As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Welcome, Autumn!

Oh, it is such a lovely first day of fall! The weather is glorious, doors are open, and Ron is off this week tackling projects around the house. I am praising the Lord for His faithfulness as evidenced in the return of the seasons year after year after year.

"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease."
Genesis 8:22 

Here are some glimpses of autumn in my world today . . . 

Three small one-dollar mums plopped in an old bowl.

Yes, I have been eagerly awaiting Autumn! 
I wait for it all year. There are things that I love about every season, but fall is my favorite.

I have been saving this beautiful mug that my sister gave me for the first day of fall. 
I love it (thank you, Linda!) and I celebrated by having two cups of coffee this morning.

At the back door.

This could be the first time a tractor came to our small neighborhood at the edge of town!
Ron borrowed his brother's tractor to level out the ground by the new fence.
I called out the back door, "Who is this farm boy in my back yard?"
He laughed, but he really is a farm boy at heart!

Some of us are working hard. Some of us are not.

Not sure where this pumpkin will land, but it's here on the kitchen island for now.
I love a green pumpkin, but I have had trouble finding them this year.

At the front door.
But, actually, this photo is already outdated because, as I type, Ron is installing a new full-view storm door. We also have plans to replace the iron railing with a colonial-style wooden rail later this fall.

Yes, fall is my favorite, but some of my people are hating to say good-bye to summer. 

What about you? Which season is your favorite?


  1. Autumn all the way! I’ll keep an eye out for green pumpkins here and bring you one (or more) when we meet up!

    1. Yes, we're longtime autumn kindreds!! Thank you for your kind offer . . . can't wait to see you!!

  2.'s a lovely glimpse of autumn in your world. Loved the kitty pose. And your autumn mug. It's gorgeous here today today. Crispness and warmth mixed together.

    1. "Crispness and warmth mixed together" is the best! Happy autumn to you, Brenda! Thanks for visiting!

      (He is a VERY photographed kitty.)

  3. Fall is my favorite, even though my allergies are worse now than in the spring! Today is cool and misty and the leaves are just starting to turn here and there. I love the Genesis scripture. It is good to be reminded of His love and faithfulness!

    1. Fall fills the senses, doesn't it?! (Sorry that your allergies are worse in the fall!) Yes, I love reminders of His love and His faithfulness! Thanks for visiting, Jan!

  4. 🍂=🧡

    I bet Ron had fun on the tractor...that's a good looking fence. Is it a case of good fences make good neighbors?

    Wonderful homey and autumn cozy...

    1. Thanks so much, Vee! And I love your equation!

      Ron did have fun on the tractor! He misses being out in the country, surrounded by fields, so it was a treat for him to be back up in the tractor seat. Yes, the fence is our attempt at a little privacy as there are a couple new houses close by. All those years in the country, you know . . .

  5. I love autumn for sure. We have a borrowed tractor at our place right now. Some more fun projects in the hopper to make your house your own. Glad the weather is acting like Fall for you, too! Love the mug!

    1. What's not to love about autumn, right? I am ready to leave behind the hot, humid summer weather!

      Always a house project. You know what I mean! It is fun to make a house your own . . . and I love to watch others do the same!

  6. As the years go by, Autumn is certainly my favorite as well, Cheryl. I always look forward to seeing how my Autumn loving friend decorates. It's always so lovely and understated. I love how you just plop mums into an old bowl and it looks beautiful!
    Ron did a great job with the fence. You have a lovely backdrop to enjoy. A fence really defines spaces. I can't wait to see what you do next.

    1. Thanks for your vote of confidence, Martha Ellen! Life is too short not to make the most of every season, but Autumn is definitely the one I enjoy the most . . . and it looks like I am not alone here!

      We are enjoying the fence. Now if only I had my garden-loving friend here to help me landscape this new space . . . ♥

  7. I love autumn, although I do hate to say goodbye to summer. Love those pale pumpkins- I'm going to look for some as orange isn't my favourite colour for decorating.
    The new fence looks great.

    1. Some years I feel the orange (it complements blue very well) . . . some years (like this year) I don't. It's different every year, and I think that's part of the fun!

      Thank you, Lorrie! We're happy to have Phase 1 completed!

  8. Your pictures are so pretty! And I LOVE that mug. Autumn is my favorite season, too and anymore I can't say a quick enough goodbye to summer (noting Lorrie's comment above ;^). I love your pumpkins and mums. Everything! Thank you for sharing all this. I tend to wait until October to start thinking about autumn, but I'm now thinking I need to go out to the garage to see if my autumn wreath is up for another season of hanging on the front door. :)

    1. Thank you, Becki! I keep adding and taking away from my fall decor all season . . . add another pumpkin . . . take away waning mums . . . add a few turkeys . . . add another pretty squash or gourd I saw in the grocery store. (It sounds like I add more than I take away, doesn't it?) Yes, fall is definitely my favorite! Hope you found your wreath!

  9. Hi, Cheryl, I see another thing we have in common, our welcoming of fall, it truly is my favorite season too! Your fall decorations are so lovely.
    There is something so special about a man and a tractor, even now when Mr P. is driving his, he looks so boyish!
    I so enjoyed your post of Summer Gatherings, you have such a wonderful family, and the closeness I see among them, especially the children offers so much hope.
    Caleb is so adorable, I am so happy for all, and give thanks with you of his recovery!. The encouragement from the friend was also encouraging to me.
    Thank you for visiting,and for your sweet comment, I have missed blogging and visiting friends so much.

    1. Thank you, Sue, for all of your kind words! Yes, we both certainly do have a love for fall! Ron was quite happy to be back on the tractor. We are both happy here, but he does miss the country sometimes.

      We are so blessed with our dear family . . . it is one of God's most wonderful gifts!!

  10. It all says seasonal beautiful warmth to me <3

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy! I love the warmth of fall!


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