In this particular post in my Homeschooling: Finding Joy in the Journey series, I'd like to share a personal story. It is the story of this year, Bekah's 8th grade, and how I have seen God's hand in our little school.
Of course, I always plan for our school year. Actually, I love to plan! Beginning in the spring (or even sooner) and making final decisions by summer, I read and consider and mull it over and peruse catalogs and discuss it all with Ron until I think that we have a direction for each child for the upcoming year. The most important thing I do is to pray for His guidance. I have done this every one of the twenty-four years that we have homeschooled, and I have found Him faithful to guide.
But after I have done everything that I know to do, He often surprises me by enriching my plans!
Here is my story:
But after I have done everything that I know to do, He often surprises me by enriching my plans!
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Here is my story:
This year, Bekah is studying Ancient History. I knew that I would be using The Mystery of History Volume I, mostly because I love how the author follows history chronologically, from a Christian perspective, melding Biblical and secular history into one story (which it truly is).
And here are the things I did not plan:
Have we really been listening to the same 24 songs since the beginning of January? Absolutely! They are beautiful songs, rich with meaning, taken from Scripture. The words have worked their way into our hearts. From "In the Beginning" (Genesis) and "Lift Up the Suffering Symbol" (Numbers) to "Then They Will Know" (God's message through many of the prophets) and "Malachi," we hear and sing the message of the Old Testament Scriptures.
The amazing thing about this? We didn't even know we had them!
The books were published in 1989 and 1992 and are now out of print. Where ever they came from, they were purchased on sale for $1.00 each, but no one remembers buying them. All I know is that they are a gift for Bekah (and for us) right now. This year. She is playing these beautiful songs and we are listening and singing and meditating on their message.
And here are the things I did not plan:
Our Bible study group is studying the book of Ezekiel.
We began this study in September and we're currently in Chapter 25. Yes, we work our way slowly and thoroughly through Scripture and we are all learning and gleaning so very much. Studying Ezekiel while learning the historical setting makes the story come alive.We were able to see a performance of Moses at Sight & Sound Theater.
When we visited the Rabes in October, they took us to the show! What a thrill to see the story that we read along with the sights and sounds of Ancient Egypt. Perfect field trip!In January, Kati borrowed An Invitation to Awe from our local library.
This is a two-CD musical collection by Michael Card, based on the writings of the Old Testament. (This is a remastered version of The Ancient Faith.) Kati put one of the discs in her car and I kept one in our van. In February, we purchased the collection as a gift for Kati. In March, she had to return the borrowed set to the library and I checked it out myself. In April, we purchased the set for ourselves.Have we really been listening to the same 24 songs since the beginning of January? Absolutely! They are beautiful songs, rich with meaning, taken from Scripture. The words have worked their way into our hearts. From "In the Beginning" (Genesis) and "Lift Up the Suffering Symbol" (Numbers) to "Then They Will Know" (God's message through many of the prophets) and "Malachi," we hear and sing the message of the Old Testament Scriptures.
Bekah found the piano music to An Invitation to Awe.
One evening, she was looking through some old piano books and sheet music for something new to play when --lo and behold!-- she found two books with the accompaniment to many of the songs in the collection. She was so excited!The amazing thing about this? We didn't even know we had them!
The books were published in 1989 and 1992 and are now out of print. Where ever they came from, they were purchased on sale for $1.00 each, but no one remembers buying them. All I know is that they are a gift for Bekah (and for us) right now. This year. She is playing these beautiful songs and we are listening and singing and meditating on their message.
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Does God care about my little school? About the one student in my class? Does he arrange the details of our lives?
I believe that He does!
And Christian homeschooling mom, I believe that He cares about your school and your students too.
As you look ahead to the next school year, pray and make your plans...and then watch for the ways that He will lead!