Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Winter Decorating Goes Orange

Even though I love decorating my house for Christmas (warmth . . . color . . . cheer!), I also enjoy quieting the house after the season ends.  

But some years it can seem a little too quiet. And this year was one of those years. 

I decided to decorate with citrus for the month of January. My sister had given me an orange spice candle for my birthday at the end of August and, although I had burned it in the fall, I had saved a good bit of it for winter. The candle became the inspiration for my winter décor. 

I put a few of my Christmas pomanders along with some (faux) cedar into a pewter bowl on my dining room table. I swapped out the red table square I had used for Christmas for a navy runner. 

You can see the orange spice candle burning on the sideboard. Mmmmm...

I scattered some of the dried oranges that were on the Christmas tree onto the tea service tray and added a few pinecones. 

I wanted a pop of color on the mantel, so I decided to put some pomanders there too. (These were also on our tabletop Christmas tree this year.) I dug out a trencher that I had not used since we moved into Pineapple House. Ron had made it several years ago using a beam from a barn that once stood on our Farmhouse property. (I told about it ~here~.) I was delighted to see that it fit perfectly on the mantel! I bought a set of battery operated candles from Target, placed them in the trencher, and filled in with the pomanders, faux cedar, and some pinecones. 

The candlelight is so cozy on these winter evenings! 

P.S. This has absolutely nothing to do with décor, but when a friend came for coffee last week, I made a batch of orange scones

I guess I'm feeling citrusy this winter. 🍊


  1. I think it looks lovely, warm and welcoming. And I love citrussy smells too.

    1. Thanks so much, Barbara! There's just something about a citrussy smell . . .

  2. Your home is always so lovely, warm and inviting, Cheryl! I too love the citrus smell.
    I also enjoy the fresh clean look.

    I am trying to get back into the groove of things too!
    I know you and your family had a great visit with Kati and her family!
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Sue!

      Sometimes it's a challenge to get back into the groove, isn't it? Oh, yes, we had a wonderful time with Kati & Co . . . which may have been why I felt a distinct need for winter cheer this year. But it was a delightful gift to be able to spend those days with them!

      Blessings for the new year to you, Sue! Aren't we grateful for His mercies that are new every morning?!

  3. Love your January Winter decor. So pretty. I bet it smells real nice, too. That orange scone is making my mouth water! I need to put batteries in the new candles I bought at hobby lobby! Hope the last week of January is filled with good things for you and yours!

    1. Thank you, Ellen! Ooooo . . . that orange candle (Village Candle's Orange Cinnamon) smells wonderful! I love candlelight in winter and the battery-operated ones are a cozy, safe option. I bought two different sets last winter and ended up returning them for different reasons, but this set from Target has met my criteria and I am loving them.

      How can it be the last week of January already?! Hope yours is good too!

  4. Orange and navy blue are a wonderful combination. Your winter decor is lovely. The scones sound delicious!

    1. Thanks so much, Lorrie! I guess it's that color wheel, complementary colors thing? Whatever the reason, it is working for me this winter.

      I'd love to share a scone with you!

  5. How lovely it all looks and the thought of those scones is making my mouth water.

    1. Thanks so much, Lorraine! I'd share a scone if I could!

  6. Your housw is just so beautiful and tranquil. You have an amazing eye for decorating. The elements are so simple, but the impact is tremendous. Thank you for sharing its beauty with us.

    1. Thanks so much, Sue . . . your words are very kind! What you don't see is that I am a s l o w decorator. I need lots of thinking time and plenty of trial and error! (But I enjoy the process!)

  7. I've said it before but bears repeating - "I love your style"! Your orange theme looks absolutely wonderful. I can't wait to start decorating our new home ... soon I hope!

    1. Thanks so much, Rosella! If I am excited about your new home (and I am!), I can hardly imagine how excited you are! I'm sure you're decorating it over and over again in your mind. Can't wait to see some peeks!

  8. It looks so sunshiny with the oranges! We put an orange in each of our Christmas stockings, as a reminder of how special they were to get a long time ago. It still amazes me that someone "discovered" the need for eating citrus during the long winters to prevent scurvy! Good thing God makes everything available for us to eat.

    1. Thank you, Melissa! That is amazing, isn't it? And, yes, we are blessed with such an abundance of foods and choices for healthy eating. (Not that I always eat healthy, mind you.)

  9. Orange and navy blue make a great combination. Is your fireplace a working one? Orange scones sound heavenly. 🍊

    1. I love that combination too, although I typically don't decorate with orange. But somehow oranges seemed fine and I am loving it for now!

      The fireplace. L o n g story. (Most of mine are.) Here's the short-ish version:

      1) First fire built in the fireplace resulted in our house filled with smoke.
      2) Chimney was professionally inspected and declared clear.
      3) Second fire built in the fireplace resulted in our house filled with smoke.
      4) Advice sought from lots of other fireplace owners.
      5) Third fire built in the fireplace resulted in considerably less smoke.
      6) Plans are made to tweak fireplace (with shared chimney) in basement and try again.

      I'd love to share an orange scone with you!

  10. Your home is so lovely dressed in its winter colors, Cheryl. Your mantle is so pretty with your pewter candlesticks framing the trencher with the battery operated candles. I love them here in our home as well. We a few of them that have a timer that is set for dusk. Candles make our homes so cozy. I can imagine the orange spice candle from your sister adds a lovely layer of fragrance to compliment your decor.

    1. Thank you so much, Martha Ellen! Candle light seems just right in the winter doesn't it? I am glad that I finally found some battery candles that I like. Mine are not on a timer, but they do have a remote which I love! Yes, the candle has a wonderful fragrance. I am rationing it so it will last the winter! :)

  11. The oranges look so pretty in that bowl. I absolutely love the smell of orange anything. It's one of my favorite scents. I have a couple of timer candles inside two punched tin sconces in our living room that go on every night. So nice and cozy. Have a nice weekend.

    1. It seems that we like a lot of the same things! Cozy is just what we need at this time of year, isn't it? Hope that you have a nice weekend too. Thanks for dropping by!

  12. orange scent - orange view - orange SCONES! yUm.
