Friday, April 30, 2021

Celebrating a Small Thing

If you've been visiting Thinking About Home for even a little while, then you know that we love to celebrate God's gifts. Birthdays. Babies. Holidays. Big occasions. Small occasions. 

Today Bekah and I celebrated one of the latter. A small occasion. 

After watching the nesting Canada geese all around our corner of the world this spring, we decided that we'd celebrate the first goslings we sighted with coffee smoothies from our favorite coffee shop. 

Many people consider Canada geese a nuisance. There are quite a few of them around, they are messy, and they can be feisty. But Bekah and I kind of like their spunk, and we admire that they mate for life. Earlier in the season, as she drove to work, Bekah passed a lone goose in a parking lot for several days in succession. She worried that it was injured. Why else would it hang out in a busy doctor's office parking lot? Then one day she texted me that all was well with the goose! She had spotted another goose just barely visible among some shrubs. The parking lot goose was simply keeping watch over his growing family. 

And how can we not ooh and ahh over groups of downy little goslings strutting along with their parents? 

Last Sunday, we spotted the first little feathered family.

And this afternoon, we celebrated! 

Do you ever celebrate the small things? 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Bekah Turns Twenty

It's hard for me to believe that the baby of our family, Rebekah Hope, is twenty!

It seems that I was just telling you her story for the first time. 

And wasn't it just a few days ago that I told you all about her tenth birthday party with the French theme? And not that long ago that I had sniffled all the way through the writing of her thirteenth birthday post? Or showed you the Sound of Music party for her seventeeth or even the beautiful hydrangea cupcakes she made for her eighteenth?

I am ever amazed at how quickly time passes. 

Twenty (TWENTY?!) years ago she made her appearance . . . seven weeks early according to our time table, but absolutely perfectly in His time. 

It was certainly a year of changes! 

Bekah continued to grow and change through this year of the pandemic, making wise decisions, finding her way with grace and graciousness towards others. She began working full time. She stepped into a place of service at church. She continued to teach piano lessons in her "spare" time. 

I love walking alongside Rebekah as her faith grows stronger and her convictions deeper and her understanding richer. I love that we can talk together about our God and His Word. About houses and decorating. About coffee. About her nieces and nephews. About future plans and dreams. And sometimes all of that on the same Saturday afternoon drive! (And probably no one besides me knows that she really can talk a'plenty!)

In this new decade of her life, I wish for all of her dreams to come true! But even more than that, I pray that she continues to grow in Him and walk in His grace! 

Big birthday blessings to you, Bekah Boo!! 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Resurrection Sunday | 2021

Resurrection Sunday was a lovely day of celebration! 

At church, and later with our family as we gathered around our long table, we sang the joyous words of "Christ the Lord is Risen Today!" If you'd like to sing along or even just listen, click the link below. I'll pop the words in among a few photos of our day. 

Christ the Lord is Risen today! Alleluiah! 
Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia!  

Our family photo 

As an aside, I cannot tell you have much we have laughed at the people on the left of our family photo looking like Hobbits! Actually the whole photo is distorted. Was the ground uneven? Was the camera tilted slightly on the tripod? Our photographer friends are probably shaking their heads, but here we are and it's a record of our day. 

Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heavens, and earth replay, Alleluia!

Kristin and family, minus Gavin who is at college

Ryan and family

Kati and family, from afar

Bekah with us

Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia!
Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!

Some family fun!


By the time Gammy and Gampy arrived, the littles were totally over the photo session. (And this is the best shot!) But again, it's a record of our day and of our loved ones. 

Death in vain forbids Him rise, Alleluia!
Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia!

Sing a verse with us? 

Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!
Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!

Joanna's first Resurrection Day at one week old!

Baby-holding . . . 

. . . and more baby-holding . . . 

. . . and more baby-holding.

Once he died our souls to save, Alleluia!
Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia! 

Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluiah! 
Following our exalted Head, Alleluia! 

Judah looks happy with his chocolate eggs!

Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia!
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!  

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

It has been a beautifully busy season for our family. The coming of our new grandbaby. Extra days off for Bekah which led to a couple of outings. Special holiday preparations. All good! But all of that good means that I have been rather scarce in Blogland. I will do my best to pop in and visit my blog friends this week! I hope that you rejoiced in the significance of the Resurrection this past weekend . . . and every day! 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Welcome, Joanna!!

Our hearts have grown again. 

Our son Ryan with his beautiful daughter
~ photo by Sarah ~

Little Joanna Pearl has safely arrived! Praise the Lord! 

She was born this past Sunday, March 28, weighing in at 10 pounds, 1.5 ounces, and measuring 22 1/4 inchs long.

But even a big newborn is a tiny girl.

~photo by Bekah ~

Her siblings were eager to meet her . . .

. . . and cuddle her!

And, of course, her grandparents and aunt were eager for their turn.

Yesterday, some of her cousins were able to meet her too.


The sweet mama with her mini-me. 
~ photo by Ryan ~

Joanna is a precious gift from God!
May we be faithful to point her to the way of eternal life.