As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Gathering the Moments | April 2024

Join me for glimpses of our April . . . 

We certainly had our share of April showers,
but we also had plenty of April flowers!

(Why wait for May?)

When Panera discontinued their teriyaki bowls after a short run,
I experimented until I came up with a pretty decent substitute.

We had several opportunities to see our grandchildren perform, which is always a thrill!
Bekah and I also went to see a sweet friend perform with her theater company.

My sister and I were at Mom's house on the day of the eclipse. We were busy with this and that and almost forgot about it (and no one had eclipse glasses anyway), but when the light got eerie, we stepped outside we saw these dancing shadows on the front step. No great photographic record, admittedly, but since the next total solar eclipse is twenty years hence, it seemed the thing to do.

When you get letters like these in the mail, you smile from ear to ear!
Back story: My daughter-in-law wrote on our family group chat, " You know a lot of Peppa Pig is watched when your 3-year-old writes a letter and asks, 'Mommy can you post this now?'"

Family reunion planning can be nearly as much fun as the family reunion. :)

Bekah, our youngest, turned 23! 🎂

Kati sent me this adorable picture. 
They had visited a new coffee shop in their area and the kids were thrilled that
their blueberry lemonade was in a coffee cup!
(It's the little things.)

I was delighted by this beautiful hand-crafted mug, an unexpected gift from a friend!

"We all love presents. Traditionally we've grown to expect a birthday or anniversary present, but we are especially touched when we receive something out of the blue."
~ Alexandra Stoddard

White lilacs on the windowsill. Dreamy.

I love our new Facebook Marketplace find, an antique pine blanket chest! 
It was a busy weekend (family reunion on Sunday, prep on Saturday) and we really didn't have time for a road trip, But it looked so pretty in the listing. And the price was right. And house cleaning will always wait, right?
So off we went, Ron and I, and we're not one bit sorry!

❤️ Family Reunion ❤️

In April, the view from the sunroom is green again.

Evening light and shadows.

An impromptu stop at Mom's favorite garden center made her day!

April reading, house-y style.

When you're shopping for shoes for your graduation 
and you find too many!

A time to plant.

And that was a peek at our April. The days roll by, don't they? 

Our May was even busier . . . full of family and visits and milestones and memories! I'll be back to share as soon as I can get it together! 



  1. Lots of memories! Your blanket chest is lovely, just right in your living room. How can Bekah be 23? Goodness.

    Deanna Rabe

    1. Thank you, Deanna! It was a fabulous find!

      Indeed. How can this be?! And she's my "baby."

  2. Some great April gatherings. 23 already! It's great when you find shoes that fit! I'm glad you left the housework behind and went and picked up that chest. So fitting for your home. It's always fun to see Kati's kiddos. These months go by so quick. Happy to see your update!

    1. Thank you, Ellen! Sometimes (many times?) the housework is not the most important thing! Indeed, the months fly by . . . and so much life happens in a month's time!

  3. Beautiful views from your garden. I love the comment from a grandchild inspired by Peppa Pig.
    Bekah is 23? Wow! And shoes are very important!
    Loved seeing your update.

    1. Thank you, Lorrie! It is adorable hearing the British phrases from the Peppa Pig crowd as well as the Australian phrases from the Bluey kids! I have the same feeling about Bekah's age. What?!

  4. Blue and white certainly is a lovely combination. Pretty front door garden area. So nice that you can be with family and help in the celebrations. What a funny grandchild in wanting to "post" the letter right away!!

    1. We do a lot of blue and white around here! The azaleas and daffodils in the garden circle were planted by the previous owner (who we hear was quite the gardener) and we get to enjoy them every year. I absolutely love hearing young children's words and phrases . . . you can practically see their minds working through their words! Happy June, Melissa!

  5. Such lovely photos of a beautiful April Cheryl. I enjoyed seeing your garden plantings around your home. Along with your lovely florals inside, they all made me smile. Such a nice combination of forsythia and pussy willow in your pretty crock and your darling kitty looking on. The blanket chest is a beauty and looks right at home.
    Kati's children are beautiful. It's hard to believe your sweet Bekah is 23! She is graduating--how wonderful! The Pippa Pig inspired note is beyond adorable. So glad you "posted" it!

    1. Thank you for all of your kind words, Martha Ellen! We enjoy the plantings of the previous owner, especially in the spring when things are bursting into bloom! Of course, Ron has put his own touches on our yard as he is our resident gardener. :)

      I must agree with you about Kati's children (of course!) and also about Bekah being 23. How did that happen?! She actually graduated with her associate's degree in May and will transfer to university this fall. She has taken a slow approach towards her degree, but she is doing so well!

      Happy June to you! I hope that you and Grayden are enjoying your own gardens and your daily walks!

  6. Lovely pictures, Cheryl! Those letters from your grands are so sweet! :)


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