Oh, don't the weekends fly by! Although, as Ron often reminds me, the weeks fly by too. As do the months. And the years. And so, I am told by those who have lived longer than I, does a lifetime.
Sometimes I feel a little guilty for getting so much pleasure from simple things. But then I consider that these are blessings given to me at this time...in this moment...at this season of life. And if I acknowledge that these are blessings directly from His hands (which indeed they are), and if I am willing to hold loosely onto the earthly, while holding tightly to the eternal, then I think that it is good to enjoy His gifts and praise Him for His mercy.
This weekend's memory-making moments included...
~ Umpteenth Annual Mother/Daughter Christmas Shopping Trip
I will not tell you just how many years that we have gone shopping together, because, quite honestly, I don't even know. I do know that for almost as many years as I can remember, we three have enjoyed the thrill of the hunt while strolling among festive decorations, the songs of the season accompanying our togetherness.
Sometimes a baby has joined us, or a daughter who has reached the required age of eighteen. Sometimes a new daughter-in-law, or a new grandbaby. Sometimes a mini van full of mothers and daughters...and sometimes, like yesterday, just the three of us, Mom, Linda, and me. But it's a tradition, and one that we love.

~ A lovely Sunday afternoon at the home of my oldest daughter,
a thoughtful daughter who knew that her mom would be low on energy after Shopping Trip Day (did I mention that these shopping trips are marathon events?), and invited us to share the afternoon with her family. All I had to do was show up, eat a luscious lunch, and enjoy the delightful hugs and chatter and sweetness of four grandchildren. (Thank you, Kristin and Brian!)
~ A refreshing autumn walk/run/wagon ride
All ten of us did one of the above. Choice depended on your age and/or energy level. :-)

~ Two little girls who spoke with British accents. :-)
This was too cute. The prim-and-proper Bekah and Maddie said things like "I can't believe he ran through the dirt," (speaking of Gavin who cared not a whit about being prim-and-proper on an autumn walk), and "Let's go see the kitty," all in their most high society British accents.
~ A phone call from across the miles
An opportunity to "visit" with Ryan's family via speaker phone, catch up on each other's news, and hear the sweet little voice of two-year-old Eve as she says, "I love you, Gran!" (Can you hear my heart melting?)
Yes, these simple pleasures are gifts from my Father. And I will praise Him for His goodness to me.
Good Morning, Cheryl ... I enjoyed reading about your weekend activities. Your annual mother/daughter shopping expedition is a precious tradition, going far beyond the mere joy of shopping. When I think of the word "family", yours is one of the first that comes to my mind as an example of what a godly family looks like. Thank you for sharing your photos and your memories. I love the fact that you savor the simple pleasures given to you by a loving Father. (Frances)
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet post, Cheryl! Family "together time" is so precious! I especially loved the British accents! And the phone call with a two year-old's voice from afar... Jack is now speaking to Pop-Pop on the phone, and I was told he came out of the church nursery with a Fisher Price lady in his hand and said "Nana!" (Short and round?)
So glad we shared in most of your weekend activities...and some year when the right season returns I hope to join in the shopping trip again.
ReplyDeleteprecious jewels! thanks so much for these!