Late summer evening... |
Monday got away from me. It's been a busy summer, friends!
Kati was off all day yesterday, so we girls decided to go out for snow cones in the afternoon. We were all hoping to end the summer with an egg custard snow cone. (Egg custard isn't really custard, nor does it contain eggs.
It's a Maryland thing.)
Our local snow cone stand seems to always be out of egg custard flavoring and we decided before we left home that we only wanted egg custard. In fact, we became passionate about it and said things like "No tutti frutti for us!" and "If you don't have egg custard, we don't want anything!" and (Patrick Henry-style) "Give me egg custard, or give me dea..." Okay, that's a little dramatic for a snow cone. But you get the idea.
Can you guess what happened?
No egg custard. Blah.
So although we did not make any of the impassioned declarations that we had made at home, we did say "no, thank you" and headed off for iced coffee which became frozen coffee when we saw that on the coffee shop menu. (It was sort of like a coffee smoothie and it was the bomb.) Then we did a "drive by" and meandered around some of our usual places and then we got off the beaten track and went into some different areas and saw houses and streets and roads that we had never seen before and then went in a totally opposite direction and meandered some more.
The best thing about this kind of afternoon? Not the snow cones coffee and not the house ogling. It is the conversation. As we meander, we talk about everything from coffee shops to work situations to homeschool science to wedding gowns to God's unique plan for our lives. Priceless.
Last week Ron and I spent some lovely days at the coast, celebrating thirty-seven years of marriage. We enjoyed time at a beautiful B&B and wandered around some seaside towns.
All summer, I have been looking for a starfish. I don't do a lot of decorating for summer, but I thought a small starfish in my potpourri bowl would whisper summer. I found some that were too wide, too large, too expensive, or too many (a package of ten), but since a starfish isn't really a "must have," I decided to wait until, like Goldilocks, I found what was just right. And I found it in one of the seaside towns. Success!
We came home from our trip in time for a weekend visit from some of our favorite people, our son Ryan and his family. They were staying at their "
vacation home" this time, but we spent lots of time with them over the weekend.
Isn't this baby boy growing up?!
I haven't told you the primary reason for their visit. I'll do that in a separate post.
Labor Day is late this year, and we've done almost everything on our summer list, so we are going back to (home) school next week. We are both ready.
It will be the first year of high school for Bekah! (My "baby"?! Yikes!)
Let's end this chat with an informal poll. On our outing yesterday, I posed this question to the girls. How would you answer this?
With which of the following do you associate the first day of school?
A. Butterflies in the tummy
B. A feeling of dread
C. Warm fuzzies