As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Saturday, March 18, 2017


For your weekend . . . food for thought . . . 

I have been thinking of how many unexplained things there are in life. Our Lord Jesus, who could have explained everything, explained nothing. He said there would be tribulation, but He never said why. Sometimes He spoke of suffering being to the glory of God, but He never said how. All through the Scriptures it is the same. I cannot recall a single explanation of trial. Can you? We are trusted with the unexplained.  

- Amy Carmichael, Edges of His Ways 


  1. Wow! This is true. I think it's because He wants us to look to HIM in the trial. 'Show me who you are in this trial, Lord!" If he told us why ahead of time, we'd just handle it. At least that's my personality.

    Love you Sweet Friend!

  2. That's a unique way of looking at the dilemma. I had a few questions when my pastor stopped by the morning I learned of my friend's passing. (There were so many twists and turns in the last year of her life.) He told me that one day we will know as we are known. We won't have to ask any questions. We can fully trust that there are reasons for what happens because our God is not a willy-nilly God. We don't have to know here, but we will know there. That was comforting. Hope that all is well there...such deep thoughts for a Saturday morning. Love to you...

  3. Hmmmmm. Could it be that "why?" is the wrong question to ask? That things are "explained" on a need-to-know basis by the One who knows what I need to know? What if there ISN'T an answer at ALL to our "whys" or that the only answer is "the glory of God and our ultimate good"? Now you've got ME thinking! ♥

  4. The unexplained is a heavy question for us now. I do believe like Vee's pastor said that all of our questions will be answered one day. ♥

  5. Much food for thought , I have indeed had many whys and why nots not answered, but always found solace in knowing that my heavenly Father was in control but always remembered Romans 8:28! This is very encouraging post!
    Since being away from blogging for so long it is hard to catch up on everyone, but enjoyed reading some of your previous posts, and agree buying the chicken for Bekka to put together to learn about the anatomy of the fowl was indeed money well spent! So much now days is spent on technology! BTW she did a great job!
    I am glad to read that your Ron is doing well, I am sorry I didn't know he was sick again, but the family photo shows that everything seems to be doing much better, and I loved the sleepover photos with the grandkids! As always such a joy to visit.

  6. Food for thought indeed! Hope all is well with you....

  7. Hi Cheryl, I will try to catch up on posts I've missed soon! I'm like Sue, and have so often wondered why or why not, but I do rest in the knowledge that we have a heavenly Father who is in control and that one day all will be understood and for now we are to live by faith and not by sight. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  8. The unexplained weighs on my mind these days. God's ways are not my ways. Letting go of what I think best requires submission and great trust.

  9. Love that AC book--finish reading and start it over. And this is one of my favorite quotes, I love how He TRUSTS us with the unexplained as if it's a gift to us to allow us to trust HIM more. And all to His glory.

  10. Oh yes...this is absolutely the truth. All I know is that all the glory belongs to HIM...high on the mountain tops or down in the deepest pit. So thankful for His faithfulness! A great post, Cheryl.

  11. There is a lot to think about here, and lots of wisdom and truth. It is hard to just trust sometimes, but I LOVE realizing that He knows my heart and how I feel, and know all my human limitations and weaknesses too, and is always faithful. His grace makes it all OK.

  12. I so appreciate not having to "lean upon my own understanding". It's another facet of trusting Him. I have learned better to keep my eyes fixed upon Him and live above the circumstances. As Charles Spurgeon said, "I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages." These things comfort me with His Peace and the Joy of His Presence!

  13. Beautiful.

  14. Lovely thought! That's where Prov 3:5 really comes alive for me.


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