As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

So Far This Summer . . .

A lovely teatime, hosted by a friend who spent many years as a missionary in Zimbabwe.

A summer cold.

Three grands came for a few days.

Judah was chilly after his milkshake, but Alaine wrapped him up snug as a bug in a rug.

Macie and Judah wave good-bye to Caleb after a Skype call.
Not sure if you can see in the photo, but Caleb is waving too!

Me too!

The living room sofa was reupholstered!
(What? You think it looks the same? Ahem. Same fabric. 😂)

Oyster fritter supper with friends. (Have you even eaten an oyster fritter?)
I didn't get my camera out until dessert.

New storm door.

A little summer decorating.

A young friend's voice recital.

Alaine came for a sewing lesson and stayed for dinner.
~ lavender sachets ~

Annual Grand Summer Sleepover!
Make-your-own naan pizzas & raw veggies and dip

Pajama races!

All the furniture is rearranged for movie time!

Nine grands came this year!

Bridal shower

Father's Day

I love this photo of our son-in-law Brian with his niece Joanna!

My mom had recently purchased two products that she remembers her father using when she was a girl. She had wanted to capture his scent, but she said that they were not the same as she remembered. I encouraged her to bring them to our Father's Day celebration for "show and tell." 

Inspired by her show-and-tell, I had everyone share a scent or a particular item or memory that they associated with their own fathers. Baseball. The smell of the wood shop. Stories from childhood. His shirt. Bedtime songs. Dad making breakfast before dawn and making lots of noise. Name label he wore at his job. Coffee mug with a German shepherd on it.

We had two "gift fairies" this time . . . Macie (5), 

. . . and her brother Judah (2) who wanted to join the fun.
He did a great job!

Kati and Andrew sent Ron a nifty barbeque tool . . . 

. . . which also came in handy for opening a box when he couldn't find his pocket knife.

My dad had his pocket knife!

Joanna ~ 2 and 1/2 months old 
(Photo creds: Bekah)

And now . . . 

I am going to be taking a blogging break. 
I'll be back at Thinking About Home sometime in July.

Happy summer, friends! Make lots of memories! 

Monday, June 7, 2021

Family. All Together.

And now it is early JUNE and I still haven't finished talking about Kati's visit in early May! (I've been running late my whole life.) So before we jump into summer with both feet, I'm going to dump a bunch of photos and a few video clips right here.

Our visit with Kati, Andrew, and Caleb was a delight, from special occasions to family gatherings to ordinary moments. 

Papa (who is still working from home) coming out to greet his littlest grandson!

The weather was gorgeous and we were able to enjoy many meals on the sun porch.

Caleb loved looking out the front door.

Do you see who's hiding?

This is why. ⬇

Caleb also loved my Mother's Day flowers and really wanted to touch them.

Caleb's first birthday was just a few days before their visit, 
so we had a mini celebration while he was here. 🎈

We celebrated Baby Ellie who will be born this summer!

While we were having our picture taken (more family photos ~here~)
the Mombasa family was hanging out in the bushes!
(Since I introduced you to Bongo, his entire family has joined the clan!)

Aunt Kati with her new niece, Joanna

A bit of impromptu music . . . 

Kristin and Ryan gave Kati this little animal puzzle for her first birthday!
It has been at our house for years and all of the grands have played with it,
but it seemed right that she should take it home for her own children.

Uncle Ryan gave Caleb his first pair of Crocs for his birthday!
(There are differing opinions about Crocs within our family. Uncle Ryan is on the "pro" side.)

Shrimp feast! 

This is how Marylanders do Old Bay.  

Homemade strawberry ice cream per Kati's request.

Caleb was quite impressed with his very first ice cream!

One evening, we watched Caleb while Kati and Andrew went out on a dinner date.

We texted them this photo of Caleb "drinking" Papa's Diet Pepsi. (The lid was on.)
One of them believed it. Oops! We don't want to lose our babysitting privileges! 😂

The last evening of the visit, we had a family gathering.

Gavin brought a special guest. Meet Gracie!

Early morning walk with Papa.

The paparazzi showed up at the airport!

And Gran left a lipstick kiss on the sweet boy's forehead.

Until we meet again . . . 


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