As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Weekend Snapshots: Scorcher

The main word for the weekend was HOT!

It was a breakfast meeting (Ron), kayaking (Kati), house-puttering, repair the truck (again!), summer eating, no company, reading, napping, bring-in-the-fan, Anne-of-Green-Gables-watching, Pepperidge Farm cake kind of weekend.

photo by Kati

How was yours? 


  1. Mmm, nice way to spend the weekend!

  2. HOT!

    I puttered and sorted through school stuff on Saturday, after Tim and I got back from breakfast out with friends. Yesterday, we went swimming at my parents house.

    It was a good weekend.

  3. It was a good weekend to stay indoors out of the HOT weather, Cheryl. It looks like Kati even found some shade in which to kayak. Cute photo of her napping. I must admit to feeling a little trapped in this weather as I do love the outdoors, but I can no longer take this heat and humidity. We did a lot of nothing at our house. Sometimes that's a good thing. ♥

  4. Sounds good to me! Well, the truck repair, not so much. Hope it is up and running.

  5. I spent four hours trimming bushes, etc. outside Saturday morning and got seriously hot. It took me some hours to really cool down. I thought starting early morning would help but it's just that hot right now. Enjoyed your photos of life. Looks like my kind of a lovely weekend.

  6. OH pretty hot here too...Had our 7 year old grand daughter Donatella here for a visit. She kept us on our toes, lol LOVED your pics as always.

  7. We weren't hot like you and we didn't have any wonderful looking cake! We did have meat and we turned the fan on, too. No company. I did reorganize the Anne of Green Gable books. This coming weekend is our busy with all the kids weekend. Looks like you did real well for all the heat.

  8. Very hot. Recovering from a rough week. Still pretty hot. I have learned to take heat in small, small doses for my health. I tell myself that I am not in a race, though it feels as if I am.

    Your weekend looks very pleasant actually. Is the AC working?

  9. okay. now i'm hungry for chocolate cake, cantaloupe, burgers, pasta salad, and grilled zuke. not the corn. . sigh. can't have corn. doctors orders. sniff. eat an ear for me - it's been almost 4 years since i had corn or popcorn. double dog sniff.

  10. Some cold juicy cantaloupe melon would be very welcome just now. It's warm here!

  11. It is hot here too. Very hot! The air conditioner runs non-stop. I love the pictures you chose. It tells me right away just what kind of a weekend you had. A lovely one.


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