As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Gathering the Moments | July 2024

Some cancelled plans on this Labor Day gave me a chance to do a little catching up here on the blog. Whether I will ever fully catch up remains to be seen, but on I go nonetheless. 

July began with illness for my mom. Appointments, tests, meds, decisions to be made, and then she improved and decisions are again deferred. Life is different every day, and so we take one day at a time and pray for direction.

July was also filled with "grand" moments. A day with Macie (8) and Judah (nearly 6) while their mom had jury duty. A sleepover with Judah who, after hearing about Macie's sleepover at Gran's in June, decided that he might like to have his own sleepover. And then at the end of the month, Macie returned for sleepover #2. I love that they want to spend these days with us (even when Aunt Bekah is working). I have seen first hand how quickly grands grow up (our oldest grandson is 21!), and so I relish these opportunities to be together. 

July was many meals in the sunroom, fresh cut flowers on the table, summer foods.

July was a sweet friend's graduation.

was a chamber music concert and a symphony performance. It was also a last minute outing on Bekah's lunch break (she worked two jobs this summer) to grab drive-through burgers and iced lattes and a few moments together. 

July was a 17th birthday and a 20th birthday. 

July was a new antique, one I did not purchase, but it is a treasure to me. It is an antique marine pulley that my dad had purchased many years ago, a connection to his own father and other relatives who made their living on the water. 

Here are some glimpses . . . 

Crafted by Macie 

Cream of Crab soup: recipe ~ here ~

Do you see him? 

Shopping with Macie at the mall.
* dancing * excitement * energy * joy *

July was hot (isn't it always?) and hard and heavy and busy and blessed! Yes, all of those! 

I am closing with lyrics to a favorite hymn that encouraged me through the storms of July.

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side;
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.


P.S. I hope to be back with August moments before October begins! 🙃


  1. What fun Summer days for all of you. Yes, I love that Hymn also, a great comfort to help us through the day.
    Well, any recipe that starts with butter would be delicious!

    1. I think we love a lot of the same songs, Melissa! And I agree about that butter thing! :)

  2. Such a lovely meander through your month.

    1. Thank you for following along, Barbara. I hope you are feeling well!

  3. It's so lovely to see this post pop up in my feed dear Cheryl. You have been on my mind frequently. I'm sorry to hear that your mom is having problems. I pray that she will be okay and her issues will be solved. It's so hard when our parents are ill. Praying for your comfort as well, my friend.
    You have had a full summer with those darling grands! Good food as well. Such a pretty photo of you and Ron and Maddie in front of that lovely crepe myrtle. I love what the scriptures say about being a grandparent and the hymn is comforting.
    I must also add that is a very special marine pulley. I noticed it right away! How very special it came from your dad and the history behind those that came before him.
    Happy September!

    1. Martha Ellen, you don't know how much it warms my heart to know that you have been thinking of me! I greatly appreciate your prayers for our family!

      Indeed, we have had so many blessings amidst the hard things. That is why I continue to record those moments here. It is good for me to look back and see them and know that they are gifts from God. Thank you for all of your kind comments . . . and for loving my pulley!

  4. Great picture recap of July, and words to one of my favorite hymns.
    You have a beautiful family.

    1. Thanks so much, Great-Granny Grandma! And I love that you love that hymn too!

  5. I loved the walk through your month of July. Such memories to treasure. You have the sweet gift of distilling your days into moments that can be carried in your heart or in posts here on your blog. Happy September! Glad your mom is doing better! xo

    1. Thank you for all of your kind words, Brenda! It is important to me to take note of the moments and appreciate God's gifts. It is too easy to focus on the "hard" and let the good go unnoticed. Happy September to you too, friend!

  6. It is always good to have a joyful end to look forward to. Glad you had some good days in the midst of some painful days. I always enjoy your gathering moments posts. Love that sunshine coming into your sunroom, aptly named. That is a cool antique treasure. I did see that bunny in the bushes. Wonderful photo recap of all the events and the simple days and 'out' days! Looking forward to your August moments!

    1. Oh yes, so very thankful for the joyful end that we are promised!
      Thank you, Ellen, for joining my "moments" and enjoying them with me! It is good to remember His gifts. I hope to gather those August moments a little sooner . . .

  7. Filled with all the best things as well as the difficult things. I can’t believe your grands are getting so grown up or Bekah! What does that mean for us?!

    1. Deanna (I think), it is cRaZy how quickly that happens! The phrase "like a vapor" makes more sense all the time!


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