Oh, it is such a lovely first day of fall! The weather is glorious, doors are open, and Ron is off this week tackling projects around the house. I am praising the Lord for His faithfulness as evidenced in the return of the seasons year after year after year.
"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease."
Genesis 8:22
Here are some glimpses of autumn in my world today . . .
Three small one-dollar mums plopped in an old bowl.

Yes, I have been eagerly awaiting Autumn!
I wait for it all year. There are things that I love about every season, but fall is my favorite.
I have been saving this beautiful mug that my sister gave me for the first day of fall.
I love it (thank you, Linda!) and I celebrated by having two cups of coffee this morning.
At the back door.
This could be the first time a tractor came to our small neighborhood at the edge of town!
Ron borrowed his brother's tractor to level out the ground by the new fence.
I called out the back door, "Who is this farm boy in my back yard?"
He laughed, but he really is a farm boy at heart!
Some of us are working hard. Some of us are not.
Not sure where this pumpkin will land, but it's here on the kitchen island for now.
I love a green pumpkin, but I have had trouble finding them this year.
At the front door.
But, actually, this photo is already outdated because, as I type, Ron is installing a new full-view storm door. We also have plans to replace the iron railing with a colonial-style wooden rail later this fall.
Yes, fall is my favorite, but some of my people are hating to say good-bye to summer.
What about you? Which season is your favorite?