As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Moving the Silhouette . . .


In my last post I mentioned that I may consider moving the new "antique" silhouette to a wall grouping. Last week five weeks ago, my dear friend Barbara and I were antiquing when I found another silhouette that allowed me to balance the arrangement. 

Fait accompli! 

Did you catch that correction? When I started this post, we had gone antiquing "last week," but by the time I am posting, it was five weeks ago. This is how I roll these days! 

I have not forgotten you, my blog friends! I pop in from time to time to see what you're doing . . .  and then pop away because I am either busy or coming or going or suffering from brain fog. 

I am still working on my May and June "Gathering the Moments" posts. I'll slide them onto the blog sometime soon. I want to have those moments recorded for our own family history, even though we're now smack dab in the middle of summer and life continues to roll along. 

I hope you're all doing well . . . enduring (or maybe even enjoying?) the heat and making summer memories! 


  1. The framed blue artwork caught my eye. What is that? I also like the round hook that is holding it up.

    1. Sandi, the framed piece is actually a mirror and it is reflecting the blue from the sofa! (It is hard to photograph a mirror!)

  2. Oh, Cheryl, I LOVE your new grouping. Every piece fits together so beautifully. Wow! And I really like that bird piece in the dark red frame.

    I know what you mean about the weeks passing by... they are definitely on a roll. I'm sorry to hear about the brain fog you mentioned; hopefully you'll be in a better place soon. Sending heart hugs and take care of yourself, Brenda xo

    1. Thank you, Brenda! I am happy with how the grouping turned out, one piece at a time. The bird is a scherenschnitte created by my talented friend Kim!

      Thank you, too, for your kind heart hugs and well wishes!

  3. I'm the same Cheryl. Wanting to post about our family moments, but time slides by so quickly.
    Your new arrangement is very nice with the very pretty silhouette you purchased. I have silhouettes of our children that were done when they were little. You have inspired me to go downstairs and find them. Hopefully I can post about them as my writing on my blog is suffering!
    Stay cool my friend!

    1. Martha Ellen, I thought that I'd have more time when I had graduated my last child from our homeschool. Instead, there seems to be less time than ever . . . or is it because I am older and (even more) slower?

      Thank you for your kind words about my expanded grouping! And I would love to read a post about the silhouettes of your children and see them in your home!

  4. How nice that you found another silhouette that ties your grouping together nicely. It is good to hear from you and that you sound well. We are under a heat advisory and we are concentrating on staying cool mostly inside. Our favorite takeaway in town is closed this week because of the heat. I'm hoping this July heat will give way to cooler days for Vacation Bible School in August. It is rewarding to have family and friends that keep us busy face to face. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you, Ellen! It was wonderful to have a day with my friend and a big bonus to find the right silhouette! I had expected the hunt for the right one at the right price to take a while.

      I am not a fan of the summer heat and humidity, so "heat advisory" makes me cringe. We've been in a heat wave here, but today it is a "cool" 85 degrees. Perspective is funny, isn't it? Stay cool! And I'm hoping for a cool VBS week for you too!

  5. It all does look lovely together with the small wood table (I have one just that same size with a drawer and I love it) and the chair. I do like that small mirror also, you have so many different things shining in/on it.

    1. Thank you, Melissa! A small wood table is a versatile piece, isn't it?

  6. That looks a very elegant arrangement.

    1. Thanks so much, Barbara! It has evolved over the past few years, but I am happy with how it has turned out.

  7. Oh, it's just right!
    Deanna Rabe

  8. Perfect, Cheryl! I love every element in that arrangement. How satisfying it must be to create such beauty in your home over time. You have a real gift for it.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Becki! Yes, I do take great pleasure in homemaking!


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