Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Completed House Projects | 2023

Each January, Ron and I have a meeting to discuss our house goals for the coming year and we usually choose a "top five" to work on. Some years we accomplish all five, some years fewer. Sometimes we change course in the middle of the year because there were life changes or because something that wasn't in the top five became more urgent or doable. Even when there are changes, it's helpful to have goals to organize our time and resources, but flexibility is key. 

In January 2023, we had a delayed Christmas visit/celebration with Kati and family (who had been sick at Christmas). Less than a week after they returned home, my dad had a sudden decline in his health (he passed away in the fall), and life was markedly different most of the year.

House projects fell to a very unimportant place on the priority list. Did we even make house goals last year? I honestly can't remember whether we did or not, and if we did, I don't remember what they were. 

That said, when we looked back at 2023, we were surprised (shocked!) to realize that we had accomplished more than we thought! In fact, it was a pretty productive year on the home front. 

So here we are . . . 

I will list them in this post, and then I'll write a short (or long, depending on the project) blog post about each one. 

#1  Refreshed the library with some reupholstery and a new rug.

#2  Built a bookcase for the master bedroom to replace a table/desk. 

#3  Installed blinds in the sunroom. 

#4  Completely gutted and remodeled our master bathroom.

I'll tell you the back story and some of the details of each project, as well as how we were able to accomplish it a year of challenges. Stay tuned . . . 


  1. Completely gutted and remodeled the Master bathroom? How could you forget that??!! :) Of course, life was happening. Will look forward to seeing the final results.

    1. Oh, I didn't explain that very well! 😂 What I don't remember is what we had actually planned last January (or if we had made house goals at that point). The bathroom project was certainly not planned then . . . it sort of grew out of the circumstances of the year. More details to come!
      ~ Cheryl

  2. I can't wait to see and read about it all!


    1. I'm glad! I so enjoyed following the progress your addition, and I enjoy the journey of other people's house projects. But there is no way I could have kept up with our projects on the blog. Too much else happening!
      ~ Cheryl

  3. It sounds as though you worked very hard.

    1. Some of our projects this year were executed by others, but it was a year of hard work in many ways!
      ~ Cheryl

  4. It is very shocking some years to look back and see all the things!! I'm looking forward to reading your future posts.

    1. Yes, it really is shocking some years! I guess that shows us how much is actually accomplished even when we're unaware of much progress.

      (By the way, I found this comment in my spam folder. What in the world? That was weeks ago!)

      ~ Cheryl

  5. You and Ron are wise to set goals for your home projects at the beginning of the year. Even though those goals are diverted to more urgent needs, you have a plan. Without a plan we find our goals don't get accomplished. I'm always impressed by your accomplishments, and am looking forward to hearing more.

    1. If we don't get motivated early in the year, it's hard to catch up once yard work and outdoor projects take up so much time, so we like to get organized and get going! From our perspective, it can seem slow-going, so I am encouraged to think that you're impressed! Thank you, Martha Ellen!
      ~ Cheryl

  6. House projects are always interesting to me. We're in the midst of them ourselves. Tim just finished the staircase - new balusters, handrails, newel posts, risers and steps. It's been a fiddly job and he did it well. Just finished it today, so I'll photograph it tomorrow.
    I'm impressed by all that you've accomplished in this most challenging year.

    1. Ooooo . . . that sounds like a big and exciting project at your house! I'm looking forward to seeing a photo (pr photos)! Kudos to Tim!

      We were actually surprised ourselves as we looked back. Only one of those was a big project though, and we did not do that one ourselves.


  7. You inspire me! I need to be more intentional about getting some improvements done in this "new to me" house! Making a list is a good way to start!

    1. Thank you, Rosella! I have to have lists to keep me on track. Otherwise, I forget all of my intentions or else I'm not organized enough to get anything done. Best wishes on your projects for your "new to you" house!

      ~ Cheryl

  8. Cheryl, that is quite a lot considering the difficult things you faced in 2023. I look forward to hearing more, and seeing pictures! :)

    1. Thank you, Becki! I am soon to hit "publish" on the first project, but I need a photo of the complete room. Hopefully there will be enough sunshine tomorrow . . .

      ~ Cheryl
