As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Today was my mother-in-law's 90th birthday! 

Well, she doesn't actually have a birthday this year as she is a Leap Day baby. But her mother put March 1 on her birth certificate so that she would have a birthday every year, and so on March 1st, it's official! 

This past Sunday, nearly one hundred people gathered to celebrate her life and the gift of ninety years. 

What a joyful day of celebration!

Mom Edna has eight children, seventeen grandchildren, forty-one great-grandchildren, one great-great-grandchild, and a host of in-laws. She still lives in her own home, is mentally keen, and enjoys relatively good health. She is a remarkable woman!

Here is Mom with her eight children.
Photo taken by my sister-in-law, Pat

Mom asked Kati to play the harmonica at the party. Her dad played, so she is sentimental about harmonicas. 

The family's poet laureate, Mom's younger sister Jean, wrote a poem about Mom's life.

I wish you could have heard this song: an a cappella arrangement of "I Can Only Imagine"! It was so beautiful! (Sung by youngest son Mike, oldest grandson Kevin, Kevin's wife Kelly, and granddaughters Jennifer and Deana.)
Photo by Pat

Photo by Pat

From the music to the skit, from the yummy cake to hugs from family and friends, it was a grand day of celebration!

When we paid Mom a birthday visit this evening, she said, "I don't know why I've lived this long!" I told her, "These are the days that were allotted to you by God." 

And we are grateful for these days!


  1. What a great celebration of a long life. She must be a wonderful mother to have all of her family come together to recognize this milestone. Ron certainly favors his mother. Her birthday cake is beautiful with her lovely picture. How sweet that Kati played her favorite music. ♥

    1. Yes, Martha Ellen, she is much-loved by her family! And, yes, Ron sure does favor her!

      We asked for her input on many of the details, so her special touch was there. She chose the photo for the cake, asked for the harmonica song, etc. It was a meaningful day for her.

  2. Celebrating is one of the many things that your family does so well and what a reason for celebration! Ron’s mother has known many blessings and there are many more to come. A very happy birthday month to her🎈

    1. She is very blessed, and she'll be the first to tell you that! I'll relay your birthday message to her! (I love the concept of a "birthday month"!)

  3. It looks like a wonderful and fitting celebration for 90 years! You are blessed to have her still in your life and just last night I heard the same question from a 91 year-old! And it looks like you have a lot of musical talent in your family!

    1. Isn't that funny . . . the same question! I suppose it's normal to wonder why one has been blessed with a longer-than-average life. We are blessed to have her here with us!
      There are lots of singers and musicians in the family!

  4. What a sweet, honoring post! You are blessed. Wish her happy birthday from your blog readers. Would love to have heard the song last year!

    1. I will definitely pass these birthday messages from my sweet blog friends along to Mom! I wish I could share the song. They sang so beautifully! (It is recorded, but it is in a longer section that includes more than the song.)

  5. Sorry - misread the post - would have loved to hear the song last Sunday!!!

  6. Wow, a hundred guests to celebrate this milestone. Very special. Sounds like a grand celebration. Happy Birthday to Ron's mom.

    1. It was a big celebration for sure! I will give your birthday message to her!

  7. She had such a sweet countanence! Happy Birthday to her! What a lovely party!

    1. Thank you, Deanna! I'll pass your words along to Mom!

  8. Beautiful!!! What a sweet and wonderful celebration!!! Happy Birthday too her!!!! ~tammy

  9. I was just thinking and agreeing with what Vee said, your family really knows how to celebrate life's events. And to reach age 90 and look so very beautiful, a very happy belated birthday to your dear mom in law.



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