As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Friday, October 29, 2021

October Birthday Celebration

October is usually my favorite month of the year. The cooler temperatures, the gorgeous colors of leaves and pumpkins and gourds, fall foods and drinks . . . all speak my name. I echo Anne who said, "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers!"

This October? Not my favorite.

But we are all well and there is much to be thankful for!
 God is gracious and merciful! 

Before October rolls into November, I want to record this month's birthday celebration in which we celebrated our grandson Ben and my dad with a fall fête. 

* * *

My inspiration for this party was a package of fall napkins that my friend Barbara had given me. I loved the sweet and simple acorn design and I loved the fact that they were a little different from the usual fall offerings. (Although, don't get me wrong, I love colorful fall napkins too! #givemeallthefallthings) 

Playing off the green and cream in the napkins, I gathered a few pumpkins in those colors. When I laid the napkins and plates on my off-white tablecloth, they blended in, so I grabbed a wooden plate and cutting board to supply some contrast. Then I got out my faux acorns and scattered them on the table. 

Another grand is a teenager! It seems such a short time ago that Ben was this age and this age, but now he is THIRTEEN! 

This birthday boy, my dad,  turned eighty-four in October! 

Instead of a party game, this time we had a discussion. I posed two questions and each guest could answer one or the other (or both).  1. What was your favorite age or the age you look forward to being?  2. What was your most memorable birthday? 

I love discussions like this! You learn new things about your people! 

Peter gave one of his acorn creations to Gampy (my dad's grandfather name). This acorn man has a camera, a throwback to one of Gampy's hobbies.

Dessert was a sweet feast! Bekah had made a carrot cake which is one of Daddy's favorites. There was vanilla ice cream. Mom brought Sweetzels Mini Ginger Cremes. And Owen had made Candy Corn Cookies! 

We had recently had a protracted discussion (including a poll!) in our family group chat about Candy Corn Cookies. Feelings ran strong! So Owen decided that he would make some so that everyone could speak from experience. Feelings still ran strong, but some people who said that they would "never" eat such a thing tried them. (Some didn't.) 

How do you feel about candy corn? Are you a lover or a hater? (I'm a hater.) 

The older I get, the more aware I am of the brevity of life. One never knows when things will change in big or small ways. I am more convinced than ever that we should take the moments to celebrate the people we love! 

I am thankful for the day we had to celebrate Daddy and Ben!


  1. Happy birthday to your sweet relatives, Cheryl. Your theme is lovely. The cutting boards along with the acorns and pumpkins is quite beautiful. You are the master decorator, my friend. I'm sorry October has not been a favorite this year. Take care of yourself. Here's to a great November!

    1. Your words are too kind, Martha Ellen! It was such a fun party though, and I do enjoy putting a party together. We all have seasons that are challenging, don't we? Thankful that things are better at the month's end!

  2. Iy all looks lovely, so inviting.
    Youare right, we never know where life will take us. It's good to celebrate what we have in the moment.

    1. Thank you so much, Barbara! I think celebrating the moments is the only way to live.

  3. You pulled off a wonderful celebration in a month that wasn't as great as usual. Sorry to hear about that. Love those questions you posed to everyone and those napkins are lovely.

    1. Thank you for your kindness, Ellen! Challenging seasons are a part of life. God is faithful!

      It is enjoyable to hear everyone's responses to a common question(s). Building relationships across four generations . . .

  4. Happy Birthday to Ben and to your father! I'm sorry this month hasn't been what you've hoped for. Your simple napkins are elegant and you used that inspiration very well.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Lorrie! And I will pass along your birthday greetings to our guys!

  5. I agree the older I get the more I realize how quickly time passes, and of the importance to celebrate our loved ones! Enjoyed all the photos, Cheryl, especially the one with the grandchildren standing around their great grandfather! Happy birthday to your father and to Ben,!
    Celebrations at your home are always filled with so much love and lots of tasty food, yes I love candy corn especially at this time of the year!. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I love that photo too, Sue! The two little ones were being the "birthday fairies" and delivering gifts. It's another way of connecting the generations. Thank you for your kind words, friend! I know you would have loved Owen's cookies! :)

  6. Oh I love candy corn, especially mixed with peanuts—tastes like PayDays, which is the first candy bar I remember dad bought it for me when we stopped at a gas station. I was almost three. It's a cherished memory.

    You always have beautiful celebrations and activities. (Apparently, something ran off the rail to make October less for you, but The Lord is so good at putting things right. 🙏🏼)

    I looked back at the former posts featuring Benjamin. He has always been a fun kid and I am sure that he will make a terrific teen. He's from good stock. Happy Birthday to him and your dad. I would have loved to know his answers to the questions.

    1. I loved hearing your childhood memory, Vee! You never know what small things will become cherished memories, do you? PayDays are so good, but I haven't seen one in a long time.

      Indeed, The Lord has been good and we have much to be thankful for.

      Thank you so much for your all of your kind words!

      Would you like to know Daddy's answer? He said that the best years were his working years. (Which are quite a few since he began working the day after he graduated from high school and retired at age 80!)

      Ben's answer? His favorite birthday was the year he turned 10.


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