It seems I am later every year in gathering my thoughts and my "moments" from the holiday season. This season was particularly busy. From Thanksgiving right up until now, there have been recitals, gatherings, visitors, parties, events, and a husband on vacation. We had a couple of days of school last week, but starting today, my plan is to hunker down for the long haul. The winter term is actually my favorite, simply because there are fewer days off, fewer interruptions, and more inside time. I like to "dig in" to our studies in January and ride it out as long as possible, hopefully until we get spring fever! (And it's our last winter term. ~sniff~)
I realize that many of you have put Christmas away for another year (me too). And most of you are probably already working on your plans and goals for the new year (me too - some). But I am going to take a bit of time to gather and reflect before forging ahead.
Here are some highlights . . .
Because Ryan and Sarah were traveling to visit her parents during Christmas, we gathered with them before they left. We shared tokens of our love, lots of laughs (especially when the kids opened the game that Aunt Kati gave them), and treats from both houses.
Homemade eggnog ice cream . . . |
and lots of yummy cookies! |
On Christmas Eve, five of our grands (Maddie, Owen, Ben, Alaine, and Macie) and our son-in-law Brian acted in a nativity play.
Christmas Day began with the girls opening gifts,
and then the grandparents joined us for breakfast. The menu is always the same: Christmas Morning Casserole (sausage, egg, and cheese mixture with a hash brown crust), crock pot oatmeal, orange rolls (Gammy brings this; we couldn't have Christmas breakfast without it!), sausage balls (also by Gammy), fruit, orange juice, and coffee.
Gammy's orange rolls |
Mom wears her necklace of Christmas lights in honor of her sister,
my Aunt Lynn, who passed away on Christmas Day several years ago.
Lynn loved Christmas and wore her own necklace of lights during her final days on earth. |
In the afternoon, Kristin and Brian and their kids came to celebrate!
It was a first Christmas for baby Judah. This sweet boy melts Gran's heart!
You gotta love when your shirt matches your gift! :) |
Then it was time for Gammy and Gampy to come back, and for my sister Linda to join Celebration Round 3!
(Round 3 included desserts.)
All the girls who wore burgundy and gray on Christmas Day! |
The days after Christmas were full too! We visited Kristin and family in their home . . .
♥ oldest and youngest brothers ♥ |
. . . and my parents at their home! (Yummy things at both places!)
The evening after Christmas, Andrew arrived for a nice long visit!
I was able to find toy tardigrades to give to this nature-loving pair.
(Google tardigrades if you must, but don't say I didn't warn you . . . ) |
Andrew's parents also traveled to Maryland to visit family and to meet Kati. We were delighted to have them for dinner one evening so that we could get to know them a bit ourselves.
I already told you about the New Year's Eve party that we all attended . . . you know, the one in which
Kati and Andrew served octopus?
Tonight, Andrew is back at home.
(But Kati has plane tickets for an upcoming visit.)
School is back in session. We're on the home stretch.
I was in my nightgown before Jeopardy.
(Ahhhh . . . )
Christmas season 2018 is past . . . but the memories linger . . .