As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Gathering the Moments | March 2024


As an attempt to do a little catching up and give some attention to my neglected blog, I'm going to gather the moments and reflect on the past couple of months. (I'll "gather" April soon.) 

March was many days of rain and only a few days of sun-filled rooms (but oh how I soaked those in!). It was a ladies' retreat. It was a 1000-piece Jane Austen-themed puzzle that took a long time to complete because spring break went too quickly. 

March was continuing a ladies' Bible study and reveling in the fellowship after a year with few connections. It was making scones or muffins on Thursday mornings and sipping coffee and delving into the Red Sea (not literally, of course). 

March was a 19th anniversary and a 3rd birthday. 

March was coffee-drives and chatting and loving green and buds and colorful blooms and families of goslings. 

March was remembering last year. 

March was sorting through photos and letters and memories. March was joy and tears. 

March was a song that is a Psalm that came and stayed in my mind and and in my heart and strengthened me. 

March was the celebration of the Resurrection, and the promise of eternal life!

O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory? 

The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. 

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  

I Corinthians 15: 55-57


  1. Your post was a joy and a delight, Cheryl! How lovely to catch these glimpses of restfulness and beauty in your month of March. You caught some lovely sunshine in your photos that added surprise and more delight. Wishing you a beautiful weekend. xo

    1. Thank you for visiting, Brenda, and for sharing my delight in these moments!

  2. Cheryl, what beautiful photos of so many 'gatherings', family, flowers, beauty.

  3. It's always lovely to see your family and your gatherings. I'm always shocked to see how much your grands have grown!
    I know certain milestones of our loved ones passing is difficult. Such great photos of your father, my friend. Your mother looks well and I wish her the best in the days ahead.
    So happy to see your beautiful home with lovely beams of light shining. That would be nice to see more of as it is pouring today.

    1. Martha Ellen, it is amazing to me too, to see how very quickly they are all growing up . . . seven teenagers, four drivers, three graduated from high school! (Weren't they just born?!)

      Yes, there are many difficult days and/or moments. In many ways, life is never the same. (You know this.) But there is also much joy . . .

      Thank you for sharing life's ups and downs with me here in this space! I hope you're enjoying sunshine in your corner today! (We are, and it is so welcome!)

  4. Puzzles, sunshine/shadows, the color blue, mugs on a tea saucer ( I never would have thought of that, they look wonderful!), beautiful cozy home scenes. I think I may have read the same book that you did on the Red Sea, and our Choir (from years ago), sang that song you shared. I'll have to add it to my Hymns playlist on Spotify.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Melissa! I love that you have sung that song and love it too! Also fun to think that we may have read the same book!

      Actually, the mugs were sitting on our empty scone plates as we brought our dishes to the kitchen after Bible study. But you know, sitting a mug on a saucer is not a bad idea!

  5. A lovely March catchup, Cheryl! The sunshine in your home must fill you with delight.

    1. Thanks so much, Lorrie! Although I do enjoy a cozy, rainy day, I absolutely delight in light-filled rooms!

  6. I like the format you used for your recap. The photos are all a great visual recap, too. A wonderful worship song that we haven't sung for several years now. So good to hear from you. Once I get my photo issues solved, I'll need to recap some events visually. Happy last several days of May to you!

    1. Thank you kindly, Ellen! I don't intend to take such long absences from blogging/visiting, but that's just how life is right now. It's always good to check in and catch up with my dear blogging friends! I hope that you are able to get your photo issues solved. Techie things like that are SO frustrating. I hope that you had a lovely visit with your Coast kids and are enjoying your last few days of May too!

  7. You captured your March wonderfully with words and pictures, Cheryl. I can't wait to see your April recap. You have a gift for photography, and a beautiful home. Your posts always inspire me.

    1. Thank you for joining me on my journey through March, Becki! April is coming soon, even though it's nearly May now! And thank you so much for your very kind words!


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