As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Five on Friday

It's time for a another Five on Friday, a gathering of blessings big and small. 

Our second grandchild graduates from high school this weekend!

I can hardly believe that Maddie is old enough to graduate. But then, I said that when Gavin graduated too. Hmmm . . . I suppose it's just a fact that the older you get, the faster time flies. I anticipate graduations and other milestones will just keep flying by. 

But regardless, this is Maddie's one and only high school graduation and we are so proud of her! She is a delightful young woman and we know that she will soar! 

Photo by Bekah


Pineapple House was filled with beautiful music this week as Bekah's piano students (currently four of her nieces and nephews) presented their spring recital. It was Paul's (7) first recital and he did such a great job! Then Peter (11), Nora (13), and Eve (14) played their selections and we were all so impressed! It had been a while since the last recital (pre-pandemic), so it was especially thrilling to see their progress. By request, the teacher also played. 

(After the program, the two tiny girls played a duet. ~smile~)


We also had our last book club meeting of the school year this week. Even though I "retired" from homeschooling three years ago, I have continued to guide a book club for a group of homeschooled girls. It is a sweet time of book talk and tea and fellowship.

This year, we have had varied themes. One month we read and discussed books that had been translated into English from another language. Another month we read books with talking animals. This month we read books that took place on or near the sea. So much fun! 


This is so random . . . 
but I added sweet potato fries to our Mother's Day dinner leftovers and I thought it made a pretty plate! Do you like a pretty plate? Do you enjoy leftovers? (I love them!) 


Spring on the sideboard: a sweet little picture of a bird on a strawberry vine, picked up on an antiquing outing with Ron, and a couple of wool strawberries on the tea tray. 

Blessed be the Lord, 
Who daily loads us with benefits, 
The God of our salvation! 

Psalm 68:19


  1. I so enjoyed your Friday post, Cheryl. 1) What a beautiful graduate - congratulations to her! 2) Oh, the joy of piano recitals - I loved them as a girl. 3) Your book club sounds lovely and that chicken salad looks scrumptious. 4) Yes, I love a pretty plate and yes I like leftovers. 5) What a sweet bird picture on your sideboard. Lovely cups and pewter tea service. Happy weekend!

    1. Brenda, thank you for your sweet comments on each of the five . . . I feel like we just had a little conversation! I will pass along your congratulations to our graduate. I love that you love piano recitals and pretty plates and leftovers. I'm sure we'd be friends if we lived close!

  2. So many delightful things you've shared, Cheryl. Maddie is to be congratulated on her high school graduation. She is a beautiful young woman. Pretty plates of food are like a piece of poetry sometimes. I like some leftovers, others I can leave. They certainly make meal planning easier. Your embroidered picture find is sweet!

    1. Thank you for your words about our Maddie! We are so happy for her! Yes, I think food tastes better when it is pleasing to the eye. The little bird, although it is difficult to tell in the photo, is actually a theorem, painted on fabric. He called (tweeted?) my name!

    2. P.S. I found your comment in my spam folder! How odd, considering that you have commented here many times! Cyberspace is such a mystery to me . . .

  3. I second Brenda's comment above, Cheryl. Such sweet times in your home. The theorem painting is darling. You always add such lovely pieces to your home.

    1. Thanks so much, Martha Ellen! And you always say the nicest things!

  4. Congratulations to the beautiful graduate. Second graduate...already. Love that dress. What great book club reading themes you had. I like that idea. Addy will be missing her first recital but her teacher recorded her piece and she will play it at the recital. I'll go and record the recording and send it off to her and her parents to see and hear. Love that sweet singing bird! Happy weekend to you.

    1. Yes, "already!," and I agree that she is beautiful and her dress was stunning! Too bad that Addy will miss her first recital. It is wonderful that the adults in her life have come up with a creative solution for her to participate remotely!

  5. 👩🏼‍🎓

    Your graduate is so lovely and seems to have grown up overnight. Congratulations to her!

    How fun to have a recital again. Bekah must be very proud of her students.

    You are wise to keep active in something that you so enjoy.

    1. Oh yes, I am sure it seems that way! Even to me who sees her often, she seems to have grown up so much in the past couple of years!

      Bekah was quite proud of her students. They, too, have grown . . . in age, maturity, and in their piano skills.

      I feel very fortunate to still have this opportunity to teach!

  6. So much sweetness here. Maddie is lovely, and what a pretty dress, too. I try to always cook so I have leftovers (pretty easy to do since I'm only cooking for two now). I enjoy cooking, but I enjoy leftovers even more. :)

    1. Thank you, Becki! We are so proud of Maddie! And I totally agree with your last sentence! :)

  7. Maddie looks stunning in that photo!

    I love your posts. I miss you. We must get together soon.

    Praise God for his goodness!

    1. Thanks so much, Deanna! I miss you too. Let's plan something!

      Praising God with you!


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