As the name of my blog indicates, I spend a lot of time thinking about home. Of course, my Heavenly Home is the one that is eternal, so that’s where I need to lay up my treasures, and that’s the one I’m striving for. But in the meantime, I have been given this tiny piece of the here-and-now—this home on the edge of town, this family, this neighborhood—in which to serve Him. And, though this is in the earthly realm, I want the things that happen here to be investments in the Heavenly realm.

Thursday, August 31, 2023


There was one Sunday morning, much like any other, when we were running late on our way to our home fellowship meeting. I was frustrated with myself because I was (again) the cause of our tardiness. I said to Ron, "You'd think that by the time I was 52, I would have figured things out and not still be struggling with the same issues over and over again!" And Ron responded something like, "It doesn't matter how old you are; you will always be learning."

I wasn't sure whether that was the good news or the bad news, but I have often pondered that idea often over the past ten-ish years.

All through life, there are lessons to be learned. 

And in the past seven months, I have learned many. 

My pride has been broken. I thought that I knew the right plan . . . and yet it wasn't. 

I have learned that sometimes I need to let go of my ideals. 

I have learned anew the value of having His Word hidden in my heart. 

I have learned to reach out more, to be more vulnerable, to be needy. 

I have learned to appreciate (more) the wisdom of my husband.

I have learned that I have so very much left to learn. 

I have been the recipient of compassion, generosity, empathy, friendship, support, love, and many, many prayers. I pray that I will be able to pass those gifts along to others in their time of need, that I have learned the grace of receiving and giving. 

It is the Lord. Let Him do what seems good to Him.
I Samuel 3:18 


  1. Such wonderful wise thoughts Cheryl...your husband is so right we are always learning. Perhaps that is why as we age we become more frail and vulnerable so we learn to rely on the Heavenly Father more and more! Take care and have a great holiday weekend.

    1. Debbie, I think you could be right . . . that we rely on our Heavenly Father more in our weakness. Thank you for that insight! Indeed, always learning!

  2. We have a new pastor and his first sermon to us was eye opening. He talked about the Gospel and Sanctification. Our Sanctification process (life long) is hard and slow. It's a process not an event and it is continuous. So thankful to God that His lovingkindness and mercy are fresh. I'm praying right now that the Spirit continues to change you as you work and gives you the will to do what He wants you to do. (And for me, too!) Good to hear from you, dear Cheryl!

    1. Ellen, thank you for your encouraging words! "Hard and slow." "A process not an event." Yes, that is encouraging because His work in us is beautiful and prepares us for His Kingdom. Thank you, too, for your prayers!

  3. This is very encouraging. Thank you!

    1. I am glad that it was encouraging, Mrs. White!

  4. Good to hear from you. Yes, it's always great when we keep learning new things. Sort of like reading the same Bible passage that we know we have read before and realize I never "saw" that before.
    Continuing to pray for your Dad and his health. I didn't comment on your last post, but just wanted to say that it's so cute your mom wears white on their Anni ersary!

    1. Oops, that should have said "Anniversary".

    2. Yes, learning new things is good . . . even when it is hard. Thank you so much for your prayers!

      I like that tradition of my mom's too!

  5. Forever and amen

  6. Dear Cheryl, life lessons will always be in front of us as we live and learn. I hope you are not too hard on yourself, my friend. Hearing your heart and praying for peace as you learn life's hardest lessons. Hugs to you, sweet friend.

    1. Martha Ellen, I am always heartened by your sweet comments and encouraging words! Hugs back to you!

  7. Life changes are so hard . . . especially when we thought things were fine . . . "but God" . . . teaches in the way I learn best, not like best unfortunately. Praying for you . . .

    1. Vickie, you are right. God teaches in the way that we learn best and not the way we like best . . . and that is good, isn't it?! Thank you for your prayers!

  8. I'm always running late so this really reminded me of myself. Life is a lesson. I make so many mistakes but in these hopefully teach me. I'm not perfect, but my Lord is and He is always changing me to be more like Himself.

    1. Yes, our Lord is always perfect! I am thankful that He is conforming me to His image, even when it's painful.

  9. Now in my eighties (when did that happen??) I realise that one never stops learning, sometimes painfully.

    1. Yes, Barbara, and we know it will be worth it all!

  10. I love this post on so many levels Cheryl! May we never stop learning and living our lives with Grace and Dignity!

    1. Thank you, Rosella! And I say "Amen" to this: May we never stop learning . . .

  11. I feel like the older I get the more I have to learn. But I am always heartened when I learn new things. That God invites me to keep learning feels like a wonderful mercy - even if the things I have to learn are hard. Learning is good.

    1. Oh, you're so right, Becki. It is heartening to learn new things . . . and a mercy from God!

  12. What a sweet honest beautiful post!! It is sooooo hard learning such. God is at work, my friend said today refining us more n more into His image <3. Lord Bless You ~tammy


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