2.00 each, and I can use them anywhere, singly or as a pair. Today they are on my kitchen island holding beeswax tapers.

{three} pewter chamberstick candle holder

Pewter always catches my eye! A chamberstick is a piece I did not have and it was only $5.00. I put it on the desk in our bedroom. The desk is going to be replaced with a bookshelf in the future, and then I'll find a different home for the chamberstick.

{four} a pair of tin molds

These look like cookie cutters to me. But they would make ginormous cookies and the label said "molds" so we'll go with that. They were $4.00 each. Barbara said that her mom had a pair just like these hanging on the wall of the kitchen in her former house! I thought about hanging them, but I'm not sure where. I put them in the pie safe in my kitchen, but they probably will not stay there. If I were to leave the doors open, they would be fine, but with the doors closed, you can hardly see them. And I can't leave the doors open because the pie safe is in a narrow traffic path between the dining room, kitchen, and master bedroom. So it's back to the drawing board on these. 

Molds on the middle shelf . . . 

. . . molds on the top shelf . . . 

. . . molds with the door closed. (Where are they?) 

{five} brown transferware plate

I love brown transferware! I have a nice collection Friendly Village dishes and a set of dessert dishes in another pattern and a few serving pieces in more patterns. But I rather like the "collected" look, so I decided to bring this lovely plate home to use as a serving piece. It was $7.00. 

old bowl alongside new-to-me plate on right

{six} Putz sheep

I have to say, I'm not sure whether this little Putz sheep is an antique or a reproduction, but I'm happy with him and his price ($8.00). 

{BONUS} lunch at Barbara's house!

After shopping, we enjoyed a delicious lunch, a special Christmas dessert, two cups of coffee, and lots of time to talk. It was a delightful day! 

I know you'll enjoy a few peeks at Barbara's lovely table and her beautiful home dressed for Christmas . . . 

Barbara is a dear friend and time with her is a gift! 


  1. She has a beautiful smile your Barbara. Glad that you spent time together and lunch after. I enjoyed the peek at her home.

    Your treasures all look marvelous. The green bowl is going to be a mainstay in your decor. I love the brown transferware. I have never thought of Friendly Village as brown transferware. Is it? I see I have my research work cut out for me. I love peeking around in your beautiful home, too. Have a great week.

    1. Indeed, Barbara does have a beautiful smile!

      I am glad you liked my treasures! But now you have me thinking. I *thought* that Friendly Village was considered transferware because of the border, but I could certainly be wrong. Let me know what you find out. My quick search didn't tell me a lot.

      You are so kind! Thanks for peeking around. If I had my way, you and I would be antiquing and sharing lunch together too! ♥

  2. I always love to see pictures of your pretties in your lovely home. I think everything is just terrific that you recently bought. I have been thinking a bit lately about brown transferware dishes. I brought home some blue Currier and Ives dishes from MIL's this summer and I know I'll enjoy using those, all the while reminiscing over the ones from my childhood (that are long gone), but I really love brown transferware. I just looked up the Friendly Village pattern and wowza! those are gorgeous! Your new (old) acquisition is beautiful and will look so nice with them. Glad you had a fun outing with your pretty friend, Barbara. What a fun table she set, and the food looks yummy.

    1. Thank you, Becki! I have a thing about dishes. They're really a practical collection, don't you think? They tell such stories, whether they belonged to relatives or have simply graced your own table for special (or everyday) meals.

      Oh, yes, Barbara is a fabulous hostess. She always sets a pretty table and serves delicious food, but it is always so comfortable and warm. "No stress" is our motto! :)

  3. You found some lovely, and useful, things. The little star candlesticks are so sweet.
    So nice to have a good friend to visit with.

    1. I agree, Barbara! A good friend is the best of treasures!

  4. It is fun to see your finds and how you will use them. Your day sounded delightful in every way. Treasure hunting and a meal enjoyed with a dear friend, such a blessing. I agree with Vee, Barbara has a beautiful smile. Hope you have a good week ahead.

    1. It was a delightful day! I am blessed to have such a good friend, and I agree with both you and Vee . . . Barbara does have a beautiful smile!

      Wishing for a good week for you too, friend!

  5. What a great post! Really enjoyed sharing your new finds - antiquing is so much fun and having a dear friend along makes it one of life’s sweet simple joys!! Love everything you brought home

    1. Thanks so much, seashoreknits! Absolutely . . . "life's sweet simple joys!"

  6. golly * nice finds!
    i especially love the green bowl. it's yummy.
    how wonderful to be able to meet up with a dear
    friend, antique shop, and enjoy a lovely meal.
    she's lovely. as are you.

    1. You are so kind, Sherry! It really was a wonderful day . . . yummy in many ways!

  7. I need a Christmas visit! I miss you so much. You found wonderful treasure, but what a treasure to have a day with Barbara!

    I especially love your sheep, and your antique stores are amazing!

    1. A day with Barbara is a treasure! And a visit with you would be a treasure too . . . and we will definitely go antiquing when you visit!

  8. What a fantastic haul. I think I'll pick the chamberstick candle holder as my favorite but I like them all. And I enjoyed the glimpses of your home.

    1. I'm glad you like the candle holder . . . and wasn't that a fantastic price?! Thank you, Amalia, for your visit to Thinking About Home and for your kind words!
