As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving | 2021

The table was set for twenty this year.

We were missing some. Kati, Andrew, and their babies were celebrating with Andrew's family. Mom and Daddy were home because Daddy was feeling under the weather. They were all greatly missed! But we believe that you celebrate big with the ones who are here! 

Two folding tables were joined to our dining room table and all were draped with white tablecloths. We set a variety of brown transferware, a variety of white cloth napkins, and a variety of silverware. Lots of variety . . . but it all flowed together. 

It can be challenging to decorate a looooong table. One centerpiece doesn't feel like enough, and if we did one, it would be on the middle table which is one of the narrower ones. So we usually go with long-and-narrow meandering centerpiece which means a lot of items needed to fill the space. This year, we started with small burgundy potted mums from Trader Joe's and interspersed them with pewter candlesticks with white candles. We added two different sizes of votives with white candles. Then we  gathered all of the pumpkins and gourds we had in the house (we actually pulled some from outside too) and spread them along the length of the table. (We used all but the bright orange ones.) We added pomegranates and Bosc pears for a sort of cornucopia look. Finally, we strewed faux acorns and preserved leaves for filler and for color.  

The tables were set. I had my Thanksgiving playlist streaming through the speaker. Our portion of the feast was prepared. We were ready for our loved ones! 

Are these not the cutest little turkeys? 

Some father/daughter teamwork: Kristin is making the gravy, and Ron is filling the bowl with his mashed potatoes. 

For the first time, Nora accompanied our pre-dinner Thanksgiving hymn. 🎜🎝

We all sang "For the Beauty of the Earth." 

Ron prayed the blessing, and then we sang Happy Birthday to Peter! Peter was born on Thanksgiving Day in 2011, and this year he had a Thanksgiving birthday. We had a big celebration for him! 😉

If you've been reading here long, you may remember that we have "servers" each year for our Thanksgiving meal. It eliminates a long buffet line or having all of the food on the table which is already pretty full. I neglected to get a photo of the servers this year, but they were Kristin, Bekah, and Maddie and they did a fine job! 

Brian helped us with our Thanksgiving selfie, which we texted to faraway Kati and family. They texted one to us too. 

This year, Ron went around the table and had everyone share something that they were thankful for. He followed that with asking us our favorite food on the Thanksgiving table. 

This was Baby Joanna's first Thanksgiving.  I got to sit beside her at the table! After she ate, we played peekaboo with our napkins. So much fun! 

Eve made a beautiful apple pie!

Bekah and I took plates of food over to Mom and Daddy. 

This picture is gold! What helpful guys with servant hearts! 

The cousins presented a new musical creation, Thanksgiving themed. "Going to a New Land . . . " 🎜🎝

Judah (3) checking out the dessert buffet! Lots of choices there, Judah!

I was happy with my choice! 

"It is good to give thanks to the LORD,
And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High."
Psalm 92:1


  1. What a lovely family Thanksgiving you all had.

  2. That is a ginormous table! What a blessing. 🧡

    And in the last photo, that's got to be homemade whipped cream. Everything looks so good!

    1. Thank you, Sandi! It was a great day and yes, homemade whipped cream was definitely on the dessert table. It's not that hard to make and it's so much better. (That is my opinion, however. I have one daughter who prefers Ready Whip!) One thing that I love about our house is that there is room to put tables end to end to accommodate all of our people . . . and Thanksgiving Day is one of those days that I want everyone together! A blessing indeed!

  3. A beautiful table with so many to gather around. Your mom looks so pretty in her festive blouse. Trusting that your dad will feel much better soon. Very much enjoyed the music and singing, the grands all looking so cute, especially the one eying the pies. 🥧 And yay for helpers!

    1. Thanks for all of your kind words, Vee! Of course, the most beautiful thing at the table are the dear faces. ♥ Mom is always dressed to the nines! When I took a quick photo of the dessert (because I had a line of grands ready to eat!), I had no idea that Judah was in the shot . . . but it is one of my favorite photos of the day. Helpers are gold.

  4. That's an impressive table, or should I say tables, and even more impressive when everyone is seated. You are definitely a large group. So blessed you are. I hope your dad is feeling better. Happy belated Thanksgiving.

    1. A table (tables) of blessing, for sure!

      Daddy is still not feeling well. He has some chronic conditions that worsen with age. Praying for some better days soon . . .

  5. What a beautiful gathering around that long, long table filled with people you love. I like the idea of a meandering centrepiece!

    1. Thank you, Lorrie! So blessed to be around the table together, celebrating the goodness of God!

  6. Your gathering was nearly as big as ours! Lovely day with lovely people. I know you all had a wonderful time.

    1. Yes, I enjoyed seeing photos of your long table(s) too! Thank you for your kind words. It was indeed a wonderful day!

  7. My goodness what a beautiful celebration, Cheryl. Each and every photo is purely joyous. I do hope your Daddy is feeling better.

    1. Thanks so much, Martha Ellen! I hope that you had a joyous celebration too! My daddy, just today, has started to feel better. Thank you for asking. ♥

  8. What a wonderful long table of thankful hearts. That's a great idea to have servers. Sorry your dad was under the weather. Love the photo of the guys in the kitchen!! So have you started Christmas decorating? :)

    1. Having the servers is wonderful! At every other meal, we have a buffet line in the kitchen, but Thanksgiving is special and the servers make it happen. Best of all, they all seem to love their jobs and volunteer year after year! Guys in the kitchen is pretty wonderful too!

      Indoor Christmas decorating began last Saturday and was completed late Monday night (because I was expecting a visitor on Tuesday). Outdoor decorating will happen sometime this next week.

  9. This all looks just so wonderful! Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures of your precious family!

    1. Thank you, dear Rosella! It certainly was a wonderful day, full of blessing. I treasure these days . . .

  10. What a beautiful Thanksgiving you had. I always enjoy seeing pictures of your family, and your home. I love the idea of having servers. I am curious if everyone gets the same thing on their plate, or do the servers take orders? Always something to learn about from you. :)

    1. Thank you, Becki! We feel very blessed!

      So here's how Thanksgiving dinner works at our house.
      For most family/holiday meals, we have a buffet line in the kitchen and everyone fills their own plates, but at Thanksgiving, there is so much food, and it is nice for everyone to be seated together at the same time, so we have servers. (We actually used servers in our old house too. We rearranged furniture and had several tables in our farmhouse kitchen so that we could all sit together, but it was pretty tight!)

      So the servers pick up each dish from the kitchen and bring it into the dining room, and it is passed around the table. (Servers will also help the littles get their portions.) Because we have three servers, there are several dishes going around at once. One of the servers also takes drink orders and they are filled and placed before the meal begins.


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